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Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?1. 知识目标:A.学会正确朗读和书写I-R 字母.B.学会使用句型: Whats this in English?Its a map.Spell it,please.MAP.C.学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。D.让学生学会运用所学的语言结构指物辨认和拼读单词。E.掌握a和an的用法:即辅音音素前用a,元音音素前用an。2. 能力目标:A.掌握元音字母A a Ee的发音规律,提高学生的辨音能力;并能够正确书写。B.能够向别人有礼貌地问候;并能使用不同时段打招呼的用语。C.培养学生观察生活、捕捉信息的能力。3. 情感目标:A.教师要帮助学生建立起一个切合自己实际的目标,通过渐进的学习以及一点一滴的进步,使他们逐步建立起成就感。B.通过学生对英语的初步学习,激发他们的学习兴趣和求知欲。教学重点、难点重点: A. 熟练掌握字母I-R; B. 掌握wh-基本用语。 C. 冠词a,an以及代词this,that,it的用法。难点:A.掌握元音字母I;O在单词中的发音; B.学会如何用简单的日常用语。 C. 冠词a,an以及代词this,that,it的用法。课时安排第一课时 1a;2a-2e; 第二课时4a-4d.第三课时 1b-1c;3a-3e.The First PeriodTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming up1. Sing the alphabet song2.点将台教师快速点名,点到名字的学生必须按顺序背诵字母,看谁反应快。3.在学生利用热身活动复习好字母后,教师引导学生完成课本上的1a。Step 2.Present the new letters and practice them1在多媒体课件上出示IR这几个字母的笔顺和大小写,先不要让学生写,让学生看清笔画顺序。教师可以多写几遍,并讲解占格方式。然后让学生仿写。教师走下去,一个个纠正。然后再到前面进行纠正,一定要让学生把字母写正确,写漂亮。目的是规范学生的书写,帮他们养成良好的书写习惯。2学生会写后,教师反复带读,并纠正读音,以保证让学生熟读熟记。3播放2a部分的录音,要求学生跟读。然后播放2b部分的录音,要求学生根据所听到的顺序为字母编号。4. Write the letters, teach how to write the letters one by one.观察并抄写课本2c部分.Teacher:English letters have two forms.They are capital letters and small letters.They are both important. You can write them after the models.5. Practice writing the letters on their exercise books and the teacher checks them.4.比一比,看谁写得漂亮。选出写得最好的到黑板上写给全体同学欣赏。5利用2d检查学生对这几个字母的掌握情况。Step 3. Task1训练学生对IiRr字母的反应能力。展示2e中字母或字母组合的图片,让学生讨论这些字母或字母组合的意义,再让学生找出生活中见到的字母组合。2字母训练任务:游戏字母学生们用自己的身体来组成字母。最后评比哪组表演得像。Step4:Games time 看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的两分,后站起来的得一分,没站起来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。Homework1将刚才总结的内容抄写直至会默写。2将今天学习的句型抄写在四线本上,当作英语书法作业,明天交上来,我们一起评比,选出10个最佳作业。Period TwoTeaching ProceduresStep 1:WarmupPlay games 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持前面学习过的大写字母,另一组持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来得两分,后站起来得一分,没站起来得零分,得分多的组获胜。Step 2:Put the letters in order1完成课本4a部分。2完成课本4b部分。Step 3:Listen and repeat1. Play a reading game.Teacher: Yesterday we learned the English letters A to H. Now lets play a game. Ill show some words on the blackboard. Please try to spell the words as quickly as possible. Lets see which group will be the first.AA H J K Dale Grace Frank thanks jacket map EB C D E G P evening F L M N Halen pen Ii hi fine quilt in OO OK orange (The student in different groups spell the words one by one as quickly as they can. The group which finishes spelling will be the winner of the games.)2. 4c. Listen to the tape and repeat the words.Teacher: thank you for your good job. According to the form we can find different letters can be made into different words. Do you want to know how to read them? Now lets listen to the tape and repeat.3. Work on 4d. Find out the rules of the pronunciation.A. Ask Students to read aloud the words on the left. Make sure they know the distinction between different pronunciations of the same letter. B. Ask Students to try to read the new words on the right. Teacher moves around the classroom and helps students if necessary. C. Check their pronunciations. Teacher: According to the tape, we can find the letters A and E play an important part in the pronunciation. They are called vowels. Now look at their forms, can you find out some rules about them?A: We can find “A” has two pronunciations. One is the sound of the letter“A”. The other is the sound like that in the word “apple”.B:“E” also has two pronunciations. One is i:, and the other is e.T:Yes, thats right. What about letter I and O? Ss: .Step 4: Practice 4d.1. Read the words.Teacher: Since you know the rules about the pronunciation, can you read the words below? Now you can read the words to your partners.Homework1完成配套练习册。2能够读写AaRr字母的大小写形式。Period ThreeTeaching ProceduresStep l:Introduction1. Review greetings.2. Review the letters learn in the last unit 3. Go through the letters AaRr quickly, pay attention to the intonation. Then play a game: listen and pick the right letter, then arrange the letters in the right order and read loudly. Step 2:Leadin1. 拿出一支钢笔,对同学们说:大家看这个东西,我们汉语中叫“钢笔”,你知道用英语怎么表达吗?你可以这样回答:Its a pen.你看,“钢笔”就是pen,那么再看“尺子”然后展示图片,学习新单词。Step 3:Present the new words在导入之后,利用多媒体课件,展示几个图片:cup,ruler,orange,pen,jacket,quilt,key,map,利用图片学习单词,要求将单词的音标写在单词下面,然后带着学生认读,再齐读、一个个地读、反复读,直到学生熟练读出。另外,教读单词时,一定要让学生边读边记,可以让学生用手指在课桌上比画,根据读音拼写单词,然后再在四线格上默写。Step 4:Practice the new words学生认读单词后,就要趁热打铁,尽快巩固。1利用单词卡片,让学生看着汉语意思,快速说出单词,先大家一起说,然后找个别学生说。2用实物或图片给学生提示,让学生说出这些单词,在学生说出单词时,一定要用“Spell it,please.”让学生拼写一遍。3学生分组竞赛,选出代表到黑板上默写,看哪一组默写的单词又快又多。Step 5:Present the new language1. Have ready a quilt,a map,a jacket,a key,a ruler,a pen,an orangeHold the key up and say T: Whats this in English? Its a keyYes, its a key. K-E-Y, key. We can spell it K-E-Y.2. Teacher point to a pen away the teacher and ask:T: Whats that in English? Yes, its a pen. P-E-N, pen. We can spell it P-E-N.3. Repeat and then get students to repeatDo the same with a key,a pen,a ruler. Step 6:Listening practice1. Activity1a Listen to the conversation. Then let the students act out the conversations in pairs. Make sure the students understand what they should do Step 7:Listen and readHave the students listen to the tape and repeatStep 8:PairworkLet students make their own conversations with these new words in pairs, then ask them to act out.Step 9: Practice listening 1Listen and number (Finish 3a)听录音,为课本上的图片编号。2Listen and complete (Finish 3b)把单词补充完整。(这部分内容可以不听,直接让学生填写)3Listen and number (Finish 3d)4Listen and repeat使用暂停键,听一句让学生重复一句。Step 10:Present the dialogue1. 利用投影仪,3c和3e进行整合,操练句型A:Whats that/that in English? B:Its an /a.A:Sp


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