



基础题型四 补全对话01 命题趋势 考标导向化补全对话是全国大部分省、市的中考的必考题型,它是一种综合性较强的测试题,旨在考查学生在具体的语言情景中正确运用语言进行交际、准确表达观点或看法的能力。考查内容几乎涉及初中教材中出现的所有话题,如:购物、问路、看病、打电话、聚会、谈论天气、祝愿、请求、问候、表示“同意或不同意”。分值一般在5%10%之间。预计2015年补全对话仍将延续这一趋势。02 题型解读 题型归类化类型选择型【解题策略】1.做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际 活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。2.选择句子补全对话注重语境,答语的依据往往隐藏在问句中,而问句的依据往往隐藏在答语中,因此,解答此类题目,一定要注意具体语境,联系上、下文,捕捉语境暗示的信息,结合习惯表达方式,准确理解题干的含义。3.选择句子补全对话一般要求从57个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,个别选项迷惑性极强,因此需要根据题设情景反复推敲,瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。4.检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。【题组训练】A(2014山西)根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。(Kitty and Mark meet outside the school gate after school.)A:Hi,Mark. Bens birthday is coming. Im planning a surprise party for him this Saturday. 1B:Sure,Kitty. Im free. What are we going to do at the party?A: 2 Well also have a barbecue. Someone will bring Ben to the party without telling him.B:Really? You mean he doesnt know the party at all?A: 3 Weve also prepared some gifts for him.B:Sounds great.Im looking forward to it. 4A:Its in my house.You can come earlier.See you then.B: OK. 5A. See you.B.Yes,thats right.C.Will you help me?D.Where is the party?E.Im sure youll like it.F.Shall we buy some fruit?G.Were going to play some games.1._2._3._4._5._B(2014天津)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A:Hi,Tom! You look very happy today.B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming.A:Oh,really? 1B:Tomorrow.I cant wait to see him.A: 2 B:For two weeks.A: 3 B:He is really friendly. Im sure you will like him when you see him.A:What does he look like?B: 4 He plays football well.A:Could you introduce him to me?B: 5 A.How long will he stay?B.Of course.C.When is he coming?D.What is it?E.What is he like?F.He is tall and strong.G.How often does he visit you?1._2._3._4._5._C(2014襄阳)根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,使对话完整、通顺。W:You look worried,David,whats wrong?M: 1 W:You said you liked English. 2 M:I find it difficult to do English reading,especially reading a longer passage.W:That doesnt sound too bad.M: 3 What should I do?W:Just read quickly to get the main idea at first.Dont read word by word.Read word groups.M: 4 W:To guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.You probably understand more than you think.M:That sounds difficult.W: 5 You can improve your English reading by more practice. The more you read,the faster youll be.M:Ill try thank you,Mrs. Black.A.But how do I deal with the words I dont understand.B.I hope I can.C.Im having trouble learning English.D.I failed my math test.E.Well,be patient.It takes time.F.Whats your problem?G.But Im a very slow reader.1._2._3._4._5._D(2014南昌)请阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话。Kate:Good morning,Jack. 1 Jack:Oh no!Kate:What do you mean,“Oh no”?Jack:I think I left iton the kitchen table! I was hurrying because I was late.Kate: 2 Jack:Im very sorry!Kate:Well,it doesnt matter. 3 But can you bring it tomorrow?Jack:Yes,OK.Im sorry!Kate:Its all right.See you tomorrowOh,Jack,whats the matter? 4 Jack:Well,I remember your book isnt at home. I think I left it on the bus!Kate:Oh,my god! 5 A.You lost it!B.You look strange.C.I can share with Judy in class.D.Biology is my favorite subject.E.Have you got my biology book?F.Do you think it is in your schoolbag?G.But I have got a biology lesson this afternoon!1._2._3._4._5._类型填词型【解题策略】1.首先通读整篇对话,获取有用信息在做填词型补全对话题时,应忽略空白处,快速把全篇对话通读一遍,从而把握对话的内容、语境及话题范围,理解谈话双方的意图。此外,也要注意对话前有无中文或英文背景提示,以便我们更好地理解对话内容。2.前后照应,逐句推敲做题时,要把自己假设为对话人物,设身处地猜测大意并根据上下文来判断所填的内容。有的答案是根据上下文内容决定的,必须综观全文,全盘考虑,然后再回头补填。特别是提示填词型对话,所填的词不仅要求语义适合,还要求词性正确,因此在特定的句子中一定要考虑所填单词的正确形式。3.复读对话,确保无误在做完题目后要复读全篇对话,确保对话语句通顺,意思连贯,且符合西方国家的语言风俗习惯。【题组训练】根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空,使对话内容完整正确。A(2014台州)box look move beside easilyHelen:Oh,what a beautiful house! I love it.Victor:Me too.Well,where shall we put these 1 first?Helen:Lets put them in that corner.And we could put the shelf here,2 the desk.Victor:Good suggestion! We can get books more 3 if the shelf is here.Helen:Wouldnt it be a good idea to place the sofa here,right in the middle?Victor:No,it will 4 too crowded. It will be much better if we put it on the right.Helen:If the sofa is on the right,the TV should be 5 to the left.Victor:Thats right.1._2._3._4._5._B(2014舟山)freedom meet cool encourage wrongTom:Hi,Dad,do you have time for a chat?I have 1 some problems.Dad:Oh,Tom,whats 2 ?Tom:Dad,you and mum are always around me.I dont have my own time and 3 .Dad:Are we?Tom:Yes.I always have to obey you,but Im able to decide my own business now.Dad:Oh,I didnt realize that we hardly 4 you to make your own decision in the past.Tom:Dad,I have grown up.Please dont treat me like a child.Dad:Im sorry.Well try to change ourselves.Tom:Thats 5 .Dad:Son,remember,we are always open for a chat.1._2._3._4._5._C(2013南京)thousands of hopeless turning off so WhatA:Hey! I met a student from a green school in Dalian.B:A green school? 1 is it?A:It is a school which supports the protection of the environment. In fact,there are 2 green schools in China. Its wasteful to throw away glass,paper and metal, 3 every class in such schools collects waste that can be used again and then sells it for recycling(再利用).B:Great! What else do they do?A:They also save energy and recycle things at home,such as 4 lights and saving water.B:If everyone tries to protect the environment,we will make the world much better.A:I agree.If we dont,the future is 5 .B:Anyway,public concern over the environment has greatly increases.There is hope for the future.1._2._3._4._5._D(2014南宁)根据对话内容,在空格处填上适当的单词,使对话完整、通顺。A:Hi,Lin Tao.How is your report about “Beautiful Guangxi Clean Villages” project?B:Oh,I just finished it this morning.A:Really?Can you tell 1 more.B:Sure.I find that people dont 2 away rubbish here and there.A:Thats true.So the streets and rivers are 3 than before.B:Yes,Great changes have taken 4 in cities and villages. If people can do well. Guangxi will get more and more beautiful.A:I agree 5 you.1._2._3._4._5._类型 补全句子型【解题策略】1.先通读全文,认真阅读对话内容,通过题目所提供的信息掌握对话的主题,判断出它是涉及哪方面的情景或内容(如购物、看病、问路、谈论天气等)。2.对话通常包括提出话题、展开话题和结束话题三个阶段。顺着这个结构,充分利用所给的词句(包括标点符号在内)的信息,掌握基本大意,了解说话者的身份、态度和意图,弄清句和句、首和尾之间的逻辑关系。3.对话通常以问和答的句式展开,这些句式必然会出现相关的疑问词、情态动词、助动词等,动词的时态、语态通常也是互相呼应的,甚至还会出现相关的句型。因此要抓住对话中的信息点,找出对应语句。我们可以根据空格后的标点符号,在有问号的空格中填上一个问句,而在有句号的空格上填上一个陈述句。如果后面没有标点符号,我们要仔细揣摩上下文的关系,从中得到启示,补上所空缺的句子。4.通读整篇对话,确保句意的通顺连贯、语法的准确恰当及表达的灵活贴切。【题组训练】A(2014河南)A:Its a nice day.B:Yes,its a beautiful day.A:Are there so many people here all the time?B: 1 .This is my first time here.A:Me too.I think this is a great place.B:Yeah.I think so too.A: 2 ?B:Im visiting from London.How about you?A: 3 .B:Thats cool.Are you having a good time?A:Yes.There are many things to see and Im taking a lot of pictures.B: 4 ?A:For two weeks.I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles.I want to see the Yellow Stone National Park before I leave.B: 5 .A:Oh,my friends are waiting for me.I hope you enjoy your stay here.B:Thank you.It was nice meeting you.1._2._3._4._5._B(2014永州)Reporter:Hi,Im a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?You:Of course,please.Reporter:I know youre a student in this school.Do you live in the school or at home?You: 1 .Reporter:What do you think of your school life?You: 2 .Reporter:What do you usually do in your free time?You: 3 .Reporter:When do you do your homework?You: 4 .Reporter:How do you get along with your classmates?You: 5 .Reporter: Thank you.You: Youre welcome.1._2._3._4._5._C(2014孝感)A:Hi,Tina.What are you going to do this weekend?B: 1 .A:A concert?What kind of concert is it?B:A piano concert.It is held for charity.A: 2 ?B:Yes,there are many famous musicians,such as Li Yundi,a well-known Chinese pianist. 3 ?A:Certainly,Id like to. Li Yundi is my favourite musician. 4 ?B:120 yuan.A:Oh,its too dear.I cant afford it.B:I dont have so much money,either. I plan to sell newspaper to raise money.A: 5 .Can I join you?B:No problem.1._2._3._4._5._D(2014陕西)A:Hi,Linda.You look sad. 1 ?B:Well,I love music,but my mother doesnt allow me to listen to it.A: 2 ?B:Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.A: 3 .I also love music.It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.B:Right.Music brings me much,too.But how can I solve my problem?Can you give me some advice?A:Of course. 4 ?B:No,I dont often talk with her.We often argue.A:I think communicating with each other is a better way.You can have a good talk with your mother.B: 5 .Thanks for your advice.1._2._3._4._5._参考答案:基础题型四补全对话类型选择型A)15CGBDAB)15CAEFBC)15CFGAED)15EGCBA类型填词型A)1.boxes2.beside3.easily4.look5.movedB)1.met2.wrong3.freedom4.encouraged5.coolC)1.What2.thousands of3.so4.turning off5.hopelessD)1.me2.throw3.cleaner4.place5.with类型补全句子型A)1.(Sorry,)Im not sure/(Sorry,)I dont know/Im sorry,but Ive no idea.2.Where are you(visiting)from/Where do you come from?3.Im(visiting)from China /I come from


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