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Adjectives Adverbs形容词和副词 高三英语复习语法专题 考点分析1 形容词和副词的基本用法 2 形容词和副词的位置 3 形容词和副词的级别 4 常见形容词和副词的用法比较 形容词的基本用法 1 形容词的词义问题1 I mvery withmyowncooking Itlooksniceandsmellsdelicious Mm itdoeshavea smell A pleasant pleasedB pleased pleasedC pleasant pleasantD pleased pleasant 高考中关于形容词的词义的题考得不少 复习时需密切关注 该句中pleased表示 感到满意 高兴 的 pleasant表示 令人满意 高兴 的 根据句意不难发现答案为D 问题2 Theircheerfulvoiceshowedthattheywerehavinga discussion A noisyB seriousC completeD friendly问题3 Ifitisquite toyou IwillvisityounextTuesday 05天津卷 A convenientB fairC easyD comfortable 该句中cheerful是重要的提示词 意为 欢快的 noisy serious以及complete显然都与题义无关 是形容词 意为 友好的 只有它符合题义 Itisconvenientforsb todosth 该句型意为 某人方便 适合 做某事 一般不说 sb isconvenienttodosth 其它三个词显然不符合句义 2 后置定语问题问题4 Allthepeople atthepartywerehissupporters A presentB thankfulC interestedD important 形容词作定语修饰名词时 要放在名词的前边 但是下列情况要后置 present 在场的 出席的 involved 有关的 concerned 相关的 left 剩下的 objecting 反对的 mentioned 提及的 selected 当选的 theteachersconcerned 与 事情 有关的老师们theconcernedteachers 忧心忡忡的老师 f 下列情况也要后置 a some any no every构成的复合不定代词的修饰语要后置 如 somethingnew nothingserious anythinginterestingb else修饰不定代词和疑问代词时 要后置 如 Nobodyelseissosillyasyouare c 不定式短语 动名词短语 分词短语 介词短语做定语要后置 如 Doyoustillremembertheafternooninthefirstyearatcollegewhentheprofessorgaveusachemistrylesson d 以a 开头的形容词做定语要后置 如 alike alive alone asleep afraid awake 如 Heistheonlymanawakeatthattime 巩固练习 Ican tgetagoodpictureonmyTVset Theremustbesomething withit A badB matterC thematterD thewrong2 totakethisadventurecoursewillcertainlylearnalotofusefulskills A BraveenoughstudentsB EnoughbravestudentsC StudentsbraveenoughD Studentsenoughbrave3 Thereis toholdthewater A nothingbigenoughB nothingenoughbigC bigenoughnothingD enoughbignothing C C A 3 以 ly结尾的形容词问题5 Whathesaidsounds 1993上海 NicelyB pleasantlyC friendlyD wonderfully 解析 1 大部分形容词加 ly可构成副词 但friendly deadly lovely lonely likely lively ugly brotherly manly timely worldly 老于世故的 仍为形容词 改错 Shesanglovely HespoketomeveryfriendlyHersingingwaslovely Hespoketomeinaveryfriendlyway 2 有些以 ly结尾既为形容词 也为副词 daily weekly monthly yearly earlyTheTimesisadailypaper Itispublisheddaily 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 问题1JohnSmith asuccessfulbusinessman hasacar A largeGermanwhiteB largewhiteGermanC whitelargeGermanD Germanlargewhite2 This girlisLind scousin 05北京卷 A prettylittleSpanishB SpanishlittleprettyC SpanishprettylittleD littleprettySpanish3 Onedaytheycrossedthe bridgebehindthepalace A oldChinesestoneB ChineseoldstoneC oldstoneChineseD Chinesestoneold 多个形容词修饰名词时 其顺序为 限定词 数词 描绘词 大小 长短 形状 新旧 颜色 出处 材料性质 类别 名词 县官行令涉国才用 常见形容词的比较 1 worth worthy worthwhile2 alike 相似的 类似的 like likely3 dead deadly adeathlysilence4 historic historical5 live lively alive living6 possible probable likely7 valueless priceless8 respectable 可敬的 正派的 体面的 respectful 表示敬意的 respected 受人尊敬的 Arespectablemanisrespectfultoothers 9 healthy 健康的 healthful 有益于健康的 Theairatseasideishealthfultous Soallofusarehealthy 巩固练习 TheWorldCupinFrancewasthebiggest footballmatchintheworld A aliveB liveC livelyD living2 Anyonewhohasspenttimewithchildrenknowsthedifferenceinthewayboysandgirlsrespond 反应 tothe situation A likelyB sameC alikeD similar3 It s torainbutnot beforeevening A possible probableB probable possibleC possibly probablyD probably possibly B D A 副词的基本用法 问题1 somefamousscientistshavethequalitiesofbeingbothcarefulandcareless A StrangelyenoughB EnoughstrangelyC StrangeenoughD Enoughstrange问题2 Canyoubelievethatin arichcountrythereshouldbe manypoorpeople A such suchB such soC so soD so such 副词enough要放在形容词和副词的后面 形容词enough放在名词前后都可 A 基本句型 such a adj n so adj a n B such后可加各种名词 而so后面只能加单数名词 C so可加many much few little等 而such不能 问题3 Wedon tcareifahuntingdogsmells butwereallydon twanthimtosmell A well wellB bad badC well badlyD badly bad问题4 Allenhadtocallataxibecausetheboxwas tocarryallthewayhome 03全国卷 A muchtooheavyB toomuchheavyC heavytoomuchD tooheavymuch smell有双重词性 作 闻起来 解是系动词 后接形容词作表语 作 嗅 解是形为动词 后接副词 该题的干扰项是B smellsbad 表示闻起来很臭 不可能同时放入两个空格 muchtoo是副词 用来修饰形容词或副词 toomuch是名词或形容词 可单独使用或修饰名词 问题5 Johnisverylazy Hefalls behindinhisstudies 05 广东卷 A veryB farC moreD still问题6 MustIturnoffthegasaftercooking Ofcourse Youcanneverbecarefulwiththat 05江西卷 A enoughB tooC soD very 副词的修饰关系是现今高考的热点之一 复习中应予以足够的重视 farbehind 表示 远远地掉在后面 cannot never too enough 是一种固定的表达方式 意为 越 就越好 常用副词的比较 问题1 Itwasrainingheavily LittleMaryfeltcold soshestood tohermother 2002北京 A closeB closelyC closedD closing问题2 Wedecidednottoclimbthemountainsbecauseitwasraining 1996N A badlyB hardlyC stronglyD heavily closeto离 近 此处close是副词 closely表示 密切地 与题意无关 表示 雨下得大 可用rainhard rainheavily等 不用badly或strongly 表示 刮大风 可用strongwind hardly是否定词 与句意无关 注意下面兼有两种形式的副词close与closelyclose意思是 近 closely意思是 仔细地 Heissittingclosetome Watchhimclosely late与latelylate意思是 晚 lately意思是 最近 Youhavecometoolate Whathaveyoubeendoinglately deep与deeplydeep意思是 深 表示时间和空间深度 deeply时常表示感情上的深度 深深地 Hepushedthestickdeepintothemud Heoftenworksdeepintothenight Evenfatherwasdeeplymovedbythefilm 4 high与highlyhigh表示空间高度 highly表示程度 相当于muchTheplanewasflyinghigh Ithinkhighlyofyouropinion 5 wide与widelywide表示空间宽度 widely意思是 广泛地 在许多地方 Heopenedthedoorwide Englishiswidelyusedintheworld 6 free与freelyfree的意思是 免费 freely的意思是 无限制地 Youcaneatfreeinmyrestaurantwheneveryoulike Youmayspeakfreely saywhatyoulike 另外注意下列各组副词的用法区别1 just justnow2 rather fairly3 sometime sometimes sometimes sometime4 hard hardly rarely scarcely5 sucha adj n so adj a n 6 most mostly almost7 especially specially8 everyday everyday9 nearly almost noonebelieveher Thespeakersaid nothingworthlistening Ihave 20 butthatisn t enoughforthejourney Almost almost nearly 巩固练习 It salwaysdifficultbeinginaforeigncountry ifyoudon tspeakthelanguage A ExtremelyB naturallyC basicallyD especially2 Wouldyoube domeafavor A kindenoughB sokindastoC sokindtoD kindasto3 Theguidetoldusthathewouldorganizesomebusinessmenfromabroadtohaveatour thenextmonth A sometimeB sometimeC sometimesD sometimes4 Itis thathisEnglishis perfect A sure veryB right ratherC exact fairlyD certain quite D B B D 形容词和副词的级别 1 as as 结构问题1 Johnisthetallestboyintheclass accordingtohimself 05安徽卷 A fivefooteightastallasB astallasfivefooteightC asfivefooteighttallasD astallfivefooteightas问题2 Whatatable I veneverseensuchathingbefore Itis itislong 05湖北卷 A halfnotaswideasB widenotashalfasC nothalfaswideasD aswideasnothalf astallas 高达 fivefooteight fivefeeteightinches aswideas是比较 所以倍数词应放在前面 说明 1 在否定句或疑问句中可用so as Hecannotrunso asfastasyou 2 当as as中间有名词时采用以下格式 as 形容词 a 单数名词as many much 名词Thisisasgoodanexampleastheotheris Icancarryasmuchpaperasyoucan 3 用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语时 放在as的前面 Thisroomistwiceasbigasthatone Yourroomisthesamesizeasmine 4 倍数 the n of倍数 as adj asThisbridgeisthreetimesaslongasthatone Thisbridgeisthreetimesthelengthofthatone 5 区分asfaras aslongas assoonas aswellas assoonas Isawheroffas astheairportHehasknowledgeas asknowledge Iwillworkas asIlive Youas ascalledacoward 懦夫 6 数量词 senior junior superior inferior toHeissevenyearsseniortohiswife Iamthreeyearsjuniortomyeldersister far well long good morethan结构问题1 Isyourheadachegetting No it sworse 05全国卷3 A betterB badC lessD well问题2 Mr Smithowns collectionofcoinsthananyoneelseIhaveevermet 05山东卷 A largerB alargerC thelargerD alarge问题3 Thenumberofpeoplepresentattheconcertwas thanexpected Thereweremanyticketsleft 04福建 A muchsmallerB muchmoreC muchlargerD manymore 问题4 Thedictionarygavemeabetterofferthan A thatofDick sB Dick sC hegaveDickD thoseofDick问题5 You restandingtoonearthecamera Canyoumove A abitfarB alittlefartherC abitoffartherD alittlefar问题6 Inthatcase thereisnothingyoucando thanwait 2001北京春季 A moreB otherC betterD any 1 要避免重复使用比较级 Heismoreclevererthanhisbrother Heisclevererthanhisbrother 2 要避免将主语含在比较对象中 ChinaislargerthatanycountryinAsia ChinaislargerthananyothercountryinAsia 3 要注意对应句型 遵循前后一致的原则 ThepopulationofShanghaiislargerthanthatofBeijing Itiseasiertomakeaplanthantocarryitout 4 程度词abit alittle rather much far byfar many alot lots agreatdeal any still even 等词可修饰比较级 除外 还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语 以上词 除byfar 外 必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面 而byfar一般置于比较级之后和最高级之前 ofthetwo结构问题1 Ofthetwoshirts I dliketochoose one A thelessexpensiveB themostexpensiveC lessexpensiveD mostexpensive问题2 Ifthemanagerhadtochoosebetweenthetwo hewouldsayJohnwas choice A goodB thebestC betterD thebetter 说明 在ofthetwo结构中 比较级前要加the 但如果不在ofthetwo结构中 要注意冠词的使用 后有名词的时候 前面才有可能有冠词 比较 Whichislarger CanadaorAustralia Whichisthelargercountry CanadaorAustralia Sheistallerthanhertwosisters Sheisthetallerofthetwosisters 4 the 最高级 比较范围问题1 Davidhaswonthefirstprizeinsinging heisstillveryexcitednowandfeels desiretogotobed A themostB moreC worseD theleast问题2 Greenland islandintheworld coversovertwo


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