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江苏省江阴市顾山2014届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 牛津版第一卷(客观题 共70分)一、听力测试 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)第一部分 听对话回答问题(共10小题)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。1. whom did george go to canada with? a b c2. what is the boys star sign? a b c3. what time does miss li drive to the office? a b c4. what does the woman need? a b c5. how much money will the man have if alice lends him her money? a. 5 dollars. b. 8 dollars. c. 10 dollars. 6. where did the man go just now? a. to the office. b. to the museum. c. to the post office. 7. what does the man mean? a. he is good at climbing high. b. it is not high at all. c. he may fall and hurt himself. 8. how long will the woman stay at the hotel? a. for two days. b. for three days. c. for four days. 9. what will peter do tomorrow? a. go to the theatre. b. have an exam. c. do the housework. 10. how many people will go for the picnic tomorrow? a. one. b. two. c. three. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题(共10小题)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11,12 小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。11. why does the girl feel nervous before going to switzerland? a. because she doesnt know the language. b. because she has never been abroad. c. because she doesnt know the culture there. 12. what should the girl do if she goes to a party in switzerland? a. she should get there on time. b. she should buy a present. c. she should take some flowers. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。school sports meetinglong jump finished at _13_ tom came firsthigh jump finished half an hour ago jim, from _14_, was the winner 100-meter race finished just now _15_ came first 13. a. 2:30 b. 2:15 c. 2:45 14. a. class 8 b. class 3 c. class 715. a. simon b. jack c. tony 听第二篇短文,回答第16至20小题。16. when did tom last write to zhang wei? a. at the beginning of this year. b. at the beginning of this term. c. at the beginning of this summer holiday. 17. who has gone to canada? a. tom. b. bill. c. betty. 18. how many countries do zhang weis stamps come from? a. 14. b. 15. c. 40. 19. who has given zhang wei some american and canadian stamps? a. his teacher. b. betty. c. tom. 20. what stamps is zhang wei expecting to get from tom? a. french stamps. b. british stamps. c. canadian stamps. 二、单项填空 在a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共14 分,每小题1分)21. daddy, do you believe i can swim _ to catch up with ben! great, dear! but i dont have _ to watch your match. i hope to hear your good news.a. fast enough, time enoughb. enough fast, enough timec. enough fast, time enoughd. fast enough, enough time22. what do you think of genetically modified food (转基因食品)? we all think _ is careless _ some scientists to say it is safe before doing any experiment. a. that, forb. it, forc. it, of d. that, of23. lucy hardly goes back to see her parents, _? _. instead, she chooses to write to them.a. doesnt she; no b. does she; yesc. doesnt she; yes d. does she; no24. the shoes _ that he _ at last.a. cost so expensive; gave them away b. took too much; gave them up c. took such little; gave them out d. cost so much; gave them up25. what do you think of the film called inception盗梦空间? the film is full of suspense (悬念). i should say the screen-writer is really _. a. generous b. helpfulc. imaginative d. personal26. i _ peaceful countryside _ noisy cities while my elder sister prefers _ in the modern cities. a. would rather; than; livingb. prefer; to; living c. would rather; than; to lived. prefer; to; to live27. hey guy, turn it off please. we dont _music in the reading room. oh ,sorry!a. like b. allow c. play d. hear28. one hundred yuan for a bowl of noodles, you _ be joking! a. may b. can c. need d. must29. susan was reading a newspaper on the train_ a strange old man come over.a. when b. while c. before d. after30. excuse me, could you _ me a minute, please? i would like to talk to you. sure!a. give b. spare c. spend d. take 31. thanks to our school program the same song , we _ about ten songs by the end of last month.a. had learned b. have learned c. learned d. were learning32. we have _ many more school clubs and organized a lot of interesting activities this term. a. taken up b. put up c. set up d. picked up33. what did he say just now? he said _.a. what time the library was build.b. he has made many mistakes in the exam. c. if the teacher would ask him to go to the office the next day d. his mother had waited for him for 20 minutes at the school gate. 34. id like to take a weeks holiday, mr. smith. _, were too busy these days. a. dont worry b. dont mention it c. forget it d. pardon me3、 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(本大题共10分,每小题1分)as i look back on it now, i realize it was kind of silly of me to be so worried when daddy was really just late. i waited every night for daddy whom i followed around everywhere. that day, i stood at my 35 place by the door, waiting for his return from work. after standing there for a while, i began to 36 where daddy was. i ran into the kitchen and asked mummy 37 ,“when is daddy coming? ” “ soon, honey, ”mummy replied distractedly (心不在焉的) because she was following a difficult recipe(cookbook) for dinner.i ran back to the door for i knew that daddy was coming and that i wasnt standing there for nothing, i began to read the words from my favorite books.tired of that, i went back to the kitchen to ask mummy again but 38 i could open my mouth, she handed me a my little pony coloring book. she said: “im busy, daniel. go and 39 a pretty picture and ill hang it on the fridge. ”i went back to the door, put my book and crayons (蜡笔) down, then went to get my mini chair to sit in. after a while, the 40 became a pink-and-purple artistic wonder.soon i 41 with relief (放心) as i heard the sound of the garage door 42 and daddys car driving in. i heard him turn off the engine and open and close his car door. the next thing i knew was that the door opened and there stood daddy. i stood up and 43 my arms . i hugged him tightly and whispered, “i love you”. as i sit at the computer finishing this story, i know daddy will be home soon. i still 44 when hes late. i still go to greet him when he arrives. and i still tell him i love him.35.a. ownb. usualc. favorited. strange36.a. thinkb. understandc. wonderd. search37.a. hopefullyb. thoughtfullyc. politelyd. sadly38.a. whenb. as c. untild. before39. a. color b. makec. drawd. paint40.a. bookb. picturec. fridged. chair41.a. smiled b. cried c. laughedd. called42.a. shakingb. openingc. shutting d. breaking43.a. carried out b. took out c. gave outd. held out44.a. mind b. realize c. doubt d. worry四、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(本大题共26分,每小题2分) aa small boy at summer camp received a bag of cookies in the mail from his mother. he ate a few, and then put the rest under his bed. the next day, after lunch, he went to his tent to get a cookie. the box was gone. that afternoon a camp leader saw another boy sitting behind a tree. he was eating the stolen cookies! “that young man,” he said to himself, “must be taught not to steal.” he returned to the group and found the boy whose cookies had been stolen. “billy,” he said, “i know who stole your cookies. will you help me teach him a lesson?”“well, yes. but arent you going to punish him?” asked the puzzled boy.“no, that would only make him hate you.” the leader explained. “i want you to call your mother. ask her to send you another box of cookies.”the boy did so and soon received another box of cookies. “now,” said the leader, “the boy who stole your cookies is down by the lake. go and share your cookies with him.”“but hes the thief!” “i know, but try itsee what will happen.”half an hour later, the camp leader saw the two come up the hill, hand in hand. the boy who had stolen the cookies was trying to get the other to accept his toy knife. the other boy was just refusing the gift from his new friend. he said that a few cookies werent that important anyway.45. when billy first got cookies from his mother, _.a. he ate some of them himselfb. he gave some to the camp leaderc. he shared them with another boyd. he hid them away quickly46. which of the following is not the camp leaders intension (意图)?a. to teach the boy not to steal.b. to punish the boy for stealing.c. to teach billy to forgive others.d. to teach billy to share with others.47. after that, the boy who stole the cookies might _.a. steal againb. hate billyc. make friends with billyd. give billy a bag of cookies, toobpeople have their own ways of saying things with their own special expressions. some of these expressions are easy to understand. “as easy as falling off a log (圆木)” is one such expression. it describes a job that does not take much effort. if you ever tried to walk on a falling tree log, you may understand what the expression means. it is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it.there are several other expressions that mean the same thing. and their meaning is as easy to understand as falling off a log. one is “easy as pie.” nothing is easier than eating a piece of sweet juicy pie, unless it is a piece of cake. “a piece of cake” is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do.another expression is “as easy as shooting fish in a barrel (桶)”. clearly, fish in a barrel will be much easier to shoot than fish in a river. in fact, it would be as easy as falling off a log.sometimes, things that come to us easily also leave us just as easily. in fact, there is an expression “easy come easy go”. another easy expression is “to go easy on a person”. it means to treat a person kindly or gently, especially in a situation where you might be expected to be angry with him. a wife might ask her husband to go easy on their son, because the boy did not mean to destroy the toy. if you want to borrow some money to fix the car, you should look for a friend who is an “easy touch”. an easy touch or a soft touch is someone who is kind and helpful.and there is one more expression that means do not worry or work too hard. try to keep away from difficult situations. “take it easy”, until we meet again.48. which of the following expressions has the same meaning with “as easy as falling off a log?”a. shooting fish in a barrel b. walking on a falling tree log.c. staying on a log d. shooting fish in a river 49. a friend might tell you that his new job was_.a. easy come easy go b. as easy as shooting fish in a barrel c. to take it easy d. to go easy on a person 50. which of the following is not true according to the passage?a. that he goes easy on me means that he is angry with me. b. he is always helping others, so he is an easy touch. c. when he asks me to repair his broken bike, i say, “a piece of cake. i can help repair it.” d. when a girl loses her way, i say, “take it easy, i will send you home.”cif i ask you to shut your eyes and gave you a piece of apple to eat, would you be able to tell me what it is just by tasting it? of course, you could. your tongue is covered with tiny “taste buds” which help you know what different foods taste like. do you know that foods would taste different if you did not have a nose? this experiment shows how important your nose is when you taste things.what you need: a friend to help small pieces of any food like carrot, orange, banana small pieces of apple, raw(生的) potato, and onionwhat you do:there are actually three different experiments. you and your friend should take turns to try them on each other.experiment 1:have your friend close her eyes and open her mouth.give her a piece of the food and ask her to taste it.then, ask her what she thinks it is. she will probably guess correctly.experiment 2:while your friend has her eyes closed, give her a piece of the raw potato. at the same time, hold a piece of apple right under her nose. ask her to eat the potato (but dont call it by name) and tell you what she thinks it is. she will say it is a piece of apple!experiment 3: (for the brave)take a piece of raw onion. you dont have to close your eyes this time. squeeze your nose closed with your other hand so that no smells can get into your nose. now take a nibble of the onion. surprise! as long as you hold your nose, you will not be able to taste the onion.the science secretyou already know the science secret. your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the way it does. your tongue, however, can taste only certain flavors like salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. all of the other “tastes” are actually “smells,” and you need your nose to “taste” them. oh, and you might use this science secret the next time you are told to eat something you dont like the taste of. if you hold your nose while you eat it, you wont “taste” it at all.51. according to this article, what could a reader know about food?a. people hold their noses to eat onions. b. if you can smell potatoes, you will taste apples.c. people need a sense of smell to taste some food. d. if you close your eyes, food will taste better.52. what is the most likely reason experiment 3 is called “for the brave”? a. you keep your eyes open. b. you have to eat a raw onion.c. you have to squeeze your nose. d. you do the experiment alone.53. whats the best title of the passage?a. your eyes knows b. your nose knows c. your mouth knows d. your tongue knowsdduring all this time i never stopped thinking about escape. when i traveled across to the other side of the island, i could see the other islands, and i said to myself, “perhaps i can get there with a boat. perhaps i can get back to england one day.” so i decided to make myself a boat. i cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. it was hard work, but about six months later, i had a very fine canoe (独木舟). next, i had to get it down to the sea. how silly i was! why didnt i think before i began work? of course, the canoe was too heavy. i couldnt move it! i pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didnt move. i was very unhappy for a long time after that.that happened in my fourth year on the island. in my sixth year i did make myself a smaller canoe, but i did not try to escape in it. the boat was too small for a long journey, and i did not want to die at sea. the island was my home now, not my prison, and i was just happy to be alive. a year or two later, i made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. i also built myself a second house there, and so i had two homes.my life was still busy from morning to night. there were always things to do or to make. i learnt to make new clothes for myself from the skins of dead animals. they looked very strange, it is true, but they kept me dry in the rain.i kept food and tools at both my houses, and also wild goats. there were many goats on the island, and i made fields with high fences to keep them in. they learnt to take food from me, and soon i had goats milk to drink every day. i also worked hard in my corn fields. and so many years went by.54. the purpose of making a canoe on the island was to _.a. escape in it b. get to the other side of the islandc. use it for food d. go around the island55. to survive, the writer _.a. kept goats for milk b. made clothes from animal skins c. worked in the cornfields d. did all the above56. why didnt the writer use his first canoe?a. because it was too small for a long journey. b. because it was too heavy to get down to the sea.c. because there was something wrong with it. d. because the writer was busy building a second house.57. from the story, we can learn that _.a. the writer tried to make hi


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