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2015届高三英语一轮复习选择题专项训练代词1【2014安徽卷】you can ask anyone for help. _ here is willing to lend you a hand.aone bno oneceveryone dsomeone【答案】c2【2014全国大纲卷】 whos that at the door?_ is the milkman.a. he b. itc. this d. that 【答案】b3【2014福建卷】in some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in _, knives and forks.aanother bothers cboth dall【答案】b4【2014江苏卷】good families are much to all their members, but _ to none.asomething banythingceverything dnothing【答案】c5【2014江西卷】 when shall i call, in the morning or afternoon?_. ill be in all day.aany b. none c. neither d. either 【答案】d 6【2014山东卷】 susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.athat bthis cit dher 【答案】c7【2014陕西卷】id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.a. it b. you c. one d. this【答案】a8【2014四川卷】 shed lived in london and manchester, but she liked _ and moved to cambridge.abothbneithercnone deither【答案】b9【2014浙江卷】 an average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making _ the driest year since california became a state in 1850.aeach bit cthis done【答案】b10【2014重庆卷】 a smile costs _, but gives much.a. anythingb. somethingc. nothing d. everything【答案】c11【2014届河南省周口市中英文学校高三上学期期中】- what about the price of these washing machines?- they are equal in price to, if not cheaper than, _ at the other shops in the street.a. othersb.itc.that d.the ones【答案】d12【2014届江苏省镇江市高三上学期期中调研】i know he failed his last test, but really hes _ stupid.a. something butb. anything butc. nothing but d. not but【答案】b13【2014届黑龙江省齐齐哈尔实验中学高三上学期期中】i would like to buy some good english reference books, but _ was available from the bookstore, where i only found some chinese ones.a. nothing b. no one c. none d. neither【答案】c 14【2014届浙江省绍兴市第一中学高三上学期期中】determination is a kind of basic quality and this is what_ takes to do jobs well.aitbthatconedwhich【答案】c15【2014届浙江省象山普通高中高三第一次模拟】the old lady is said to have three children, two of _studying abroad.a. whom b. them c. all d. who【答案】b16【2014届甘肃省部分普通高中高三目标诊断】my seat is next to _ of the famous writer so i could ask for some advice from him about writing.a. thatb. thisc. itd. one 【答案】a。17【2014届四川省资阳市高三一诊】we have made _ clear that we are strongly against smoking in the office.a. thisb. thatc. itd. one 【答案】c18【2014届甘肃省部分普通高中高三目标诊断】i felt so bad all day yesterday that i decided this morning i couldnt face _ day like that.a. other b. another c. the other d. others 【答案】b19【2014届江苏沭阳县五校高三上期第一次联考】ive lived in new york and chicago, but dont like _ of them very much.a. either b. any c. each d. another【答案】a20【2014届云南省昆明市高三上学期第一次摸底调研测】ive achieved a lot in my study, thanks to _ who helped me.a. others b. those c. ones d. these【答案】b21【2014届浙江省湖州市八校高三上学期第二次联考】the story conveys a strong message, _ that will hopefully touch all who read it.a. it b. that c. those d. one【答案】d22【2014届吉林省实验中学高三年级第一次模拟考试】-he found a baby in his car when he came back from the supermarket. and was crying for some milk. - when was ?- was in 2000 when he was still in college. a. it; that; this b. he; this; it c. she; it; this d. it; that; it 【答案】d23【2014届四川省成都市高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测】my own handwriting style is different from _of my friends.a. it b. this c. that d. one【答案】c24【2014届吉林省吉林市普通中学高三开学摸底】they have been working on the bridge for a week. it seems they need _ two weeks to finish it.a. moreb. otherc. anotherd. the other【答案】c25【2014届甘肃省部分普通高中高三目标诊断-】- how do you find your new classmates?-most of them are kind, but _ is so good to me as bruce.a. none b. no one c. everyone d. someone【答案】a26【2014届陕西西安长安区第一中学高三上期第一次模拟】the young member made several proposals, and none of _ were considered to be practical or acceptablea. them b. which c. theirs d. what【答案】a27【2014届吉林松原油田高中高三上期10月调研】- why is the cake so expensive?- maybe you dont know a cake made of wheat costs less than _ made


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