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2015届高考英语二轮专题训练精华:主题匹配(3)主题匹配a.find hobbies.b.take exercise.c.share happiness.d.enjoy happiness.e.take time to breathe.f.engage in your community.tips for living a better lifeevery day,people all across the globe are trying to find new ways to enrich their lives.some face extreme challenges and obstacles in this journey,causing them to fear changing their routines.while it can be a difficult process,the rewards for trying to live a better life are worth the sweat and tears.here are some simple tips that can help you live a better life.1.it is only natural for you to feel envious(嫉妒的) when wonderful things happen to your friends or acquaintances.we are excited to think of our own well-being,and forget that there is joy in sharing the joy of others happiness.anne cushman from yoga journal says,“instead of envying others,we can develop our inborn quality of joya boundless capacity to taste lifes blessings.”rather than envying a friends promotion,think of how more fulfilled she will be and how much more satisfied she will be in her life.as a friend,you only want good things for others and being able to feel delighted at others happiness will result in your own happiness.2.jessica winter,from o magazine,found that when times are tough,the way out is to actively notice new things.the essence(本质) of happiness is feeling involved with the world and other people.meeting new people and sharing a laugh with your friends and coworkers will improve your life because it will make you connect with others.3.find out what you like doing by joining a team.you dont have to be particularly good at any one;just try.positive psychology news dailys john yeager says,“sports can be a means for happiness.although the purposes of sports are varied and mean different things to different people,many would agree that organized sport participation can be valuable and may bring authentic happiness to a wide range of participants.”whatever you enjoy doing(gardening,playing soccer,knitting),make time to play around.so often we forget that much joy can come from these activities.4.instead of rushing around and trying to accomplish everything on the to-do list,stop and breathe.find a quiet corner in your house,sit outside,and give yourself five or ten minutes to just relax.the simple act of breathing slows your heart and gives you time to relax.much like meditation(沉思),sitting and resting bring about a mind-body awareness.what am i feeling?what am i afraid of?how can i feel better about myself?these are all the questions that can come up in your mind but brush them away.giving yourself some peaceful moments will leave you refreshed and calm and able to take on whatever you need.5.whether it is a quick walk around the block or a lengthy run or hike,get out and get active.not only will you feel better about yourself,you will have time to channel any negative energy out of your body through exercise.the point of exercise is applying appropriate amounts of stress to the body through movement;it does not mean going to the gym.find a form of exercise that allows you to move your body in ways that you love.主题匹配a.remember much information in a short period.b.break your study time up into small periods.c.work out the ideal environment for studying.d.revise your hardest subjects first.e.practise writing down what youve read.f.study regularly.how to get better at studying for examssome students are so nervous about exams that they let their nerves get the best of them.however,there is little doubt that if you have prepared well,you are much more likely to do well.there are a number of strategies that you can use to get better at studying for exams.1.there is no point in deciding to sit down for four hours and cram(临时死记硬背) as much information in as you can.instead,you need to divide all your study time into manageable periods.a maximum of 50 minutes followed by a 10 or 20 minutes break should be enough to make sure that your brain is as fresh as it possibly can be while studying.2.you need to find somewhere where you are comfortable and have everything you need.this could be your bedroom at home,or it could be in the library.it could even be in a local coffee shop if you dont mind outside noise.the difficulty with studying in public places is that you are more likely to be distracted(注意力分散的) when you have a break,so you will need to take this into consideration.you may also consider setting up a study group if you find that you work better in groups.3.if you leave all your revision until the week before the exam,then you are unlikely to have enough time to cram everything in.also,if you discover at the last minute that you dont understand something,then you are unlikely to have the time to check it with your teacher or to get to grasp it properly.as soon as you know that you have exams,draw up a timetable so that you are revising a certain amount of information at a time and have time to let it sink into your brain.4.note-taking skills are greatly under-estimated when studying for exams.you need to ensure that your note-taking skills are as good as they possibly can be,because when you are studying several subjects at once,you arent going to be able to learn the whole books of information at any one time.you will need to learn to take notes on the subjects that are necessary to you and break them down into manageable parts.you should also find that writing out information,particularly when it comes to formulae(公式),helps you to remember it.work out your own form of short-hand.5.most people have one or two subjects that they find harder to grasp than anything else.it can be tempting(诱惑人的) to leave them until last,out of fear of losing motivation.however,you will find it much easier to deal with these difficult subjects if you study them first.when you work out your timetable,schedule in these difficult subjects for first thing in the morning.you will be at your freshest then.once you have finished,you will feel a lot better about yourself and will find it much easier to get on with less difficult subjects.most people do get better at studying for exams as they continue with their studies simply because they work out what suits them and what doesnt.learn from your mistakes and any tips that others can give you and you will get better far more quickly than you otherwise would.主题匹配a.be present.b.focus on people.c.appreciate nature.d.take a deep breath.e.find pleasure in anything.f.leave new technology behind.the 5 essential rules for slowingdown and enjoying life morethe continually invented technologies save us time.we can use the saved time to do more and more things,so our lives are more fast-paced and busier than ever.life moves at such a fast pace that it seems to pass us by before we can really enjoy it.however,it doesnt have to be this way.lets slow down to enjoy life.slowing down is a conscious choice,and not always an easy one,but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.heres how to do it.1.when washing dishes,instead of rushing through it as a boring chore to be finished quickly,really feel the sensations of the water and the dishes.it can really be an enjoyable task if you learn to see it that way.the same applies to other choreswashing the car,sweeping,dusting,laundry,and anything you do,actually.life can be much more enjoyable if you learn this simple habit.2.its not enough to just slow down.you need to actually be mindful of whatever youre doing at the moment.that means when you find yourself thinking about something you need to do,or something thats already happened,or something that might happen,gently bring yourself back to the current moment.focus on whats going on right now.pay attention to your actions,your environment,and others around you.this takes practice but is essential.3.if you carry around an iphone or blackberry or other mobile devices,shut it off.if you work on a computer most of the day,have times when you disconnect so you can focus on other things.being connected all the time means were subject to interruptions,were constantly stressed about information coming in,and we are at the mercy of the demands of others.its hard to slow down when youre always checking new messages coming in.4.too often we spend time with friends and family,or meet with colleagues,and were not really there with them.we talk to them but are distracted by devices.we are there,but our minds are on things we need to do.we listen,but were really


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