



1. -Did he talk long on that subject?-No, he didnt go into details. He only speak _A. in common B. in particular C. in general D. in short2. What do these achievements have _, Professor Li?A. in general B. in total C. in short D. in common3. somehow / anyway / somewhat _, he made a mistake in solving the problem again. I was _ excited to see her. _ I must finish the work today.4. Come on, girls. We have been working hard and long. Lets _. Go home and get relaxedA. call it a day B. stop the day C. put off the day D. cancel the day5. Only 4 years old, Mary is _. She always put everything in order after playing with them.A. controlled B. organized C. fixed D. arranged6. We should never _ ourselves with a little book knowledge.A. prepare B. help C. meet D. content7. get 的相关词组填空 You need to _(树立) confidence and then _ the difficulties facing you. Autumn is coming. The farmers are busy _the crops in the fields. If everyone keeps in line, we will _ the Customs more quickly.8. take的相关词组填空 That was indeed a silly trap, but why were so many smartest _? When I graduated from the middle school, mother wanted me to _ music. My daughter _ speaking long hours in her room, only coming downstairs for meals.9. come的相关词组填空 They are waiting for the magazine to _. No one knows how the universe _.The scientists are beating their heads, trying to _ a solution to the problem.10. give的相关词组填空 After such a long walk, my legs _. You should not _ to the enemies The old people _ all that they have to the poor(赠送).11. put的相关词组填空 Why do we have to _ his selfish behaviour. We should teach him to care for others. Its time to stop working. Lets _ the tools and _ the tent for the night in the woods _ the worries and go ahead They _ their differences and work together.12. look的相关词组填空 _! There is danger ahead! _ this article and tell me what you think of it. The police will _ the matter. On one will _ _ _you if you are confident enough. Dont just _. Give me a hand with the books. Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are _.13. break的相关词组填空 He _ _ _ his family and settled down in the USA. The robber had no trouble in _. Negotiations between the two sides have _ Expenditure on the projects _ as follows: wages $10 million; plant $4 million; rare materials $5 million.14. call的相关词组填空 I used to _ my teacher when I was in Beijing. I used to _ my teachers when I was in Beijing. Im going to a pop concert with Tom. He will _ me at 7 oclock and well go there together. This is a job which _ great patience.15. hand的相关词组填空 Your composition must be _after class. They _ _the revolutionary tradition from generation to generation. He is tiring, but there doesnt seem to be anyone fit to _ _ his job to.(提交)16. set的相关词组填空 Lets _ _ to clean the house. Its too dirty. Lets _ _ cleaning the house. Its too dirty. The news that bird flu was jumping from birds to humans _ _ widespread panic among the people. The bad weather _ _the building programme by several weeks.17. keep的相关词组填空 There is a piece of board at the gate of the construction, which reads _ _ with permission. Because all of the gas stations along the freeway were closed, we had to _ _ driving. The rain is _ _. The u


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