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Unit 3 Our animal friendsCulture time & Cartoon time Aims1.能进一步听懂、会说、会读、会写I/We/They haveHe/She/It has等句型及新学句型It likesGive it a cake,并能在实际情境中准确的运用 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写give、arm、leg等词汇3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇crab、its、finger、bald eagle、polar bear、kangaroo、the US/the USA、Canada、Australia等及句型Do you have?Does he/she/it have?等4.能知道不同国家所特有的动物5.能了解cartoon time 大致内容,并能感受其中的乐趣6.能知道动物丹顶鹤(red-crowned crane)、麋鹿(elk或the moose)Importances and difficulties1.了解cartoon time的内容,并感受其中的乐趣2.知道不同国家所特有的不同动物,以及盐城所特有的动物3.掌握词汇finger、bald eagle、polar bear、kangaroo、the US/the USA、Canada、Australia 4.掌握四会句型It likesGive it a cake 5.give后跟人称代词,要用宾格Preparations1. PPT和习题纸2. 学生自带动物玩具3. 学生提前复习四年级上册Unit 1中的Rhyme timeLittle monkeyProcedures Step1 Warming up1. GreetingsT: Good morning,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning ,Miss Cheng.T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you,too. T: How are you today? Ss: Fine,thank you.And you ? T: Im fine too.Thank you.Sit Ss: Thank you.down,please. 2. Free talk and revision T: Please look at this picture. What Ss: She has a panda.animal friends does Yang Ling have? T: Now take out your own animmals. Ss :(2分钟同桌操练,并合作Work with your deskmate.One says“I 书写句子。然后小组竞have ”,the other says “He/She 赛,看哪组用最快时间说玩。has ” ,then write down the sentences. 后,教师可随机抽取学生书写的句子再进行加分与扣分比赛)(设计意图:本环节旨在复习陈述句I haveHe/She has ,通过小组竞赛的形式促使学生积极主动的学习,着重“写”的要求,四会掌握这些句型。) Step 2 Rhyme time1.Play a guessing game T:Now lets play a guessing game. Ss:Does it have ?First,it is an animal .These are key (引导学生用该句型提问,对words,eye(big/small)、face(fat/thin)、 的话教师ppt出示It has) tail (long/short).Now guess, use the sentence“Does it have?” T:What is it ? Ss: It is a monkey. T:It is brown.It has red a hip.It Ss: (引导学生跟着一起说.)likes bananas.It can jump and climb trees. (设计意图:本环节旨在让学生熟练运用一般疑问句Does it have?并能用所学过的知识在实际情境中描述自己喜欢的动物,着重“说”的应用。)2.Say a rhymeLittle monkeyT:Lets sing a rhyme about the Ss: (提醒学生拍桌子打monkey,Little monkey. 节奏来说韵诗。)(设计意图:本环节旨在为学生营造轻松欢快的学习氛围,并引出panda一词,为文化板块的学习做准备。)Step 3 Culture time1.Lead-in T:Panda is the unique animal in China .You can see pandas in China. (由panda过渡到文化板块)2.PresentT: Do you know the unique animals Ss:(学生看书,教师在此基础in the US ? Do you know the unique 上讲解panda是中国所特有的aninals in another countries ?Now open 动物,并了解其他国家的特有your English books and look at culture 动物, 可根据学生的回答拓 time. 展。) 3.Learn new vocabularies bald eagle the US/USA (提醒学生注意国家类单词首 polar bear Canada 字母大写。) kangaroo Australia4.Learn the context and read together5.Expand T:We know some unique animals Ss: (让学生大胆说。)in differents countries.Do you know some more unique animals in China? T:Do you know what animals are Ss:丹顶鹤和麋鹿。unique in Yan Cheng ? (拓展red-crownedcrane、elk/ the moose,让学生写在书上,并能认识。)(设计意图:本环节旨在让学生在掌握书本知识的同时,要求他们能从中学到更多的相关知识,从而拓展学生的课外知识,了解我中国及地方的特有珍稀动物等。)6.Emotion education T:Animals are our best friends. (出示濒临珍稀类动物的图片,We should love them ,protect them. 对学生进行情感教育。)(设计意图:本环节旨在激发学生保护动物的爱心。) Step 4 Cartoon time1.Show the picture and learn “crab” T:Animals are our best friends. Ss:螃蟹。(此时板书crab,Today I take a new friend for you. 并教读。)Look!What is it ?2.Discuss the characteristics of the crab and write down T:Now look at this picture. S1: It has two arms. Try to discuss the characteristics of S2: It has eight legs.the crab. S3:It has a big and hard body.(设计意图:此环节旨在检查学生在实际情境中准确运用It has来描述动物的特征的能力,同时检查学生对词汇arm 和leg 等的正确“书写”。) 3.Learn the contexta.Watch and chooseT:Now lets watch a cartoon about Ss:(学生看动画前先看the crab.Fist,please look at two questions. 问题,解决词汇its它的,When you watch,try to choose the correct 为形容词性物主代词,与answer. your,my,his,her等相Q1:Who is Bobbys new friend? 似。再次解决词汇finger A .The crab B.Sam 手指,讲解It likes yourQ2: What happened to Sam ? fingers.句子likes为动词A.The crab likes its cake. like的第三人称单数形,B.The crab likes its finger . 后跟一类词要用可数名词的复数形式。)b.Listen and imitate T:Lets listen to the radio.And try to Ss:(要求学生跟读时注imitate . 意人物的语音、语调。)(设计意图:本环节旨在让学生学会准确感知课文乐趣,准确把握人物心理,愿意张嘴朗读。)c.Happy reading Read by oneself T:Read by yourself,and try to answer Ss:(自读前,学习give. 在 some questions.When you find the 学生解决问题时讲解句子answers , please underline the connected Give it a cake,要注意givesentences. 后的it为宾格, give后如果跟跟人称代词,要用其宾Q1:What can the crab do ? 格形式,其次要四会掌握该Q2:How is the crabs body? 词汇。在此基础上,讲授同Q3:What does Sam give the crab? 意句型Give a cake to it.)Read togetherStep 5 Consolidation1. Act cartoon time out注意表情和动作。2. Exercises根据课文内容填空。On a day , Bobby and Sam go to the beach(海边) . They sit near the sea(大海) . Look , theyre a big umbrella . They have some food . There an apple and two cakes . There some juice , too . Suddendly(突然) , a crab comes to them . The crab has two big and eight . Its body is . It is afraid .So(所以) Bobby and Sam give a cake . But it doesnt like the cake .It lik


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