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Unit3 At the zoo Part A Lets LearnTeaching aims:1 Knowledge aims: (1)students can master the words :thin, fat, tall,short. (2) students can understand Lets do2、Ability aims :(1) students can use look at that monkey,Its thin to describe the characteristics of animals.(2) Students can understand instructions and do the actions accordingly.3、 Emotion aims:(1) students can love and protect animals.(2) Students can develop good habits at the zoo. Teaching Importance: Students can master and use the target words:thin fat tall short Teaching difficulty: Students can understand instructions and do the actions correctlyTeaching methods:Teach English in English Task-based Language TeachingTotal physical ResponseQuestion-to-answerIntuitive TeachingPair workTeaching aids:Blackboard ,recorder,pictures,cards and projectorTeaching procedures:Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usualStep 2 Lead-in1 show a video of “Lets go to the zoo.”(设计意图:引入动画视频,通过色彩背景音响效果,把学生带入一个生动形象,富有感染力的情境中去,通过视频展现各种可爱的动物来导入,可以创造一种轻松愉快的学习氛围,调动他们的积极情感因素同时也把英语学习变得生动活泼,还有实效。)T:Do you like animals ?S s:YesT:Say “hello” to these animals. S s:Hello(设计意图:英语课程标准中提到,老师应尽量创设真实的语境,让学生去交流,通过创设人机对话的模拟场景,使学生感受交流的真实性,而不是一味的看图片,看信息,从而丧失更多使用语言的机会)T:Where can you see many animals?S s: at the zooT:Yes,we can see many animals at the zoo.so today we will learn Unit 3 at the zoo.First,Lets play a game:Step 2 presentation1 sharp eyes: please read the words as soon as possible.Ss;OK(课堂教学离不开组织教学,组织教学应该贯穿教学的全过程。这种组织活动就可以借助游戏。教师在课前让孩子们以游戏的形式快读动物单词,既避免了反反复复枯燥的操练,又可以消除学生上课时的紧张情绪,调节课堂气氛,为进一步学习打下基础。)2 Spot the differenceT:Next,Look at the pictures,what are they?Ss:monkeysT:Now,Can you find the differences between these two pictures?Ss:一个胖,一个瘦T:Yes,the left monkey is 瘦(师耸肩做出瘦状),Please read after me:thin thin t-h-i-n thin(生分组读,男女生读)(师以同样方法教授fat并用大小声读,吹气球的方式读 )(师以找不同游戏导入目标词汇:fat和thin,使学生们在不知不觉的游戏活动中,由以前的被动思考变为积极主动的思考。锻炼了学生们的观察力,思维力和耐心。)4:Tongue twisterT:Listen,whats that?(猫叫声)S s:Its a cat.T: Yes,Look at that cat ,Its fat. that fat cat that fat cat Look at that fat cat It is fat(设计意图:很多学生无法读清that 和 fat.绕口令可以纠正学生发音不清,分辨一些类似词的发音,更好地掌握atae的用法。)5 Lets do Be fat be fat be fat fat fat Be thin be thin be thin thin thin Be tall be tall be tall tall tal Be short be short be short short short(设计意图:用功能句型和核心单词变成chant,富有节奏感的chant既符合了三年级学生的水平,又能满足本班学生的学习需求。step 3 Practice 1 Find and say: who is fat/short/tall/short in your class?设计意图:教师让学生在本班寻找高,矮,胖瘦的同学并用目标词汇加以描述。教师在选择和设计这一任务型活动时,充分根据学生的实际情况, 教学内容 ,和教学条件来设计任务,激发了学生参与的积极性,始终坚持活动设计的真实性。) 2 Riddle time 1 Im white,I have long ears.I have short legs .I have red eyes.Who am I? 2 Im big,I have a long nose,I have a short tail,Who am I?3Im short and fat,I have short legs and big ears.Who am I?4 Im tall,I have a long neck and small ears.Who am I?(设计意图:课堂教学是由动静结合而成的,在课堂教学的动态生成和静态回归之间,借助游戏策略是十分重要的,它让课堂更有节奏感,让课堂张弛有度。师用猜想游戏来激发学生的学习兴趣,以猜想促观察,以猜想促注意,以猜想促想象。成功的引起了学生的好奇和猜疑学生在学习时目的性会更明确,注意力会更集中。)Step 4 Consolidationpair work:Student work in pairs of four to draw and talk about their aniamls using“Look at that .Its .”to describe (设计意图:用学生耳孰能详的漫画形式来理解和运用目标句型,可以促进目标词汇音义形的有效结合,帮助学生更加直观简单的理解记忆单词从而顺利地完成语言输出。)Step 5 Story timePicture 1 A rabbit was playing near a lake,suddenly she heard a strange sound,she is afraidRabbit: what happened?Picture 2 After a while,she met a fox,she said:Hi,fox!The monster is coming,It is tall.Lets run away!”Picture 3 After a while,They met a monkey ,the fox said:Hi,monkey!The monster is coming,It is tall and It has two tails.Lets run away!”Picture 4 After a while,They met a lion .The monkey said:Hi,lion!The monster is coming,It is tall and It has two tails.It has a thin leg and a fat leg.Lets run away!”The lion:Really?Lets go and see!Picture 5 ALL:Oh ,They are pawpaws!(设计意图:词不离句,句不离篇。故事是一个相对完整的有意义的语境素材,教师用“魔鬼来了”这个小故事,不露痕迹地完成了单词的呈现,故事里有大量重复性语言,是学生在听故事的过程中通过这些句子的不断重复,能刺激孩子的听觉记忆,是他们较轻松地记住这些词汇和句型,让教学难点在学生趣学乐学中迎刃而解)Step6 Extension 1 Fill in the thinking map2 work in a group of 4 to role play the story (设计意图:思维导图的运用可以降低理解难度,成倍提高学习效率,增进学生的理解和记忆能力发展了学生的创造性思维和创新能力。学生四人一组分别扮演兔子,猴子,狐狸,狮子,可以使学生共同参与到游戏里,不仅体现了教师主导地位和学生的主体作用,而且避免了小学生因年龄小注意力不能长时间集中,容易分散的心理特点,提高英语课堂学习效率。)Step7 enjoy a video of aniamls -our friends(设计意图:情感升华,引导学生意识到动物是人类的朋友,我们要保护动物,不能伤害动物。)step 8 Assignment1use the key words to describe your favourite animals 2 Retell the story to your friends.(设计意图:师因材施教,设计阶梯式的作业和练习供不同层次的学生选择,使学生在不同程


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