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unit 1 great scientists language points课时作业一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1with the teacher instructing (指导) them, the students have made great progress in english.2children, when exposed (暴露) to an englishspeaking atmosphere, will pick up the language much more easily.3we are taking steps to prevent air from being polluted (污染)4when he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, absorbed (使专心) in conversation.5mr. wang is just one of the victims (受害者), from whose houses the thieves stole money and other valuables.6blamed (责备) for the breakdown of the school computer network, alice was in low spirits.7one of the challenges (挑战) he has accepted is to swim across the river.8the army was welltrained and wellarmed, and had little difficulty defeating (打败) the enemy.9the farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the scientific (科学的) farming.10he is good at handling (操纵) the huge calculating machine.单句改错1when i said i ran faster than her, she challenged to me to a race. 去掉第一个to2please announce students that the holidays will begin next monday.announce后加to3always read the instruction on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.instructionsinstructions4he ran such quickly that we all couldnt catch up with him. soso5neither he nor his parents has seen the film. havehave6i felt nervous for the first time i spoke in public. 去掉for7absorb in his experiment, newton put his watch into the pot to cook it.absorbedabsorbed8she suspected him with telling lies and never trusted him again. ofof.补全句子1i drew_a_conclusion/concluded_from_the_facts_that he was hardworking. 从这些事实中我得出他是努力的这一结论。2teachers should expose_the_students_to as many real life situations as possible.老师们应该让学生尽可能多地接触真实的生活环境。3facing_the_challenge,_he decided to have a trying. 面对挑战,他决定试一试。4he was_absorbed_in_writing a letter and didnt even notice his friends coming.他在聚精会神地写信,他的朋友来了他都没注意到。5the spaceship will_link_up_with the space station this afternoon.宇宙飞船将于今天下午和太空站对接。6neither_you_nor_your_brother is to take charge of the project.你和你弟弟都不能负责这项工程。7every_time_i_ring_her,_the phone is busy.我每次给她打电话,电话都占线。8it is so_challenging_a_job/such_a_challenging_job_that i cant finish it on my own.这是一个如此具有挑战性的工作,我自己无法完成。.课文语法填空john snow, a wellknown doctor in london, became 1.inspired (inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people 2.exposed (expose) to cholera, a 3.deadly (die) disease of its day. many thousands of people died 4.whenever there was an outbreak because no one knew the cause of it. john wanted to help solve the problem.he got interested in two theories 5.explaining (explain) how cholera killed people. he believed in the second theory 6.that/which suggested that people 7.absorbed (absorb) the disease with their meals. in 1854, when another outbreak hit london, he was ready to test 8.the two theories.9.with the help of the map he made, he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was 10.to_blame (blame)“king cholera” was finally defeated.串点成篇微表达上个月,我们社区发生了一系列(a series of)案件(case)。我们怀疑(suspect)有人从窗户或门口进入到房间。我们从中得出结论(draw a conclusion)应及时关窗锁门。除此之外,我们也提出(put forward)了一些有用的(practical)建议来改正(cure)我们的不良习惯。首先,外出时,不要将这一信息透露(expose)给任何人,其次,门卫应多加注意,最后(in conclusion),大家都应为我们社区承担责任(take the blame for)。a_series_of_cases_happened_in_our_community_last_month._we_suspected_someone_of_having_entered_the_room_through_windows_or_doors,_from_which_we_drew_a_conclusion_that_doors_and_windows_should_be_locked_in_time._besides,_we_also_put_forward_several_practical_suggestions_to_cure_us_of_our_bad_habits._first,_you_should_not_expose_this_information_to_anyone_when_out._second,_the_guards_should_pay_more_attention._in_conclusion,_everyone_should_take_the_blame_for_our_community.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空a successful scientist is generally a good observer. he makes full _1_ of the facts he observes. he doesnt accept ideas which are not _2_ on obvious facts, and therefore refuses to accept authority (权威) as the only _3_ for truth. he always _4_ ideas carefully and makes experiments to prove them.the rise of _5_ science may perhaps be considered to _6_ as far back as the _7_ of roger bacon, the wonderful philosopher (哲学家) of oxford, who lived _8_ the years 1214 and 1292. he was probably the first in the middle _9_ to suggest that we must learn science _10_ observing and experimenting on the things around us, and he himself _11_ many important discoveries.galileo,however,who lived about 300 years later (15641642), the greatest of several great men, _12_ lived in italy, france, germany, or england, began by _13_ to show how many important _14_ could be discovered by observation. before galileo, learned men believed that large bodies fell more _15_ towards the earth than small ones, _16_ aristotle said so. but galileo, going to the _17_ of the leaning tower of pisa, let fall two _18_ iron balls and proved aristotle was wrong. it was galileos _19_ of going direct to nature, and proving out _20_ and theories by experiment that has led to all the discoveries of modern science.语篇解读:本文为一篇说明文。说明一个成功的科学家必须是一个好的观察者。其次还需具备一些素养。1a.use btimecspeed dtrust解析:选amake full use of“充分利用”。2a.worked bbasedclived dwritten解析:选bbe based on“以为基础”。3a.reason bcausecadvice dresult解析:选a空格后的for暗示应选reason。the reason for .“的理由”;the cause of .“的起因”,两者皆为习惯搭配。4a.thinks bcheckschas dlearns解析:选b后文“做实验来证明这些想法”暗示应用check,意为“核实;核查”。5a.natural bphysicalcancient dmodern解析:选dthe rise of modern science“现代科学的崛起”。根据下文roger bacon提出通过观察和实验来了解科学可知。本文最后一句中的modern science也是提示。6a.date bkeepclook dtake解析:选a此处date用作动词,构成date back短语,意为“追溯到”。keep back“隐瞒;阻止”;look back“回顾”;take back“收回”。7a.study btimecyear dbirth解析:选b追溯到这位科学家所生活的时代。time此处意为“时代”。8a.both beachcbetween damong解析:选cbetween . and .“在和之间”。9a.schools bagescdays dcountries解析:选bin the middle ages“在中世纪”。10a.in bwith con dby解析:选dby doing sth.“通过做某事”。by表示方法、手段,意为“靠;用”。11a.did bmadectook dgave解析:选bmake many important discoveries“做出许多重要的发现”。make a discovery(discover)“发现”。12a.who bwhencthat dwhere解析:选awho在此引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词several great men。13a.ways bdegreesclevels dchance解析:选bby degrees“逐渐地;渐渐地”;by chance“偶然”。承接上文应选b项。14a.truths bproblemscpeople dsubjects解析:选a根据词义及语境可知选truths,表示“真理”。15a.slowly brapidlyclightly dheavily解析:选b以前人们认为大物体下落的速度要比小物体下落得快,故选rapidly“快速地”。16a.although bbecausecwhen dif解析:选b“因为”这是科学界权威人士亚里士多德说的。17a.place bfootctop dceiling解析:选c伽利略来到比萨斜塔的“顶端”抛下两个铁球。18a.big bsmallcequal dunequal解析:选d为了证明不同大小的物体下落的速度不相同的观点是错误的,伽利略在塔顶丢下两个重量“不同”的铁球。19a.spirit bskillctheory ddiscovery解析:选a是伽利略这种直接探究自然界本质、通过实验证明观点和理论的“精神”引导现代科学所有科学发现的产生。20a.plans bopinionscworld dability解析:选b通过实验来证明“观点”和理论


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