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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Matt has got electronic dictionary, but she isnt allowed to use it during the exam. A . aB . anC . the2. (2分) The room is enough to put two beds in. Yes. And we can put a large table the front.A . wide; toB . wide; atC . narrow; to3. (2分)Please be quiet. Our teacher is coming. It be our teacher. She has gone to Beijing. A . mustB . mayC . cant4. (2分)Its reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo _ from 100% recycled material. A . are makingB . have madeC . is madeD . will be made5. (2分)My uncle keeps many _ on the farm. And I often help him feed them. A . cowB . horseC . pigD . sheep6. (2分)_, Tony! Lets help to clean the room for the party. OK. Im coming. A . It doesnt matterB . Come onC . SorryD . Lucky you7. (2分)They both have _ homework to do, so they may be _ busy doing it now. A . much too; too muchB . too much; much tooC . so many; much tooD . so much; too much8. (2分)Not only his parents but also his brother to the Summer Palace. They havent been back.A . have beenB . have goneC . has beenD . has gone9. (2分)great basketball player Yao Ming is! I like him very much. A . WhatB . HowC . What a10. (2分)- Are you clear about the job of a policeman, Ben?- Yes, to keep people _ and the society in good order.A . busyB . safeC . luckyD . healthy11. (2分)Please stop _. Its time _ class. A . talking; toB . to talk; forC . to talk; toD . talking; for12. (2分)_ does it take me to drive from my home to yours? About ten minutes.A . How manyB . How farC . How long13. (2分)Waiter! Id like some Shaoyang rice noodles. Sorry, sir. Rice noodles _only in the morning. A . serveB . will serveC . are served14. (2分)The drinking water is _by the flood. A . cut offB . cut upC . cut downD . cutting off15. (2分)Hows it going, Alan? _.A . Im drawing picturesB . Long time no seeC . Its going to rainD . Pretty good二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)完形填空 The Black family like to do things together. Each Saturday they1each other with the work. Today Peter and Jean cleaned their2. They made the bed, swept the floor, cleaned the windows and took out the3. Then Jean put some beautiful flowers on the table. Dad went to the store to4food for next week. He knew about everyones5food in the family. He was6he would make everyone glad. Mom washed the clothes of all the family. That made her tired,7happy. Then Jean helped Mom water the flowers in the8. Peter helped Dad fix his bike. Soon they finished9the work. Now we can have some fun, said Dad. What will we do or10will we go?Everyone had an idea. They decided to ride bikes to the seaside. It is wonderful that the family like to work and play together. (1)A . help B . want C . meet D . like (2)A . bikes B . rooms C . bags D . clothes (3)A . money B . food C . fruit D . trash (4)A . cook B . rent C . buy D . give (5)A . favorite B . healthy C . loving D . unhealthy (6)A . sure B . thirsty C . sad D . hurry (7)A . so B . but C . or D . and (8)A . library B . zoo C . garden D . park (9)A . some of B . none of C . many D . all (10)A . how B . where C . why D . when 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17. (6分)阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。 Last Saturday, Mary and her cousin had lunch at Davids Restaurant. Here is their order and the poster of the restaurant.Davids RestaurantTable 52 person(s)Order taken by Helen12:45 5/291Cheese cake1022Cola(no ice)3.523Chicken sandwich(with ketchup)1514Banana milk shake425Fruit salad9.51Total Price: $59.5Thank you & hope to see you again soon!Tel: 88609588Davids RestaurantOpening Hours:10:30 am11:00 pmTues. to Sun.Joy Time: 30% off2:003:30 pm9:0011:00 pm(1)On the order list, Mary ordered two cheese cakes, a chicken sandwich and two banana milk shakes, how much should she pay for them? A . $43.B . ¥43.C . $32.(2)According to the chart, we know that _. A . We can enjoy the food at Davids Restaurant at 11:00 am on Monday.B . The cheese cake is more expensive than the chicken sandwich.C . If you go to Davids Restaurant at 2:30 pm, you will get a discount(折扣).18. (8分)阅读理解 Scientists in Britain and the United States have made a new kind of enzyme(酵素) that eats plastics(塑料). With its help, plastics can be turned into smaller parts and go away quickly. Scientists believe that, in the future, it could solve the problem of plastic pollution.The enzyme is able to break down PET, a form of plastic. PET was first made in the 1940s and is now widely used to make plastic bottles. It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water. So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.The researchers made the discovery(发 现) while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan. They found that the natural enzyme was helping to break down PET plastics. So, they decided to make small changes to the enzyme by adding some amino acids(氨基酸). It made the natural enzymes plastic-eating abilities work faster and better.John McGeehan, one of the lead researchers, said, Weve made an improved enzyme. Its better than the naturl one. And we are trying to make more improvements to it. He went on.The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals, and it is friendly to the environment. So we are considering putting it into wider use.The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities(大量的). Well see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology. However, there is still a long way to go, John McGeehan added.(1)According to the scientists, the enzyme may solve the problem of pollution. A . airB . waterC . lightD . plastic(2)The underlined phrase break down in the passage probably means in Chinese. A . 实验B . 生产C . 发明D . 分解(3)Researchers discovered that a natural enzyme helped eat plastics . A . inB . in the USC . in JapanD . in China(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The scientists are still trying to improve the enzyme.B . The enzyme will pollute large areas of land and water.C . The natural enzyme woks better than the improved one.D . The natural enzyme is harmful to humans and animals.19. (8分)阅读理解 Franz Schubert was a famous musician in the world. But he lived a very hard life and often went hungry. One day he was very hungry and went to a small restaurant, hoping he might meet some friends there to borrow some money. He looked around the restaurant but found nobody. Then his eyes fell on a paper on one of the tables. On it was a short poem. He read the poem and liked it very much. So he sat down and began to write a piece of music for the poem and took his work to the owner of the restaurant. He only received a piece of beef and potato for it. Thirty years after his death, this music of the poem by Schubert was worth 40,000 francs. It was played in many big theatres and all the people loved it. It was his famous Berceuse(摇篮曲). Schubert began to be known all over the world.(1)We know the owner of the restaurant from this passage. A . was also a musicianB . was very kindC . hated Schubert very muchD . didnt understand music very much(2)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word work is . A . 作品B . 工作C . 盘子D . 纸张(3)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Musicians are always poor.B . Great music is always born in a poor musicians handC . Being hungry can always lead to great Success.D . Schuberts music became famous long after his death.20. (8分)阅读理解 O. Henry was a great writer. His pen name was O. Henry and his real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. When he was about 20, he went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then in a bank. When some money went missing from the bank, some people thought he was the thief, so he was sent to prison(监狱). During the three years there, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of the prison, he went to New York and went on writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor people there. And people liked his stories very much.(1)Why was he sent to prison? A . Because he tried different jobs.B . Because he worked in a bank.C . Because he wasnt born in Texas.D . Because people thought he was a thief.(2)During his life, O. Henry tried jobs. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . many different(3)O. Henry during his stay in prison. A . wrote some articlesB . wrote some booksC . wrote short storiesD . read short stories(4)Henry wrote most about after he went out of the prison. A . TexasB . New YorkC . the life of the poorD . Both B and C四、 根据括号内所给提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。) (共10题;共10分)21. (1分)To get the further idea of the passage, one should read b_lines. 22. (1分)When they met at the station, they _(拥抱) each other. 23. (1分)Monkeys have long_(尾巴). 24. (1分)No sugar for me, please. I am on a d_. 25. (1分)To our s_, they finished the work so wonderfully in such a short time. 26. (1分)_, the police came to help them right away. (lucky) 27. (1分)My English teacher advised me _ (speak) more English. 28. (1分)I want to make a good _(impress) on everyone. 29. (1分)They will carry on a study of _ and Pakistanis living in Southall. (India) 30. (1分)Have you ever been to _ (French) before? 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分)下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。 The story of the magazine_When you look at the different kinds of colorful magazines in the shops (and online) today, its easy to think that they are a modern idea. However, magazines have been around since the 18th century and they have been an important part of peoples daily lives for hundreds of years._One of the earliest magazines was The Gentlemans Magazine which was started in London in 1731 by a man called Edward Cave. He was the first person to use the word magazine about a regular publication. The word comes from the Arabic makhzan or storehouse. His idea was that his magazine was a storehouse, or place that you could keep information about many different things._Magazines became more popular in the 19th century. They gave people tips to help them with their daily lives, and they often had serialized(系列的) stories which gave the readers a new episode every week. Each part finished at a very exciting point in the story. Famous writers such as Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created serialized novels for magazines._One very important serialized novel was Hard Times by Dickens. It came out in 20 weekly parts between 1 April and 12 August 1854 in the magazine Household Words. This magazine was very good value and it was a cheap way for readers to buy a version of a novel._Soap operas on TV today are often similar to the serialized novels. These old stories have often been made into modern films or TV series and they are still popular with modern audiences because they are so exciting.A. Weekly stories by important writers.B. Magazines are not a new thing.C. The earliest magazine for women.D. Why these maga


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