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7英语泛读教程1-Unit Five-Text 1英汉对照Text One Cheatingby Susan ShreveIntroduction-Do you know how one might feel if he or she has cheated in a school test? Read the following and learn some lessons, if any, from the experience of the boy in the story.1 I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr. Burke. Afterward, I was too sick to eat lunch just thinking about it. 2 I came straight home from school, went to my room, and lay on the floor trying to decide whether it would be better to run away from home now or after supper. Mostly I wished I was dead. It wasnt even an accident that I cheated. 3 Yesterday Mr. Burke announced thered be a unit test and anyone who didnt pass would have to come to school on Saturday, most particularly me, since I didnt pass the last unit test. He said that right out in front of everyone as usual. You can imagine how much I like Mr. Burke. 4 But I did plan to study just to prove to him that Im plenty smartwhich I am mostlyexcept in math, which Id be okay in if Id memorize my times tables. Anyway, I got my desk ready to study on since it was stacked with about two million things. Just when I was ready to work, Nicho came into my room with our new rabbit and it jumped on my desk and knocked the flashcards all over the floor. 5 I yelled for my mother to come and help me pick them up, but Carlotta was crying as usual and Mother said I was old enough to help myself and a bunch of other stuff like that which mothers like to say. My mothers one of those people who tells you everything youve done wrong for thirty years like you do it every day. It drives me crazy. 6 Anyway, Nicho and I took the rabbit outside but then Philip came to my room and also Marty from next door and before long it was dinner. After dinner my father said I could watch a special on television if Id done all my homework. 7 Of course I said I had. 8 That was the beginning. I felt terrible telling my father a lie about the homework so I couldnt even enjoy the special. I guessed he knew I was lying and was so disappointed he couldnt talk about it. 9 Not much is important in our family. Martys mother wants him to look okay all the time and my friend Nathan has to do well in school and Andy has so many rules he must go crazy just trying to remember them. My parents dont bother making up a lot of rules. But we do have to tell the trutheven if its bad, which it usually is. You can imagine how I didnt really enjoy the special. 10 It was nine oclock when I got up to my room and that was too late to study for the unit test so I lay in my bed with the light off and decided what I would do the next day when I was in Mr. B.s math class not knowing the 8 and 9 times tables. 11 So, you see, the cheating was planned after all.12 But at night, thinking about Mr. B.who could scare just about anybody I know, even my fatherit seemed perfectly sensible to cheat. It didnt even seem bad when I thought of my parents big thing about telling the truth. 13 Id go into class jolly as usual, acting like things were going just great, and no one, not even Mr. B., would suspect the truth. Id sit down next to Stanley Plummerhe is so smart in math it makes you sickand from time to time, Id glance over at his paper to copy the answers. It would be a cinch. In fact, every test before, I had to try hard not to see his answers because our desks are practically on top of each other. 14 And thats exactly what I did this morning. It was a cinch. Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wanted to die. 15 The fact is, I couldnt believe what Id done in cold blood. I began to wonder about myselfreally wonderthings like whether I would steal from stores or hurt someone on purpose or do some other terrible thing I couldnt even imagine. I began to wonder whether I was plain bad to the core. 16 Ive never been a wonderful kid that everybody in the world loves and thinks is so well, like Nicho. I have a bad temper and I like to have my own way and I argue a lot. Sometimes I can be mean. But most of the time Ive thought of myself as a pretty decent kid. Mostly I work hard, I stick up for little kids, and I tell the truth. Mostly I like myself fineexcept I wish I were better at basketball. 17 Now all of a sudden Ive turned into this criminal. Its hard to believe Im just a boy. And all because of one stupid math test. 18 Lying on the floor of my room, I begin to think that probably Ive been bad all along. It just took this math test to clinch it. Ill probably never tell the truth again. 19 I tell my mother Im sick when she calls me to come down for dinner. She doesnt believe me, but puts me to bed anyhow. I lie there in the early winter darkness wondering what terrible thing Ill be doing next when my father comes in and sits down on my bed. 20 Whats the matter? he asks.21 Ive got a stomachache, I say. Luckily, its too dark to see his face.22 Is that all?23 Yeah.24 Mommy says youve been in your room since school.25 I was sick there too, I say.26 She thinks something happened today and youre upset.27 Thats the thing that really drives me crazy about my mother. She knows things sitting inside my head same as if I was turned inside out. 28 Well, my father says. I can tell he doesnt believe me.29 My stomach is feeling sort of upset. I hedge.30 Okay, he says and he pats my leg and gets up.31 Just as he shuts the door to my room I call out to him in a voice I dont even recognize as my own that Im going to have to run away. 32 How come? he calls back not surprised or anything.33 So I tell him I cheated on this math test. To tell the truth, Im pretty much surprised at myself. I didnt plan to tell him anything. 34 He doesnt say anything at first and that just about kills me. Id be fine if hed spank me or something. To say nothing can drive a person crazy. 35 And then he says Ill have to call Mr. Burke.36 Its not what I had in mind. 37 Now? I ask surprised.38 Now, he says. He turns on the light and pulls off my covers.39 Im not going to, I say.40 But I do it. I call Mr. Burke, probably waking him up, and I tell him exactly what happened, even that I decided to cheat the night before the test. He says Ill come on Saturday to take another test, which is okay with me, and I thank him a whole lot for being understanding and all. Hes not friendly but hes not absolutely mean either. 41 Today I thought I was turning into a criminal, I tell my father when he turns out my light.42 Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesnt. I never know. But tonight he does. 课文一作 弊苏珊珊福导读:一个人在学校考试时作弊后是什么感受吗?阅读以下这篇文章并从男孩的经历中吸取教训。 1. 今天早上第二节,布克先生的数学课上,我在单元测验中作了弊。之后,我难过得连午饭都吃不下,一直在想这件事。 2. 一放学,我就奔回家,进了自己的房间,躺在地板上,想着是现在就离家出走好呢,还是晚饭后再走。我真希望自己已经死了,好一了百了。更糟的是,我这次作弊还不是出于一念之差,而是早有预谋的。 3. 昨天,布克先生宣布说要进行单元测验,如果不及格,就得星期六也要来学校。他还特别提到我,因为我上次测验没通过。象往常一样,他就当着全班同学的面说我,你可以想象我有多讨厌他。 4. 但事实上,我的确曾准备好好复习,想证明给他看我是蛮聪明的。实际上,我是挺聪明的数学除外但只要我能记住那张乘法表,一切问题就迎刃而解了。总之,我准备好好学习一番。我先把书桌整理好,因为上面堆满了数不清的东西。可正当我准备潜心学习时,尼克带着我们家新买的兔子走了进来,那只兔子跳到我桌上,把抽认卡弄得满地都是。 5. 我大声喊着,叫母亲过来帮我清理这些卡片。但卡洛特还在那边一如往常地哭着,于是母亲说我已经长大了,能自己做自己的事了。她还说了一大堆母亲们惯说的话。我母亲就是那种人。你一旦犯了错,她就将这个错挂在嘴边,每天重复,说上整整30年。就好像你天天都在重犯这个错误一样。她这样真要把我逼疯了。 6. 就这样,我和尼克将兔子拎了出去。可是,菲利浦又进来了,还带着隔壁的马丁。没多久,就开饭了。吃完饭,父亲说如果我已经做完了作业,就可以看一个特别节目。 7. 我当然说我已经做完了作业。 8. 这就是我撒谎的开端。因为对父亲撒了谎,我觉得忐忑不安,所以根本不能好好欣赏那个节目。我猜想他知道我在说谎,但极度的失望已经使他无法和我谈论说谎这个问题了。 9. 我们家的家规并不严。马丁的母亲希望他随时随地都衣冠楚楚。我的朋友内森必须在学校表现得出类拔萃。安迪家有那么多家规,光是记住那些条条框框就够他受的了。我父母并不挖空心思制定一大堆家规,但在我们家,大家都必须说实话,即便实话和坏事有关。的确,说的实话常和坏事有关。你可以想象得到,我根本没心思看那个节目。 10. 等我起身回房时,已经9点了。现在再复习已经来不及了,于是我关了灯,躺在床上,想好了背不下来乘8乘9那部分口诀的我在明天布克先生的数学课上该怎么办。 11. 所以,你现在该明白了,说到底,我作弊是经过预谋的。 12. 但在深夜,一想起布克先生他能吓唬住所有我认识的人,我爸爸也不例外作弊就完全是明智之举了。连想到父母那一套实话为大的道理时,我也没觉得有什么。 13. 我象往常一样高高兴兴地去上学,就好象一切正常,风调雨顺。没有人,甚至包括布克先生在内,会有所怀疑。我会坐在斯坦力 布鲁姆旁边他的数学成绩好得惊人时不时地偷看他的考卷,抄下答案。那会是件极容易做的事。事实上,以前的每一次测验,我都得控制着自己,不去看他的答案。要知道,我俩的桌子实在是靠得太近了。 14. 我今天早晨就是这么做的。简单得很,一切都很顺利,只是我的胃象翻江倒海,我想要死。 15. 事实上,我真不敢相信自己可以如此气定若闲地做出这一切。我开始感到疑惑真正的疑惑不知道以后我会不会从商店偷东西,或者故意伤害他人,或者犯下其他我现在想也想不到的恶劣行径。我开始怀疑自己是否已经坏到根儿了。 16. 不像尼克,我从来就不是个人见人爱的小孩。我脾气不好,固执已见,还很喜欢争论。有的时候,我会大发脾气,但大多数时候,我还算是个不错的小孩。平时,我用功地学习,我替小孩们出头,我讲实话。总的来讲,我对自己还算满意 除了我希望自己篮球能打得更好些。 17. 而转眼间,我变成了罪犯。叫人难以相信的是,我还只是个男孩。一切皆由一次愚蠢的


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