英语人教版三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo B Let's talk_第1页
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Unit3 At the zoo B Let s talk 教学设计教学设计 涞水小学涞水小学 万建华万建华 Teaching Material Analysis 本课是 PEP 小学三年级下册 Unit3 At the zoo B Let s talk 通过 MissWhite 与 John Mike Chenjie 在动物园看大象的语境呈现了 核心句型 It has 及用 big small long short 进行描述身体部位 Students analysis 学生已学过一些动物和身体部位的有关词汇 会用 I have 句 型 为本课的教学储备了一定的相关知识 但还没有接触过用于描 述动物的句型 It has Teaching Aims 1 理解对话大意 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话 并分角色表 演对话 2 在语境中听 说 认 读并运用 big small long short 这四个单词 听说理解 Children tail 3 在语境中理解 区分和运用 It has a 形容词 身体部位单数 与 It has 形容词 身体部位复数 It has 与 It is 4 通过找不同和制作怪物在巩固新知的同时 培养学生观察力 与想象力 Focus Points 在语境中理解 区分和运用 It has a 形容词 身体部位单数 与 It has 形容词 身体部位复数 It has 与 It is Difficult Points 在语境中理解 区分和运用 It has a 形容词 身体部位单数 与 It has 形容词 身体部位复数 It has 与 It is Teaching Preparation 白板课件 听力练习纸 思维导图每组一张 单词卡片 Step1 Preparation 1 Greeting Good morning afternoon children How are you 设计意图 于问候中首次感知单词 children 2 Touching game Touch your eye touch your nose touch your ear touch your body touch your arm touch your leg touch your tail T Oh we don t have a tail but animals have tails 设计意图 通过师生一起做动作和摸一摸的游戏增加亲切感 拉近与学生的距离的同时 复习巩固了旧知识 身体部位单词 为对 话的学习做铺垫 同时在不知不觉中呈现了新单词 tail 3 Let s chant I have a I have two I don t have a tail but animals have tails 设计意图 通过师生一起 chant 复习巩固了旧知识 I have 及 身体部位单词 并为学习新知识 It has 做了有效的铺垫 而且在 不知不觉中再次学习新单词 tail Step2 Presentation 初次感知 It has 学习并练习 big small long short 这四个 单词 1 Show the tail of a rabbit T What s this S A tail T Yes It has a tail and it s short It has a short tail Guess What animal Then show the ears of the rabbit T It has two ears and they are long It has two long ears Guess What animal 设计意图 通过出示兔子尾巴和耳朵让学生猜测 在猜的过程 中初次学习感知 short long 和和句型 It has Practice Let s do Be long be long be long long long Be short be short be short short short 设计意图 通过 Let s do 进一步练习 short long 2 Show the eyes of a bear T It has two eyes and they are small It has two small eyes Guess What animal Show the body of the bear T What s this S A body T Yes It has a body and it s big It has a big body 设计意图 通过出示熊的眼睛和身体让学生猜测 在猜的过程 中初次学习感知 big small 句型 It has Practice Let s do Be big be big be big big big Be small be small be small small small 设计意图 通过 Let s do 进一步练习 big small 3 Let s talk T Miss White and the children like the animals too Today they are at the zoo too What are they talking about S The elephant It s so tall big 4 Now watch the video and answer It has a long nose It has a short tail It has eyes and ears big small 设计意图 学生边观看视频 边做练习题 进一步学习 It has 与 4 个形容词 并进行听力练习 与此同时理解对话大意 5 Reading 1 Repeat 2 Read in groups 3 Role play 设计意图 通过各种形式的朗读 学生进一步感知对话内容 理 解对话大意 并且在此环节帮助学生解决不会的读的词或句 Step4 Production 1 Show the pictures of Pinocciou He has a nose Why Talk about the classmates with the sentence has big small eyes 设计意图 边学边联系学生实际来练习 学以致用 2 Find the differences Show two monsters each time ask the students to tell the differences between them they must answer with the sentence It has 设计意图 通过找老师拼的怪物的不同之处 练习所学语言 为后面制作怪物做铺垫 同时培养学生观察力 3 Make a monster 1 The teacher tell the rules first and make a monster as a modle first 2 Make a monster in groups write the main characters in the thinking map 3 Show the monsters One say the others do 设计意图 学生对所学知识学以致用 同时发挥学生想象力 学 生利用手中的思维导图把想象的怪物的的样子利用本课所学填上 同时练习书写 并作为演示时的依据 Step5 Homework 挑选一种自己喜欢的动物 介绍给爸爸妈妈听一听 如 Look at the elephant It s big It has a long nose It has small eyes and big ears Blackboard Plan It The elephant is has tall a long nose small eyes big a short tail big ears 课后反思课后反思 1 利用思维导图引导学生思维 使学生思路清晰 思维导图贯 穿课堂始终 发散学生的思维 激活旧知 学习新知 本节课用 Tree map 贯穿整个新授环节 最后又利用 Circle map 引导学生把 想象的怪物的的样子利用本课所学填上 同时练习书写 2 搭建平台 学生去展示 本节课利用学生喜爱的角色扮演 让学生去进一步感知理解对话 为了让学生对所学知识学以致用 在 Make a monster 环节让学生自己去选喜爱的身体部分 学生通过展 示自己的怪物 激发了学生学习兴趣 3 寓


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