



Unit2 Last weekend第一课时 一 教学内容 一 教学内容 Part A Let s learn Do a survey and report 二 教学目标与要求二 教学目标与要求 1 能够听 说 读 写短语 watched TV washed clothes cleaned the room stayed at home 2 能够听懂问句 What did you do last weekend How was your weekend 并能够做出正确的回答 3 能够运用新学语言内容完成Do a survey and report的任务 三 教学重点三 教学重点 1 听 说 读 写短语 watched TV washed clothes cleaned the room stayed at home 2 听懂 会说句子 What did you do last weekend How was your weekend 并能够在实际情景中灵活运用 3 通过一般过去时的学习 启发学生要珍惜时间 四 教学难点四 教学难点 4个词组读音和书写 掌握动词过去式及其发音 五 教学准备五 教学准备 1 教师准备本课时所需的词卡 2 教师准备PPT 话筒 点读机等教具 六 学习方法六 学习方法 cooperation inquiry autonomy learning discussion 七 教学过程七 教学过程 1 1 GreatingGreating andand Warming upWarming up 1 Greating Good morning boys and girls I m Miss Wang Nice to meet you How are you today At first let s enjoy a song You can do and sing after it 播放英语儿歌 2 Daily oral practice Now boys and girls I want to speak English with you How are you What s do you do on the weekend Do you watch TV Do you do your homework Do you wash your clothes Do you clean the room 对话练习 已学知识的巩固 2 Leading2 Leading inin 1 Boys and girls What do you do on the weekend Now look at the pictures and tell me what you often do on the weekend 看图片不出示词 组 了解学生对今天要学的四个词组的掌握情况 教学生不熟不会的 2 Let s catch the plane 巩固复习动作词语 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1 We often do many things on the weekend This class let s talk about last weekend 这节课我们谈论过去发生的事情 OK follow me last weekend last weekend last means 上一个的 教学生读并理解 Now look Time is a magician What happened Can you find 学生发现并回 答 do 变成了过去式 did try to read this word 找学生试着拼读 读的好 的领读 找几个孩子检查这个单词读的情况 再领读句子 what did you do last weekend 2 What did you do last weekend 你们上周末做了些什么呢 S I watch TV T Now listen carefully You have a try please 让孩子自己回答 出 示图片 听点读机读 自己发现问题 自己试着拼读跟读 不会的老师提点 问学生what did you do last weekend 直到学生都能回答准确I watched TV 3 用相同的方法学完后三个词组 I wash my clothes I stay at home I clean my room 4 OK Can you pronounce these words Have a try 出示四个动词短语的 过去式形式 标注整个动词的音标 让学生试着拼读 转入学生的智力 5 Now follow it 跟点读机读 6 Read by yourselves 给时间学生读 7 let s have a match try to read 比赛拼读单词 归类拼读 让学生 感知积累这类词的拼读规则 8 Are you tired let s play a game 检查学生今天所学四个短语过去 式的掌握情况 不熟的短语玩冷暖游戏 玩游戏的时候继续学习What did you do last weekend 4 Practice 4 Practice 1 Ask and answer 师生问答2组 What did you do last weekend I watched TV I cleaned my room Good now you can ask me you can ask your good friend 生生问答3组 进行游戏前的示范作用 2 Play a game击鼓传花 复习句子what did you do I 3 last weekend I stayed at home washed my clothes I was very busy But I felt fine How was your weekend 你上周末过得怎么样呢 bad Just so so OK Fine so how was your weekend 学生回答 Pay attention to this word was How to read 出示音标学生拼读 was 是 am is 的过去式 点几个学生读这个单词 OK follow me 读一读这个句子 4 Now listen and find out the answer 让学生听对话找出答语 引出 how was your weekend 的答语 学生跟老师读两遍 5 Open your books read after it who can repeat 请学生领读 模仿语 音语调 6 I am the boy you are the girl I ask and you answer boys ask and girls answer let schange 师生生生相互问答 7 Pairwork with your parter 学生练习 8 学生表演2组 5 5 ConsolidationConsolidation andand extensionextension 1 做调查 Boys and girls look I am a reporter from CCTV I want to do a survey I want to know what you did last weekend you please T How are you S Fine thank you T How was your weekend S It was fine thanks T What did you do S I watched TV T What s your name S I m T Can you write down your name here 老师示范2组 Now I ll give a report Last weekend watched TV stayed at home 2 OK now you are the reporter from CCTV please do a survey 3 Give us a report 汇报表演 4 Do exercise 5 Let s check 6 Summary 6 Summary What have you learn


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