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第 1 页 共 49 页 小美人鱼 英文剧本小美人鱼 英文剧本 THELITTLEMERMAID Sailors I lltellyouataleofthebottomlelue Andit sheytothestarboard heaveho Lookout lad amermaidbewaitin foryou Inmysteriousfathomelow Eric I tthisgreat Thesaltyseaair thewindblowi nginyourface aperfectdaytobeatsea Grimy Ohyes delightful Sailor1 friendly typemood Eric KingTriton Sailor2 Why rulerofthemerpeople abouthim Grimy Merpeople Eric paynoattentiontothiautica lnoee 第 2 页 共 49 页 Sailor2 Butitain tnoee it sthetruth I mtell in you downinthe depthso theoceantheylive Sailors Seahorse Ahem Hisroyalhighne KingTriton Andp resentingthedistinguishedcourt composer HoratioTheloniousIgnatiusCrustaceoueb astian Triton I mreallylookingforwardtothierformance S ebastian Sebastian Oh YourMajesty thiswillbethefinestco ncertIhaveevercon Triton Yes andeeciallymylittleAriel Sebastian Yes yes shehasthemostbeautifulvoice sotto Ifonly 第 3 页 共 49 页 she dshowupforrehearsalsonceinawhile Triton sdaughters Ah wearethedaughtersofTrito n Greatfatherwholovesusandnameduswell Aquata Andrina Arista Atina Adella Allana Andthenthereistheyoungestinhermusicaldebut Ourseventhlittlesister we representinghertoyo u TosingasongSebastianwrote hervoiceislikeabell She soursister Ar i Triton Ariel Flounder Ariel waitforme Ariel Flounder hurryup Flounder YouknowIcan tswimthatfast Ariel titfantastic Flounder Yeah sure it it sgetouttahere Ariel You renotgettingcoldfiow areyou Flounder Who me sjust it err itlooks 第 4 页 共 49 页 dampinthere Igotthis cough Ariel sharks Flounder llstayand what Sharks Ariel Ariel Ican t Imean Arielhelp Ariel Oh Flounder Flounder Ariel doyoureallythinktheremightbesha rksaround here Ariel Flounder don tbesuchaguy Flounder I mean adventure dangerlurkingaround everycorn YAAAAHHHHHHHH Ariel Ariel Oh areyouokay Flounder Yeahsure noproblem I mokay Ariel Shhh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Haveyouever seenanythingsowonderfulinyourentirelife Flounder Wow cool But err whatisit 第 5 页 共 49 页 Ariel Idon Flounder Whatwasthat Didyouhearsomething Ariel Hmm Iwonderwhatthisoneis Flounder Ariel Ariel Flounder Flounder AAHHHH Run Run We re goadie OhNo Ariel Flounder youreallyareaguy Flounder Iamnot Ariel Scuttle Scuttle Whoa Mermaidofftheportbow Ariel howyoudoin kid Who a whataswim Ariel Scuttle lookwhatwefound Flounder Yeah wewereinthiunkehip itwasreallycreepy Scuttle Humatuff huh Hey Wow thisiecial thisisvery veryunusual Ariel What Whatisit 第 6 页 共 49 页 Scuttle It sadinglehoer Humausetheselittlebab ies to ayank thereand voiolay Yougotanaestheticallypleasingconfigura tion ofhairthathumagonutsover Ariel Adinglehoer Flounder Whataboutthatone Scuttle Ah thisIhaven Abanded bulbous arfblat ArielandFlounder Oohhh Scuttle Now thearfblatdateacktoprehistoricalti mes whenhumaused tositaround they Ariel Music Oh theconcert Ohmygosh myfather s goakillme Flounder Theconcertwastoday Scuttle Maybeyoucouldmakealittleplanter outofitorsomethin 第 7 页 共 49 页 Ariel Uh I msorry I Scuttle Anytimesweetie anytime Ursula Yeeeeeees hurryhome twanttomiolddaddy s celebration now wouldwe Huh InMYday we lookatme wastedawaytopracticallynothing banishedandexiledandpractically starving I llgive em Jetsam Iwantyoutokeepan toTriton sundoing Triton Ijustdon tknowwhatwe regoingtodowithy ou younglady Ariel Daddy I msorry Ijustforgot I Triton Asaresultofyourcareleehaviour Sebastian Careleandreckleehaviour Triton theentirecelebrationwas er Sebastian Well itwasruined That XX This youIamthelaughingstockoftheentirekingdom Flounder Butitwa therfault Ah well 第 8 页 共 49 页 first ahh thiharkchasedus yeah yeah Andwetriedto butwecouldn t and grrrrrrrrr and andwe whoooaaaaaa oh anditwasthisisthis andthatisthat and Triton Seagull What Oh youwentuptothesurfaceagain didn tyou DIDN TYOU Ariel Nothing haened Triton Oh Ariel Howmanytimesmustwegothroughthi s Youcould vebeen seeyoneofthosebarbaria by byoneofthosehuma Ariel Daddy they renotbarbaria Triton They aredbysomefish eater shook Ariel I msixteenyearsold I mnotachildanymore Triton Don liveundermyocean you llobeymyrules Ariel Butifyouwouldjustlisten Triton Notanotherword 第 9 页 共 49 页 andIamnever NEVERtohearofyougoingtothe Sebastian Hm Teenagers themaninch theyswimalloveryou Triton Doyou er thinkI Iwastoohardonher Sebastian ifArielwasmydaughter I dshowherwho was flittingtothesurface sir I dkeepherundertightcontrol Triton You reaolutelyright Sebastian Sebastian Ofcourse Triton Arielneedscotantsupervision Sebastian Cotant Triton Someonetowatchoverher tokeepheroutoftrouble Sebastian Allthetime Triton AndYOUarejustthecrabtodoit Sebastian HowdoIgetmyselfintothesesituatio Ish ouldbewriting Whatisthatgirlupto Huh 第 10 页 共 49 页 Flounder Ariel areyouokay Ariel tseethingsthewayhe tseehowaworldthatmakeuchwonderfulthings couldbe bad Lookatthituff I titneat Wouldn tyouthinkmycollection scomplete Wouldn tyouthinkI mthegirl Thegirlwhohasev rything Lookatthistrove Treasuresuntold Howmanywonderscanonecavernhold Lookin aroundhereyou dthink Sure she sgoteverything I vegotgadgetsandgizmosaplenty I vegotwhozitsandwhatzitsgalore Butwhocares Nobigdeal Iwantmore Iwaabewherethepeopleare Iwaasee 第 11 页 共 49 页 Waasee emdancin Walkin aroundonthose oh feet Fliin yourfiyoudon tgettoofar Legsarerequiredforjumpin dancin Strollin alongdowna street Upwheretheywalk Upwheretheyrun Upwheretheystayalldayinthesun Wanderin free WishIcouldbe Partofthatworld WhatwouldIgive IfIcouldlive Outtathesewaters WhatwouldIpay Toendaday Warmonthesand Betchaonland Theyunderstand Bettheydon treprimandtheirdaughters 第 12 页 共 49 页 Brightyoungwomen Sicko swimmin Readytostand Andreadytoknowwhatthepeopleknow Ask emmyquestio Andgetsomeawers What safireandwhydoesit burn When sitmyturn Wouldn tIlove Lovetoexplorethatshoreabove Outofthesea WishIcouldbe Partofthatworld Ariel Sebastian Sebastian Ariel what areyoumad Howcouldyou whatisallthis Ariel It err it sjustmy collection Sebastian PLACEHE D Flounder You renotgoatellhim areyou 第 13 页 共 49 页 Ariel Oh please Sebastian hewouldneverundersta nd Sebastian XX I lltakeyouhomeandgetyousomethingwarmtodrink Ariel Whatdoyousuose Sebastian Ariel Ariel Sebastian Ariel what whatareyou jumpin jellyfish Ariel Ariel Pleasecomeback Eric Max comeon mutt whatchadoing huh Max Goodboy Scuttle Heythere sweetie Quiteashow eh Ariel Scuttle bequiet They llhearyou Scuttle Oooh Igotcha REOUTTO DISCOVER Ariel I sveryhandsome i the Scuttle Iduo helookskindahairyandsloerytome Ariel Notthatone theoneplayingthearfblat 第 14 页 共 49 页 Grimy Silence Silence Itiowmyhonourandprivileg etopresentour esteemedPrinceEricwithaveryecial veryexpeive v erylargebirthday present Eric Ah Grimy y oldbeaole youshouldn thave Grimy Eric Eric Gee s err it s err it sreallysomethin Grimy Yes Ihadhopeditwouldbea weddingpresent but Eric Comeon Grim don you renotstillsorebeca useIdidn t fallfortheprinceofGlauerhaven areyou Grimy Oh Eric iti hailysettleddownwiththerightgirl Eric Well she tfoundheryet Grimy Well perhayouhaven tbeenlookinghardenou 第 15 页 共 49 页 gh Eric Believeme Grim whenIfindherI ll just bam hitme likelightning Sailor Hurricanea commin Standfast Securet heriggin Scuttle Whoa Thewind Ariel Eric Lookout Grim hangon Max JumpMax Come ooy jump YoucandoitMax Grimy ERIC Ariel Ishe dead Scuttle It I Ican tmakeoutaheartbeat Ariel No look He o beautiful WhatwouldIgive Tolivewhereyouare WhatwouldIpay Tostayherebesideyou WhatwouldIdotoseeyou Smilingatme Wherewouldwewalk Wherewouldwerun 第 16 页 共 49 页 Ifwecouldstayalldayinthesun Justyouandme AndIcouldbe Partofyourworld Grimy Eric Oh bloodpreure don tyou Eric Agirl rescuedme Shewas singing shehadthemost beautifulvoice Grimy Ah Eric Ithinkyou XX Max Sebastian ttellhim Iwon piece Ariel Idon tknowwhen Idon tknowhow ButIknowsomething tartingrightnow Watchandyou llsee SomedayI llbe Partofyourworld Ursula Oh no no no no no tstandit it 第 17 页 共 49 页 Her daddy sheadstrong lovesickgirlwouldmakea charmingadditiontomylittlegarden Andrina Ariel dear vebeeninthereallmorning Atina Whatiswithherlately Ariel Morning Daddy Atina Oh she sgotitbad Triton What Whathahegot Andrina I titobvious Daddy Ariel sinlove Triton Ariel Inlove Sebastian beeasykeepingsomethinglikethisasecretforlong Ariel Helovesme hmmm helovesme not Helovesme Iknewit Sebastian Ariel stoptalkingcrazy Ariel Igottaseehimagain tonight Scuttleknowswherehelives Sebastian inthewaterwhereitbelongs 第 18 页 共 49 页 Ariel I attention andthenwith Sebastian DownHEREisyourhome it Theseaweedisalwaysgreener Iomebodyelse slake Youdreamaboutgoingupthere Butthatisabigmistake Justlookattheworldaroundyou Righthereontheoceanfloor Suchwonderfulthingurroundyou Whatmoreisyoulookin for Underthesea Underthesea Darlingit etter Downwhereit swetter Takeitfromme Upontheshoretheyworkallday Outinthesuntheyslaveaway Whilewedevotin Fulltimetofloatin Underthesea 第 19 页 共 49 页 Downhereallthefishishay Asoffthroughthewavestheyroll Thefishonthelandain thay Theysad causetheyintheirbowl Butfishinthebowlislucky Theyinforaworserfate Onedaywhenthebogethungry Guewho sgon beontheplate Underthesea Underthesea Nobodybeatus Fryusandeatus Infricaee Wewhatthelandfolkslovestocook Undertheseaweoffthehook Wegotnotroubles Lifeisthebules Underthesea Underthesea Sincelifeiweethere Wegotthebeathere Naturally 第 20 页 共 49 页 Eventhesturgeonan theray Theygettheurge n starttoplay Wegottheirit Yougottohearit Underthesea Thenewtplaytheflute Thecarlaytheharp Theplaiceplaytheba Andtheysoundin sharp Thebalaythebra Thechulaythetub Theflukeisthedukeofsoul Therayhecalay Thelingsonthestrings Thetroutrockin out Theblackfishshesings Thesmeltandtherat Theyknowwhereit sat An ohthatblowfishblow Underthesea Underthesea Whenthesardine 第 21 页 共 49 页 Beginthebeguine It smusictome Whatdotheygot Alotofsand Wegotahotcrustaceaand Eachlittleclamhere knowhowtojamhere Underthesea Eachlittleslughere Cuttin arughere Underthesea Eachlittleailhere Knowhowtowailhere That swhyit shotter Underthewater Yaweinluckhere Downinthemuckhere Underthesea Ariel Ariel Oh somebody sgottonailthatgirl sfitothefloor Seahorse Sebastian Sebastian I vegot anurgentmeagefromtheseaking 第 22 页 共 49 页 Sebastian Theseaking Seahorse Hewantstoseeyourightaway somethingaboutAriel Sebastian Heknows Triton Let ee now Oh whocouldtheluckymerma e Comein Sebastian Sebastian Imustn YourMajesty Triton Now Sebastian I een actingpeculiarlately Sebastian Peculiar Triton Youknow moaningabout daydreaming singin gtoherself You haven tnoticed hmm Sebastian Oh well I Triton Sebastian Sebastian Hmmm Triton Iknowyou vebeenkeepingsomethingfromme Sebastian Keeping something 第 23 页 共 49 页 Triton AboutAriel Sebastian Ariel Triton Inlove Sebastian Itriedtostopher awayfromhuma theyarebad theyaretrouble they Triton Huma WHATABOUTHUMA Sebastian Huma Hohohoho Whosaidanythingabou thuma Ariel Flounder whycan tyoujusttellmewhatthisi sallabout Flounder You sasuprise Ariel Oh Flounder Flounderyou rethebest itlooks Why Eric runawaywithyou This isallso sosudden Daddy Triton andI expectthoserulestobeobeyed Ariel ButDaddy Triton Isittrueyourescuedahumanfromdrowing 第 24 页 共 49 页 Ariel Daddy Ihadto Triton Contactbetweenthehumanworldandthemer worlditrictlyfor youknowthat Everyoneknowsthat Ariel Hewouldhavedied Triton Onelehumantoworryabout Ariel Youdon tevenknowhim Triton Knowhim Idon savage harpooning fish eaters incapableofanyfeeling Ariel Daddy Ilovehim Triton No Haveyoulostyourseescompletely He sahuman you re amermaid Ariel Idon tcare Triton SohelpmeAriel onlyway sobeit Ariel Daddy No No please Daddy stop Daddy Nooo Sebastian Ariel I 第 25 页 共 49 页 Ariel Justgoaway Flotsam Poorchild Jetsam Poor sweetchild Flotsam Shehasaveryseriouroblem Jetsam Ifonlythereweresomethingwecoulddo Flotsam Butthereiomething Ariel Who whoareyou Jetsam Don tbescared Flotsam Werepresentsomeonewhocanhelpyou Jetsam Someonewhocouldmakeallyourdreamscometru e FlotsamandJetsam Justimagine Jetsam Youandyourprince FlotsamandJetsam Together forever Ariel Idon tunderstand Jetsam Ursulahasgreatpowers Ariel Theseawitch Why that s Icouldn tpoibly no Getoutof here Leavemealone Flotsam Suityourself Jetsam Itwasonlyasuggestion 第 26 页 共 49 页 Jetsamflicksthestatue rokenfacetowardsAriel Ariel Lookingattheface Wait FlotsamandJetsam Yeeeeeeeeee Flounder PoorAriel Sebastian Ididn tmeantotell itwasanaccident Ariel whereareyougoing Ariel whatareyoudoingherewith this riff raff riel I mgoingtoseeUrsula Sebastian Ariel no No she sademon she samote r Ariel Whydon tyougotellmyfather You regoodat that Sebastian But But I Comeon FlotsamandJetsam Thisway Ursula XX tlurkindoorways it srude 第 27 页 共 49 页 OneMIGHTquestionyoururinging Now reherebe cause er you heisquiteacatch i the Well angelfish thesolut iontoyour yourself Ariel CanyouDOthat Ursula Mydear swhatIdo it IadmitthatinthepastI vebeenanasty Theyweren tkiddingwhentheycalledme well awitc h Butyou llfindthatnowadays I vemendedallmyways Repented seenthelightandmadeaswitch True Yes AndIfortunatelyknowalittlemagic It satalentthatIalwayshavepoeed Andherelately pleasedon tlaugh Iuseitoehalf Ofthemiserable lonelyanddepreed 第 28 页 共 49 页 Poorunfortunatesouls Iain Ieed Thisonelongingtobethier Thatonewantstogetthegirl AnddoIhelpthem Yes indeed Thosepoorunfortunatesouls Sosad Sotrue Theycomeflockingtomycauldron Crying ells Ursulaplease AndIhelpthem Yes Ido Nowit shaenedonceortwice Someonecouldn tpaytheprice AndI mafraidIhadtorake em crothecoals Yes I vehadtheoddcomplaint ButonthewholeI vebeenasaint Tothosepoorunfortunatesouls Now here thisisimport 第 29 页 共 49 页 you vegottogetdearol he thethirdday you llremainhuman permanently but ifhedoe t you turackintoamermaid and youbelongtome Sebastian NoAriel Ursula Havewegotadeal Ariel IfIbecomehuman I llneverbewithmyfathero rsistersagain Ursula That sright But you sfulloftough choices iit tdiscuedthe tgetsomethingfornothing youknow Ariel ButIdon thaveany Ursula I really llnevereven yourvoice Ariel Myvoice Ursula You vegotit singing zip Ariel Butwithoutmyvoice howcanI 第 30 页 共 49 页 Ursula You llhaveyourlooks Yourprettyface And don tunderestimatethe importanceofbodylanguage Ha Themenuptheredon tlikealotofblaer Theythinkagirlwhogoiisabore Yes onlandit smuchpreferred Forladieottosayaword Andafterall dear whatisidleprattlefor Comeon they renotallthatimpreedwithconversati on Truegentlemenavoiditwhentheycan Buttheydoteandswoonandfawn Onaladywho swithdrawn It hewhoholdshertonguewhogetsherman Comeon youpoorunfortunatesoul Goahead Makeyourchoice I maverybusywoman AndIhaven tgotallday Itwon tcostmuch Justyourvoice 第 31 页 共 49 页 Youpoorunfortunatesoul It ad Buttrue Ifyouwanttocroabridge mysweet You vegottopaythetoll Takeagulpandtakeabreath Andgoaheadandsignthescroll Flotsam Jetsam nowI vegother boys Theboisonaroll Thioorunfortunatesoul Paluga sarruga comewindsoftheCaiaea Nowringsusgloitisandmaxlaryngitis Lavocetome Now sing Ariel Ursula Keeinging Eric velooked everywhere Max wherecouldshebe Scuttle Well lookatwhatthecatfishdraggedin Loo katya Lookatya There syourhairdo 第 32 页 共 49 页 right You vebeenusingthedinglehoer right No N ohuh wellletme seashells tputmy footonitrightnow butifIjuststandherelongenough IknowthatI ll Sebastian SHE SGOTLEGS YOUIDIOT Shetradedherv oicetotheseawitch man Scuttle Iknewthat Flounder Ariel sgottamaketheprincefallin lovewithher andhe sgottaki he sgottakiher Sebastian Andshe legs Whatwouldherfathersay I lltellyouwhatherfather dsay he dsayhe sg oakillhimselfacrab 第 33 页 共 49 页 that swhatherfather dsay I mgoamarchmeselfs traighthomerightnow andtellhimjustlikeIshouldadonedeminute and don tyoushakeyourheadatme wecouldgetthatwitchtogiveyoubackyourvoice youc ouldgohomewith allthenormalfish andjustbe justbe justbemi serablefor lltrytohelpyoufindthat mturningouttobe Scuttle Now Ariel I mtellin ya ifyouwaabeahu manthefirstthing Eric Max Huh what Max Scuttle Eric Max Max QuietMax What sgottenintoyoufella Oh Oh mi I msorryifthisknucklehead sharmle really 第 34 页 共 49 页 you seemveryfamiliar Wehavemet Iknewit You retheone theoneI ve beenlookingfor What syourname What swrong Wh atisit Youcan teak You rehurt No No Youneedhelp Whoa whoa youmust tworry I XX Comeon you llbeokay Carlotta llhaveyou feelingbetteriotime PicksupAriel s dre I l ljust I lljust getthiswashedforyou Woman1 Wellyoumusthaveatleastheardaboutthisgir l Woman2 Well Gretcheays sincewhenhas thisgirlshowsupinragsand doe teak Sebastian Madame please Woman2 slookingforagirl Iknow 第 35 页 共 49 页 acoupleofhighlyavailableonesrighthere Grimy Oh Eric t swimaround rescuingpeopleinthemiddleoftheoceanandthen flutteroffinto oblivion likesome Eric I mtellin you Grim shewasREAL I mgoafi ndthatgirl andI m goamarryher Carlotta XX tbeshy Grimy Oh Eric i tsheavision Eric Youlook wonderful Grimy Comecomecome wego ah quitecomfy s It otofenthatwehavesuchalovely dierguest ehEric Uh doyou likeit Itisrather fine Carlotta Oh my Eric Ahem sosorryGrim Carlotta Why Eric that sthefirsttimeI veseen 第 36 页 共 49 页 yousmileinweeks Grimy Oh mydear what sfor dier Carlotta Oooh you eenfixinghiecialty stuffedcrab Louis Leoio Leoio HowIloveleoio Lovetochop Andtoservelittlefish FirstIcutofftheirheads ThenIpulloutthebones Ahmaisoui Cac esttoujoursdelish Leoio Leoio Heeheehee Hahhahhah WiththecleaverIhackthemintwo Ipulloutwhat siide AndIserveitupfried 第 37 页 共 49 页 God Ilovelittlefishes Don tyou Here omethingfortemptingthepalate Preparedintheclaictechnique Firstyoupoundthefishflatwithamallet Thenyouslashthroughtheskin Givethebellyaslice Thenyouruomesaltin Causethatmakesittastenice Zutalors Ihavemiedone Sacrebleu Whatisthis HowonearthcouldImi Suchasweetlittlesucculentcrab Queldommage Whatalo Herewegointhesauce Nowsomeflour Ithink Justadab NowIstuffyouwithbread Itdon thurt causeyou redead Andyou recertainlyluckyyouare 第 38 页 共 49 页 Causeit sgoabehot Inmybigsilverpot Toodleloomooion Aurevoir Whatisthis Carlotta IthinkI dbettergoseewhatLouisisupto Louis Comeoutyoulittlepiqueakandfightlikeaman Carlotta Louis Whatareyoudoing Louis Well I Iwasjust er er I msorry madame Grimy Youknow Eric perhaouryoungguestmightenjo yseeingsomeofthe Eric I msorry Grim whatwasthat Grimy Youcan tendallyourtimemopingabout something Eric Easy Grim Easy It Wouldyou liket


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