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1 江苏高考英语作文常考题型模板江苏高考英语作文常考题型模板 我省高考书面表达阅卷方式 网上阅卷 采用两人判分取其平均值的方法 这样更能 客观地反映出考生的实际英语写作水平 但是阅卷速度很快 一般 50 秒至 65 秒即可阅读 完一篇文章 对于非常好而且字迹又非常漂亮的作文 阅卷老师会给高分 一 答题应试技巧一 答题应试技巧 牢记 一式 两头 三写 四关 的应试要诀 一式 是关注文章体裁 写对格式 两头 即写好文章的开头和结尾 三写 是大小写 拼写和书写无误 四关 也就是过好 内容要点关 行文逻辑关 语法规则关和习惯表达关 具体如下 1 注重审题 对写的内容做到心中有数 首先 应通过审题明确文章的体裁 其次 应注 重时态及语态 认真琢磨其内容的英语表达方式 避免汉式英语 最后着手写时要注意 分段 2 内容要点是否齐全 句子语法 包括 时态 语态 用词 句法和结构格式等 是否正 确 词汇是否准确多样 句式结构是否丰富多彩 逻辑关系词使用是否到位 是否合理 使用连接词和过渡性词语 标点符号 英语字母大小写是否规范 3 在表达清晰明了的前提下适当使用有把握的复杂结构和高级词汇 4 注重英语习惯 使所写句子准确地道 注意表达时的切换 避免汉式英语 5 注重开头和结尾的技巧 6 新标准对写作的要求增加了情感因素 所以发挥自己的观点时注重思想性 力图提高文 章思想内涵 7 注重书写 追求卷面美观 书面表达属于主观性试题 阅卷老师的主观印象直接关系到 考生的得分高低 8 通读全文 检查疏漏 忌 书写潦草 单词模糊不清 左右明显不齐 随意涂改 缺乏分段 字数太多或太少 二 考生要想二 考生要想 取悦取悦 于阅卷老师应注意以下几个要点于阅卷老师应注意以下几个要点 1 外在美 字 字迹 字数 字体 字距 版面 整洁 忌超格 污迹 涂黑 2 结构美 分段 最好三段 一篇好的文章应有合理的段落层次 让人感觉条理清晰 每 一段应有一个主题句和几个支撑句 写好首段是关键 开头写得好是获得高分 的基础 深化充实中间拓展段 要紧紧围绕主题展开 不能涉及无关内容 把好结尾关 好的结尾能起画龙点睛作用 结尾段写法很多 可以对前文观点 发表看法 明确表明自己的立场和态度 也可以回到文章的开头段提出的中心 论点上 达到再次肯定和强调的效果 应从多个角度谈 3 词汇美 亮点 使用优美语句 但不是偏词 怪词 而是生动 集体形象的词语 并且 要运用得正确 得当 如 The job is very difficult 如果表达成 The job is very challenging 更能显示出考生的功底 4 句式美 每段使用一至两个较高级句型来表达可使全文增色 但不宜过多 以免出错 常用的句式 what 从句 同位语从句 倒装句 with 结构 插入语等 句子 长短相间 精彩句式的合理使用会使文章可读性更强 忌低级错误 主谓 时 态不一致 单词拼写错误等 5 衔接美 有效地使用语句的链接成分 使全文结构紧凑 是高考书面表达重要的评分 依据 段落之间要使用适当的过渡句 句子间要使用逻辑性合理的衔接词 这 样文章结构紧凑 自然流畅 给人以上下贯通 一气呵成的感觉 三 概括写作类三 概括写作类 2014 年江苏英语高考首次采用新题型 读写任务型 该写作分为两部分 2 第一部分要求用约 30 个词概括所给短文的要点 文体主要以记叙文 议论文或说明文为主 第二部分以约 120 个词就短文某一主题谈论自己的经历并发表看法 首先 概括部分考查了学生的概括能力 学生在概括的时候要注意语言的精炼 要点 要齐全 其次 阐述的理由或论据要简洁明了 层次分明 最后 对自己的观点要作出总 结 写作时要注意尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式 同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型 使文章显得更有档次 常规模版 第一段 概括文章要点 语言要精炼 概括要全面 行文连贯 表达准确 概括时常用的第一段 概括文章要点 语言要精炼 概括要全面 行文连贯 表达准确 概括时常用的 句式有句式有 1 记叙文类常用模版 记叙文类常用模版 The author tells us a story about a that who The passage is a story about a that who e g The author tells us a story about a kind man who cut a cocoon open in order to lessen the pain of a butterfly when he saw it struggling out of the cocoon only to find that it could never fly because of his help 2 议论文类常用模版 议论文类常用模版 The passage highlights the importance of sth The essay passage author outlines The article gives the view that should shouldn t 主题 主题 补充论据 补充论据 e g The passage highlights the importance of encouragement for students The essay passage author outlines the harmful effects of smoking 3 说明文类常用模板 说明文类常用模板 This article shows tells us that This article not only describes but also suggests This article points out the common phenomenon 主题 主题 which 补充解释 补充解释 e g The article tells us that habits are formed when we are young and we should try to develop good habits for they benefit us in our daily life and help us shape our character 第二段 写完概括后 用恰当的过渡语引出下文 并根据要求进行分析或举例或说明自己第二段 写完概括后 用恰当的过渡语引出下文 并根据要求进行分析或举例或说明自己 的看法 的看法 一 过渡语过渡语 1 记叙文的过渡语记叙文的过渡语 1 I have a similar experience 2 I also went through such an experience 3 This story reminds me of another story that happened to 4 This story reminds me of a similar experience of 2 议论文的过渡语议论文的过渡语 表示赞同表示赞同 1 I agree with the statement that 2 I do quite agree with the author 3 I m for the writer s idea that 4 I fully support the statement 3 5 I can t agree more with 表示不赞同表示不赞同 1 I don t agree with what the writer said the writer 2 I m strongly against the writer s idea 3 This opinion sounds right reasonable but is hardly practical 3 说明文的过渡语说明文的过渡语 1 After reading the passage I had a better understanding of 二 根据要求进行分析或举例二 根据要求进行分析或举例 This is common in among Let s take for example As for me I benefit a lot from The story sets me thinking I can t agree more with the author 三 说明自己的观点 三 说明自己的观点 As far as I am concerned From my point of view In my opinion 第三段 根据要求或启示 提出看法或如何解决该问题 常用的结论性词语有 第三段 根据要求或启示 提出看法或如何解决该问题 常用的结论性词语有 1 In conclusion 2 To sum up 3 In a word 附范文 1 请阅读下面短文 并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章 Once upon a time in a land far away there was a wonderful old man who loved every thing Animals spiders insects One day while walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon 茧 of a butterfly He took it home A few days later a small opening appeared he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole Then it seemed to stop making any progress It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther Then the man decided to help the butterfly so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon The butterfly then came out easily But it had a swollen body and small shriveled 萎缩的 wings The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that at any moment the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body Neither happened In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings It never was able to fly What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were Nature s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life If we were allowed to go through our life without any obstacles it would cripple us We would not be as strong as what we could have been And we could never fly 写作内容 1 以约 30 词概括短文内容要点 2 以约 120 词就 个人成长需要艰难生活的磨砺 这一话题发表你的看法 并包含以下要点 1 你读了这个故事后的感受 4 2 叙述当前父母溺爱子女的现象和由此造成的后果 3 假如你是父母一方 你会如何磨砺自己的孩子 写作要求 1 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文中句子 2 文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称 The author tells us a story about a kind man who cut a cocoon open in order to lessen the pain of a butterfly when he saw it struggling out of the cocoon only to find that it could never fly because of his help The story sets me thinking Our life is more or less like this Sometimes struggles or obstacles in our life are a must for our growth It is these struggles or obstacles that increase our willpower and contribute to our success Without these trials we could never achieve our life goal just as the butterfly did in the story Nowadays with only one child in most families parents do whatever they can to satisfy the child s needs and even do for him what should be done by himself Consequently the child is unable to look after himself without his parents presence Too much care from parents deprives children of chances to grow strong by conquering obstacles Just as a saying goes Flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm If I were a parent I would first keep him well informed that life is never easy and that he should be ready to face any difficulties Besides I would expose him to the hardships in life instead of protecting him from difficulties providing them with chances to fight for his bright future by conquering challenges 2 When should I begin to acquire good habits a young boy asked his teacher How old are you asked the teacher Eight years old sir answered the boy Then you have just lost eight years the teacher replied There is no doubt that habits are formed at a very early age When one is young it is easy to acquire good habits Good habits are practices that help us in our daily life The habit of brushing one s teeth in the morning for instance keeps one s teeth clean and prevents a bad smell which is unpleasant to others Bad habits such as sticking one s tongue out biting one s fingernails and picking one s nose are undesirable ways of behaving in front of others If we want people to enjoy being with us we should try to develop habits that are pleasant It is said We sow an act we reap a habit We sow a habit and we reap a character The habits we formed at an early age shape our character Habits are like tributaries 支流 which flow into a river The river is made up of all its tributaries a person s character is made up of all the habits that he or she has acquired over the years 写作内容 1 以约 30 个词概括本文内容 2 以约 120 个词谈谈你对好习惯养成的看法 并包括以下要点 1 你认为好习惯重要吗 为什么 2 你身上有哪些好习惯 它们对你的学习或生活有什么影响 3 怎样才能养成良好的习惯 写作要求 1 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文的句子 2 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称 The author tells us that habits are formed when we are young and we should try to develop 5 good habits for they benefit us in our daily life and help us shape our character I can t agree more with the author Cultivating a good habit can not only shape our character increase our inner beauty but also influence those people around us Therefore I think it is of great significance to form a good habit As for me I benefit a lot from my good habits like getting up early to speak English aloud reviewing and previewing lessons before going to bed every day In the past I didn t dare to speak English before others because of my poor pronunciation and I also did badly in my English tests Thanks to my good habits however I have been making progress in my English study Now I am proud of my speaking and writing in English Then how can we form a good habit First of all you should be determined to fight against your laziness Once you make up your mind to do something never give up easily Then you have to be confident believing that you can become a better person Last but not least keep pushing yourself It may take a long period for you to form a good habit but remember it is perseverance that makes you successful 3 6 To make it easier for her parents to get to America a young woman has drawn three pictures These pictures contain almost all the necessary information the old couple may need on their way to America With vivid drawings and clear instructions they are impressive and easy to understand 31words Seeing the pictures I m deeply moved like many others The young woman is very sweet and considerate She loves her parents so much Also she must have taken a lot of pains to come up with such a wonderful idea which will be of great help to her parents As for me my parents are faced with much pressure from work and life I should try my best to help them For example In addition 4 Time to give thanks When it comes to Thanksgiving turkey may be the first thing that comes to mind It s the right picture but it s not complete Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year Thanksgiving Day is a time for thanksgiving and feasts It s about expressing your gratitude to the important people and all the good things in your life 7 Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with much warmth and keep many traditional customs Here we introduce two of the rules Americans typically follow on this day 1 Time for prayers and paying back Thanksgiving Day has been associated with prayers in church and in homes for centuries Attending church prayer services in the morning is the first step of many celebrators on Thanksgiving Day The churches provide worship 礼拜 services and organize special events for the occasion Before Thanksgiving meals some families gather together and read prayers to thank God for his kindness and the gifts he has bestowed upon 给予 them in the form of friends and family Some people also do voluntary community work on this day as a way of paying back 2 Family reunions and showing gratitude Like China s Spring Festival preparing a big meal and bringing the family together at home is a long standing tradition of Thanksgiving Distances don t really matter as relatives return home to be with their family no matter how far away 写作内容 1 用约 30 个单词写出上文概要 2 用约 120 个单词谈谈你对感恩的想法 内容包括 1 你认为我们中国人有没有必要过 感恩节 为什么 2 以你自己的经历或者身边的人为例 阐述重视感恩的必要性 3 总结你的观点 写作要求 1 可以支持文中任一观点 但必须提供理由或论据 2 阐述观点或提供论据时 不能直接引用原文语句 3 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 4 不必写标题 评分标准 内容完整 语言规范 语篇连贯 词数适当 This passage is mainly about the custom of a western traditional festival Thanksgiving Day which mainly includes the two rules that Americans usually abide by during the festival After reading the passage I had a better understanding of Thanksgiving Day In my opinion since the festival has a lovely and healthy theme why not do as the Americans do Don t you think giving thanks to things and people around us is very necessary We can t deny it is a good chance to spread kindness and consideration Take myself for example Because I am busy in studying on weekdays I have little time to lo ok after my parents which makes me guilty In order to reward them and make them relaxed on the weekend I get up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for them willingly which makes them delighted So it is vital for us to have a grateful heart and show our thanks to anything good and any person that is nice 5 It s show time China s TV channels have ever been full of various shows since the craze for Super Girl in 2004 Regarding voice as the only ruler The Voice of China quickly became popular around Chinese mainland and topped a league of all shows broadcast by the country s local TV stations Its popularity also drew record advertising the final episode 集 attracting an ad spend of 500 000 yuan per second Plus the episodes of If You Are the One 非诚勿扰 both hot and controversial became an instant hit proving that dating shows can be entertaining and mainstream at the same time Another TV show Where Are We Going Dad produced by Hunan Satellite Television has been wowing 使 叫好 audiences across the nation filling the Internet with heated discussions about the father s figure 8 写作内容 1 用约 30 个英语单词写出上文概要 2 用约 120 个英语单词就各类 秀 节目谈谈你的看法 内容包括 1 探究节目受到追捧的原因 2 分析节目存在的潜在问题 3 请你对改进节目提出至少两点建议 写作要求 1 作文应涵盖写作内容所有要点 可以适度发挥 2 可以参考阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文中的句子 3 不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息 如校名 人名等 参考词汇 1 选秀节目 talent show 2 真人秀 reality show Nowadays numerous TV shows have become extremely popular among Chinese audiences Those programs ranging from talent or dating shows to reality shows have received both commercial success and public concern Their massive popularity is mainly based on simple facts First they care about social concerns Second they promote pursuit of dreams at grassroots level Third without exception they explore a perfect balance between international form and Chinese expression Despite apparent highlights much room is left for improvement Above all commercial interest often overweighs educational purposes causing much complaints about unbearable advertisements In addition some sharp remarks though eye catching and overwhelming may have misleading effect on the youth In my opinion such shows should shoulder more responsibility instead of merely entertaining the public As is expected these programs should be both humanistic and positive in their form and function Meanwhile the media should also safeguard the core value of our society 6 A young man was slapped in the face until he bled because he didn t offer his seat to a woman with a baby on a bus in downtown Hangzhou Later he was proved to be a disabled person In a series of cases nationwide we see people being beaten for refusing to give up their seats on public transport which seems to be a moral problem about correct behavior and self sacrifice People without morals who don t give up their seats to deserving people can be condemned but they don t deserve to be treated with violence because they offend moral values and not laws In comparison the attackers behave worse The attackers regard relying on violence as their only choice if people ignore their appeals to give up their seats It seems they start a shout or a fight for the sake of justice but can they still think of their personal intention when they call violent justice This violent justice can confuse many people and encourage them to do the same especially when we are overpowered by illogical mood If cruel and rude acts are rooted in children s hearts society will never step into civilization The practice violates common values neither solving problems nor safeguarding civilized society 写作内容 1 以约30个词概括短文的要点 2 以约120个词谈谈你对这一事件的看法 内容包括 1 读完这则新闻 你有什么感受 9 2 假如你是车上的一名乘客 你会怎样做 3 就如何创建和谐社会提出你的建议 写作要求 1 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子 2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 The news is about a young disabled man who was slapped on a bus for not offering his seat to a woman with a baby which leads to a debate about who is right and who is wrong I m so upset that in our society the woman with a baby should be so impolite It was wrong of her to get her justice with violence which really will do great harm to our society Today in our society many other people would take it for granted that they should be offered a seat on the crowded bus as the morality requires However if I were a passenger on the crowded bus I would stand out to tell her that the young man is also in need of help because of his disability So it is still a long way for us to build up a harmonious society In my opinion we should fight against the violent justice and try every means to stop it from happening so as to solve such kind of problems and safeguard our civilized society 7 1 The ministry of Education is considering new measures to test the physical quality of students across the country each year Beijing News reported According to the measures every student in a school is required to participate in the annual test and the results should be reported to the Ministry which will select a specified number of students from each province each year to test their suppleness and endurance The Ministry will select 4 pilot provinces this year and the measures are expected to expand across the whole country next year 2 In Guangdong province it is reported that the students in Junior 3 are required to take 100 meter swimming test and the results will be part in the total grade in 2014 Also there is a growing voice in society that NCEE National College Entrance Examination should include PE tests 写作内容 1 以约 30 个词概括两篇报道的内容 2 然后以约 120 个词 就以上新闻话题发表你的看法 包括如下要点 1 体育成绩纳入总分的重要性 2 简述你所在学校加强学生体育锻炼的做法 3 你所喜欢的体育项目对你的影响 写作要求 1 在作文中可以使用自已亲身的经历或虚构的故事 也可以参照阅读材料的内容 但不得直接引用原文中的句子 2 作文中 不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 评分标准 概括准确 语言规范 内容合适 篇章连贯 According to the two reports new measures about physical assessment among students are being considered in Beijing and Guangdong Besides the society calls for more attention to students physical quality With more attention being paid to students academic achieve


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