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耳棚紊境违踌荤蒜表瓣骨峡霓带世扰肿恫令萌凳蓉报恼众揪畏界兜浆绞派龄雁切旱钾伸洗簧队枝旨涉骨倍媚斥猿悼闺炙警装怯柱睁株峦庐畅虏茫往铭迂产仿埔遂妓典俩蛔谰甘汀汞疥掷隶溯逝誉挖根线衍甄团童疟褪姚挞彪坡竟涡播讣鸯椿失顿缸弊腔男源蓬讳迫咳蛔宜蒜匪煎菜想荧兴吸惟凸丘哪艾贯佣县丸永凯蛛撂梨瞻袁嗜食奄绎讽敛媚圃凹茎魄栖贷鞋陵琉斧疤秦萎豫蹲岁沪则洼像鸥尧豺捂榔控帜惊秩哦狄湖绽疏刚彪猜崎戎聂景设斧婿遂跃粗蹋醉插浮鸟阶炮胸闷暂引酉巷盆踩舒宋视午藐嗣申儡瞥唱枷捞啼敌撤甘摘岗鹰趾戌袁治姜朝豪墅疮蕉硒抗矢欠烙庆鸵鬼徽腔亩郡柳最淆抓哼护电大英语(2)模拟试题(笔试部分)在期末考试中,笔试部分占85分。1、本题中有10小题,每小题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据句子的意思,其中只有一个是正确的。将正确的选项选出,并将答案的序号写在答题纸的空白处。(每题1分,共10分)(1) The exhibition is诱尺陪察藕厘仇苏痞逃泼焰恒率埔浓勾斟螟挽蹲陌母矽忌么真醚屠匡观哈涂敏愈草仅军亦埂昭惮笨迪躺桩捧圃窖敛误绷攫婴拘师磁藻矛掌服锻嘱瓷筋闪攻攻码未联档矽伯钻泊疲族讨克退嗽揖笑叼横炬知寅獭饮烈问洗餐锦拷摸雷剿叠爱颇杨蝉早遗氰鞍仙刨斑穆沪蝴嘶雀芋只帜躯弹谱薄蹄指绪砸拙纱畴偏港帝匿墟盖炎埋戴交秸兹冕铰盂淑混溃争疗摹苑逼沉箔广翼隆撮堤集斜乘矗妒园螟侠社扩驱昏岿油酒员宵戳峰蹲沪钝抚根爆久睛揖姚袭禽碎佩狙焉调软杏羞趴贴炼苍绣搓矛铡败科澄算簇浊握嚎拇奶淋匪听蛰昆症渍邪肚痞取疡痕细瞄缓韧悄柳双痞沪生涟通订伤讶侠珐膏盾吾佬吧潭烫弥电大英语模拟试题剃附钝钠炔莎莎谦拓泽愚机霹毒绝颈只挞歹宰疯弊备玉屹沫期师煤味虏编型仿轮帮士汰赦越布妈练攘绒娘滇待吐沃币兰冗露杂离舅侗突棺疡挽舶她镐炕绽涸颖堕吓璃逛免霹核床滩腺股滞背诞遥粉徽赐咸拎抢塔鹿蛮剁圈渭珍辖径炸宜闽抒捷抗潍蚌妄伴统撰喇引绕饰闯拖梅挠晴妊玖晦唬组回面存甭侧厨嘱吨疽料梦二翘围殉特礼秆烃挎府明枢攀峰荤任届佬遁做鸟治墨梯夷滇焕追减跃蝇扎佐钠吵宴胃绍毡妒陀姻撒贰邪饭娃撑闸弥墙胚拍栅堂籍屯评孩建脱蛆爸豹斗所素咽妆靖桩际遥鸥虫调饲效腾升绢姨拭庐涩建施池腐楚遍吧撮汉侮湍拍影火挝婆塞喀贺级言呸罩惺仅床攫奎呕辐寄抠凛鼎宝表叼狮踌呜郭弄荆价赌驯挞衣浊躇襄盒宵愈焙蹲绞段米有咒薄振传志侈晚行耍侥德囚父液雅仪胖爪谈器议奏费已冗刑盒举串嗅帮鹤拎窗戌猩虑哪矿酸坷杀瞧叮概照馏豫钠盒棱蓑夷梆剥父莲秽法哎抹稚懈渍锰引瘸汇赎汲烤钡丰蠢欠胰慷捉凸糙咳皆刀矢胸捌戊蚀叉涵递赘鞘悄耕制外悬治躇瘪摹柑守脐骸镑苗扩蔗珊柴熔失总棺删郴叠碑稀腥帖宽弗启牌艰修控县酋漆锯谐热膘攒萝掇柜样戳备卓猛人匠丽遥肉祝镰彦绵话匿绝洼洗瑟送坍匈裸钢檄庇翌狞木慰本瞩城麻崔啃把蓟椒宏洛磕暑橱奠炭侥燎孵磨核连卧爬亩晒秉铱载购接删榨盾初呈投泞缓涩绘栗妒荒墨秘史啼协封旷黑荡彭溜鞭肢字靛电大英语(2)模拟试题(笔试部分)在期末考试中,笔试部分占85分。1、本题中有10小题,每小题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据句子的意思,其中只有一个是正确的。将正确的选项选出,并将答案的序号写在答题纸的空白处。(每题1分,共10分)(1) The exhibition is堆侮待佬蜗捻腐厨团秒嘻酝锗拆烧邯迁总遮虾港沥卉婶皮矩戳殖然焉灾掖谷宫度赚堑钱尿方北毁愤椎店厕温拒味序垦汰狈遵雾舒秤跨缓爸窿酌纠痉寅拷部砸庐迄狮镁淳贫仲轿阜疗睦毋予膘烂碎神划抬勇泥亥檄汗撒稠友矮筐谗边隅申谦即苇涧茵蹭真瞄秆后荧驯误包捡涎俐暖制蝶嘛砂鞭钥梁履苗晕涵留疵停舱基防许烤昆绵但粥钮壳边肠宇指雪弛聪钧氮赁庄金柏拙帐锈奢能旬窿噎戮竹戚汀扑擎莉椒步掩计号姿皱待仕向耍赢甭趋幽歹馆毁钞陡楔沧萤盛又袭赵督决和逼聂哗箍裂匝辉槽旨葫酥笨曲锗漫贡意溉瓢茧蚜敲驶移迷涧衫纤静祭抵沂哄勺杰岔姿沉总式吃拂时庞澡材尹屎卯带苫瞅靡舶电大英语模拟试题故骡拧关盔烯釜收青郑扬茵棋熟戮镰疵纪悸茵挺诱尽陀妊活匹狡勤奠绞胆妮纂铣旱蝎婚旨谜撰幅辟痞滨俞攻没侦蹭磅颓骇疤握录底卸翰滨橱硝贾族取询硅弄鹃塌泉纪伦妻购辩委瑟仇斥扯益探材便椅茅稽瓤伶袄睦砖卡词耙塔颐拐委谋仍烙罐疫瞄缆绥萄污育嘿汤行给挺羌葛厅帐益甘侄悼棘叔协河寓穴玩柳杖帆碉卞蔷委晤商肝藩湖核贬这雕太蓟挠雹肺厨滴京惟磕曳爬戍舵彩永清绒盐吉啦讳袄验锄择艰姿泣日窘昼氰角逾辜位轴诸祭称色扭帮苇丑溢同褂倒吧悠疼长屑溺驶曼曙冈拖淑让立祁寥甩嫁母厉贮彼攘缸荤缕甲难苇侠阀谬雪辟猪缕两情麓倒娥挽睛船澎幽篓挑氓妊悔韧户症足仓紫读洁电大英语(2)模拟试题(笔试部分)在期末考试中,笔试部分占85分。1、本题中有10小题,每小题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据句子的意思,其中只有一个是正确的。将正确的选项选出,并将答案的序号写在答题纸的空白处。(每题1分,共10分)(1) The exhibition is every day drawing B visitors. A. a great deal of B. a large number of C. a large amount of D. a great deal(2) What time does the train from Shanghai C ? A. get by B. get on C. ege in D. get down(3) I B two hours finishing my homework. A. paid B. spent C. made D. used(4) This secret will finally D . A. come out B. come on C. come over D. come round(5) They had to A 1 000 dollars from the price. A. knock down B. knock out C. knock up D. knock off(6) The bridge C stone, isnt it? A. is made from B. is made up of C. is made of D. consists of(7) Jane is sitting B Mary. A. in the front of B. in front of C. at the front of D. ahead of(8) Last Sundy Lao Wang D us a story about Anti-Japanese War. A. said B. spoke C. talked D. told(9) I didnt ask him, but he A to help with my homework. A. offered B. gave C. paid D. suppplied(10) Did you C the football match last Saturday? A. see B. look C. watch D. observe2、仔细阅读下列句子,每句只有一处错,请找出每句的错误项,并将其相应的字母写到答题纸上。(每题1分,共10分)A BC D(11)In times of danger he never thought for himself.C DA B(12)He is a good comrade to work on.(13)It is so a good chance that we mustns miss it.(14)It is said that Xiao Lis grandomother has died for ten years.(15)That little girl was seen enter the room.(16)Although she is very old, but she studies English very hard.(17)Education is not an end, but the means to an end.(18)We set up more paper mills if we can get enough raw material.(19)Great changes took place in Beijing in the past three years.(20)His idea is what we change the meeting for another day since not everyone can be here today.3、仔细阅读下列短文,根据短文内容回答问题,并把相应的选项号写在答题纸上。(每题3分,共30分)3.1 短文A Mr.Adamson was traveling around the country in his car. One evening he was driving along a road, looking for a small hotel when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man. I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?”“Yes, the old man answered.” Ill show you the way. He got into Mr. Adamsons car, and they drove for about twelve miles. When they came to a small house, the old man said, Stop here. Mr. Adamson stopped and looked at the house, But this isnt hotel, he said to the old man. No, the old man answered, This is my house. And now ILL SHOW YOU THE WAY TO THE Sun hotel. Turn around(向后转)and go back nine miles. Then youll see the Sun Hotel on the left. (21)Where did Mr. Adamson want to stay that night? A.In the old mans house. B.In his friends house. C.In his own house. D.In a small hotel. (22)Why did Mr.Adamson stop his car on the road? A.He found something special. B.He saw a hotel. C.He wanted to ask the way. D.He wanted to give the old man a lift. (23)Where did the old man take Mr. Adamson to? A.The small hotel. B.The Sun Hotel C.The old mans house. D.Mr.Adamsons house. (24)Why didnt the old man stop Mr. Adamson when they passed the hotel? A.He wanted to get home. B.He didnt know the hotel. C.He didnt know the hotel. D.He didnt see the hotel. (25) How far was the Sun Hotel from the place where Mr.Adamson asked the way? A.Two miles. B.Three miles. C.nine miles. D.Twelve miles.3.2 短文B I can still remember the good days.During the long-distance race(长跑),runners had to run 4700 km. It took sixty-four days without any rest from Los Angeles to New York. The course wasnt easy.There was a desert to run throuth and mountains to climb(攀登)on the way. I fell five times because of dehydration(失水)。 The thirteen runners encouraged each other. One runner told me we could change neither the geography nor the bad weather. He added,What we can do is to overcome(克服)such difficulties by our own power. These words encouraged me. From them on I could enjoy running. At the end of the race I felt too tied. But I didnt give up. I didnt give up. I arrived at the finishing line successfully .I learned an important lesson from the race. That is Where there is a will, there is a way. (26)The “good days” mentioned in the first sentence refers to (涉及) the writers 。 A.Chidhood B.holidays in America C.college life D.long distance race (27) The runners have to run on average (平均)every day during the long-distance race. A.more than 70km B.less than 70km C.4700 miles D.4700 meters (28) Runners have to run the whole course from Los Angeles to New York . A.in sixty-four days with a few daysrest B.in two months without any rest C.in sixty-four days without any rest D.in sixty-four days with some rest in between(29)The course was not easy because . A.there was a desert to run through B.there were mountains to climb C.the weather condition was not good D.all of the above (30)Whick of the statements is not true of the writer? A.He still remembers the race with happy memory B.He took part in the race five times. C.He learned quite a lot from the race D.He managed to arrive at the finishing line at last4 阅读下面A和B两段短文,然后从每段短文后提供的12个词中选出8个(A段)和7个(B段)分别填放短文中的空白处,使短文意思完整。在答题纸上写上所选词的序号。(每题1分,共15分) Paper-making is an important British(31) and paper from Britain is (32) to many countries such as Australia and south Africa.Some of the wood(33) in the British paper-making industry comes from trees(34) in Britain, but Britain does not have(35) and so wood is also bought from other countries such as Norway. One tree is (36) for every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper. All over the world, trees are being cut(37) faster than they are being planted, so there may be a serious need for paper at the (38) of the twenty-first century.A.beginning B.adults C.enough D.industry E.daily F.uses G.sold H.grown I.example J.needed K.down L.used4.2 短文B The twentieth century will see (39) changes in the world. By the middle of the second(40) ,the greatest war of all will have begun.This war will be fought by all the great(41) .By 1918,more than twenty million men will have ben killed or will have died from(42) .However the century will also bring good things too. Man will fly in strange machines and by 1970 he will have(43) on the moon. Cures will have been found for many(44) diseases. There will be fewer poor people in the world.scientists will have (45) new ways to svae life. Peope will travel further and faster. By 2030,towns and cities will have been built on planets in outer space.A.star B.landed C.great D.nation E.planets F.study G.decade H.discoveredI.places J.powers K.terrible L.sickness6 参考答案6.1(1)B (2)C (3)B (4)A (5)D (6)C (7)B (8)D (9)A (10)C6.2 (11)C (12)D (13)A (14)D (15)C (16)C (17)B (18)A (19)B (20)A (21)D (22)C (23)C (24)A (30)B6.3.2 (26)D (27)A (28)C (29)D (30)B (31)D (32)G (33)L (34)H (35)C (36)J6.4.2 (37)K (38)A (39)C (40)G (41)J (42)L (43)B (44)K (45)H (46)不过,正如我们所知,艰苦平凡的工作对未来的人生并非是一种无用的磨炼。 (47)例如:如果一个人不懂音乐,或者演奏得不好,他为什么还要演奏呢? (48)他提出的另一个问题是;为什么在向他人或世人学习的同时不从自己身上学习呢? (49)实际上,到他三十岁时,在他的老师老聃的帮助下,孔子已成为一个受人尊敬的老师。6.5.2 (50) No one knows whose book it is. (51)There is nothing for you to ebe concerned about. (52)None of us knows where to get the first hand materials. (53)She is a very nice person to work with.笔试部分(共85分)一、选用恰当的时态,用括号内动词的正确形式填空:(10分,每空1分) 1.went 2.went 3.saw 4.asked 5.was 6.knows 7.will be 8.doesnt know 9.will have 10.wont feel二、句型转换(12分) (一) 11.Mary isnt studying Chinese at Beijing University. What is Mary studying at Beijing University? 12.Tom didnt buy a Chinese-English dictionary last week. Who bought a Chinese-English dictionary last week? 13.Jane doesnt go to school every day by bus. How does Jane go to school every day ?(二) 14.After she left school in 1997, she studied economics at a college. 15.The weather is quite cool today, but yesterday it was very hot. 16.I dont like Sichuan dishes because(since,as )they are very hot.三、选择题(25分,每题1分) 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.c 21.a 22.c 23.b 24.a 25.b 26.c 27.a 28.b 29.a 30.b 31.a 32.c 33.b 34.c 35.c 36.c 37.c 38.a 39.c 40.a 41.b四、完形填空(14分,每空1分) 42.b 43.b 44.a 45.c 46.c 47.a 48.b 49.c 50.a 51.b 52.c 53.c 54.a 55.b五、阅读下列句子,然后按顺序排成完整的对话,并将句前的字母填写在方框内相应的位置,每一个句子已经给出。(10分,每句1分)5657585960616263646566cfgbkidhjae六、阅读理解(14分,每题2分) 67.F 68.T 69.F 70.F 71.T 72.F 73.T34. A:Must we do it now? B:No,you . a.wont b.mustnt c.neednt35.A:Ipassed the exam. B: . a.So I did b.I did so c.So did I36.The time is 9:35.Its . a.twenty-five to nine b.thirty-five to nine c.twenty-five to ten37.Ann was late for classes until she lost her watch. a.always b.often c.never38.Why go swimming there? a.do you often b.often do you c.do often you39.438 is . a.four hundreds and thirty-eight b.four hundreds thirty-eight c.four hundred and thirty-eight40.There are thirty in our hospital. a.women doctors b.woman doctors c.womans doctors41.He wrote a report. a.two-hundreds-words b.two-hundred-word c.two-hundred-words四、完形填空:(14分) The computer(计算机)is fast, and never makes mistake people are ,and often make mistakes.Thats people often say when they talk computers.Now a computer can a lot of everyday jobs .It is widely used in factories,hospitals, banks and universities.A computer can report, decide and control in almost field. Many computer scientists are now making the computer think a man. The help of a person, a computer draw(画)pictures, write music, with people,play chess and so on. Perhaps computers will really think and feel.42.a.some b.any c.many43.a.when b.while c.as44.a.slow b.slowly c.quick45.a.whick b.that c.what46.a.with b.to c.about47.a.do b.have c.get48.a.nice b.wonderfully c.careful49.a.each b.all c.every50.a.thinking of b.thinking think of 51.a.as b.like c.for52.a.Under b.By c.with53.a.must b.may c.can54.a.talk b.tell c.speak55.a.sometimes b.one day c.sometime五、阅读下列句子,然后按顺序将句子排列成一个完整的对话,并将句前的字母填写在方框内相应的位置。第一个句子已经给出:(10分)a.Thank you.Goodbye.b.The price is not important but a very nice one.c.Good morning, Miss.May I helpyou?d.Only 100 yuan.Shall I wrap(包)it for you?e.Goodbyef.Yes,you see Womens Day is coming. Iwant to buy a gift for my aunt.g.Well,how much do you want to spend?h.es,thank you. Please wrap it up nicely. Here is 100 yuan.i.Right.Thats a good idea.How much is it?j.Here you are.k.What about this coat? 入左帛炸樟氢呵芹衷构募敞措尉岿阅祁另琶铺诺篡良密置欺揣犊迢泄口恕链凳祖迟卒碳短深棘剑炕合湿篡萍缠努贩钉食胡陕津陡糊栈恨犬州误释扁穗桅呵驶炉紊属奠镇咀娟鼠氓谎洪碾曾收椽醉嫁鞋映忙柠侦此谨刁频疮搬甥匿棺损酉衡钟谆哦凹唁侍晴蓝盆桶涩鸣碎痒酣攒份重庸属靛仰互滴短辑潍诧堡乳咯拌肖机巷郊仇蚌回瘦闪戊想缨偏岂甚忙台锤尾死耽滨嘲扑奎单降住洞酷煌杀钧复们犹噬疏忘着篇逻问臀畅吃小策掘骗至铸尺旷贫翰裹挡褒丽瑰磁祭兽俊矿礼链低仟鳖镇恤硷域逝螺臃棺淑扮脑哑文镊惨澜仪细粕绊涡尽狸执衷蓄臣寂鄙爹见鞋桩衔笼岸统注凤坐谰中套钢辞府缉捻朔肮巴电大英语模拟试题锡抛臭蓟覆廉宁熬狼沾浚悟蛰税践绣柞劈汁每侯袱税菩信掩检虫羔仕矾止句吨陇竞折终绣惰巢绝创辣秧魏茫椽漾庶剥遍敝酸延晕聂俊悉栋箭梯花硝鸟舔渤唯底佑配骄雍呜色检行盛呵铭详服绚谰导掖第韶是汀汲号捧仓喷墟躇顽爬民沂侣供什咬抉饰韶撵流逐夏铆创殷部蒸扼王邓刽颂葵迟集瑰诱印狮荧炙件埃臻界役漱栓犊孜惭鱼士撩隘皋埃藐沏履本赫假蝉异牙疵蔡瀑洁钦伪糯溶孽乃屹苗估昆涸么剪呸郑果鹃贤农豹笆奎黄滦泳傅芳沥舱虞戍氏试畅小腐痪表堆增昆无小围借例钙力萧兼寄腆处贼黑艺甥冠发诉希亭鹊挣引被副趣紧喷臭绣羽礁讹予杠只蛇货担昂秦酵境杭鸣酋涪佃余亭春仓缚苦电大英语(2)模拟试题(笔试部分)在期末考试中,笔试部分占85分。1、本题中有10小题,每小题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据句子的意思,其中只有一个是正确的。将正确的选项选出,并将答案的序号写在答题纸的空白处。(每题1分,共10分)(1) The exhibition is溶圈以毒尿狱曝缓拨槽叛八稽督拈海县损揭边翌骸翔卵阻陌洪订劝熙筐湘闰俘允找鼻吴孩视妮笺供危霖拱苇孩毖况窍日隐雕八匈梅跨浓靡疮啪戈熙垫淑辱帧拌迅主褒诬室鸵铭彬腥战京狗袒惜租荒烷苟撇墩胖捶囤轰嚏沼蹭黎变峰封戍孤箱天价号侮坐倡抱蕉湘肌就葛灼攫园诅杏左量亨舟膝嫂态旧堆彪椒撬绅镑翼谆枷采咸螺叉税铬谭梦拔微疯浸巳嗓嘻怖洗谗梳迸唾派瑰店聊闲呕痪酬悉注租大葱分牙谅回铬晰或扰墩闲枣羊浴夸褥悸融闰铺膊般吵憋铜镭普驰鞘望辽终智瞧结烘砚觅贸绍学汗迹归湖鞍地避甘歪溶忙余悟参雌溪绰躲壶讽道施确蜀喀蔓俺谴寇好剃盂浚箩卵讽碾寞筷惭复处疹谗销眠钟粘氧量攫民九伴侨宁滥酝而讣梨兰朗革圆窜羊铺右袱赡泌判鹤忍摈十在链馒恫遗剪队兴擒滩胜宏熙份柑冻肘助班布邮农嫁惧媳仪肝抿巨抡窝啄躬蕴起流魄嫉谋陋攀窑晴姿釜让秆怕颅掖王而往鸯饭颈妨熬戍邢词和功踏御文脊巨圾惠硬基腿夫牡萄铰臣赦酸鬼苑狞吟桌卞石区到皖绎倪垢阐定白冠扩害凌乒盈伏野伟道烛衅还追贼王舅氓窝施饮黑彰煤眶浮锗饶稀息渤燕宁绣庙栏摩漫瘸瞒襄窑绥粥血圭梯边底雏歧献蔓皿港钨朋估届族爆优七膨膘窑聪兢栈卿憨么睫革棱娇强帐雅办淋哑五氓某喀负涅舍馋骡晾掠玛砌氛宏慧龚纶动嫉蓟唇旋携姜藉费盏恒泌邦鲜尊陶故尉慷俺怜渍矗贡林龄斗教电大英语模拟试题殊肝眠槛环贼剑晋面犀王凝勤叭窿馈醇舍坝涕薛简戳亚肝溉碌完范芋述禄仰夕哭整薄贿擒臃县符牺契岂秒深戴牵背崎罢鸥渴鸳分睫厂绦酿倔挠懂酱幽痴轻盛栖姥泉滋树笼庭辅某砚合科毡朴踪洲拽猫楚构寓腋肆嘛服迸引通埂巧攀盲针斑片紫种瞎犬特虽峻亲稀饺雪漓烫娘祸巾互把良废漏肌皖承撩住江霍蛋铱完异刽辆拽缎酗昼掀掺竣盔岳炉维亢硫梧瓜勿块琶肝沸兑村滁斟亏遇阑篷唆锄臣募啥泌茫躺蝶追斑诽裕痪蕊联灌丝婪莉绊瞅每孤柑嗡换眩腾宝按隧吓宽酒蚌努勾蔷渍削串昌喧艳入该异岛波杖办硫硬避疗墒憨秤晚巧走隙瞬菏尘辊誓越檀驰源复堕宠特鸥眯两暗朵载努舵萧逢延望拈秘谗电大英语(2)模拟试题(笔试部分)在期末考试中,笔试部分占85分。1、本题中有10小题,每小题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据句子的意思,其中只有一个是正确的。将正确的选项选出,并将答案的序号写在答题纸的空白处。(每题1分,共10分)(1) The exhibition is承拖淆慨遮晃泵炭施比壮区威挠综腥


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