



老板最看重的老板最看重的 4 4 种员工素质种员工素质 FourFour KeyKey QualitiesQualities EmployersEmployers LookLook OutOut In most cases there is no such thing as the perfect candidate we are all unique individuals and everyone comes with a different combination of skills experience and qualities 在大多数情况下 是不存在完美的候选人的 每个人都是独特的个体 是拥有 不同的技能 经历和特质的独特组合 As a result it is very rare to find that perfect fit Having said that there are common characteristics that employers always look for when they are planning to take on new recruits It doesn t matter what sector or business you are talking about if people are able to show that they possess these key attributes then they will always be in demand 因此 很难找到一个完全符合 职位要求 的候选人 虽然这么说 但有些素 质是每个雇主都希望在求职者身上看到的 这些素质不受行业和职责的限制 是每个优秀的人身上必须具备的 Here are four key qualities that employers always look out for when they are planning to take on new people in one of their businesses 以下是老板在招聘员工时最看重的 4 种素质 Ambition 雄心壮志 It is one of the most obvious questions to ask in an interview but there is a reason why people want to know where candidates see themselves in the future The point of asking the question is to assess just how ambitious an individual really is It stands to reason that an ambitious company wants like minded people working for them As a manager or chief executive you want people alongside you who are going to share your hunger otherwise it is impossible to build the successful company you envision 在面试中 候选人常常被问到自己对于未来的规划 这显然是有它的道理的 这个问题的核心是想了解一个人到底有多少雄心壮志 因为一个有理想的公司 需要一群有理想的员工来为它工作 作为公司的经理或者高管 你希望身边的 人能够分享你不断进取的精神 否则的话 这个公司不可能达到你头脑中的愿 景 Initiative 自主性 Ask the question and most people will tell you that they are a self starter but it is actually quite tough to find people who have the right personal drive and can work under their own steam The simple fact is that every manager wants workers who have the initiative to organize their workload and go about their business without the need for constant supervision These people are a key component of any successful organisation not just for their professionalism but also because they set a good example for those around them 面对这个问题 很多人都会自称是 有自觉性的人 但是要找到那些真正能 在正确的个人动机下自主开展工作的人 是非常困难的 很自然 每个经理都 希望员工能有效合理地安排自己的工作 而不需要上层过多的监督 这些人是 每个组织成功的保证 不仅仅因为他们具有专业技能 更重要的是他们能为周 围的人树立好的榜样 Commitment 爱岗敬业 This is true for most employers but particularly those in a service based industry Providing quality customer service is what sets these firms apart from their rivals so it is vital that the staff are totally committed to the cause They need to have a real dedication to what they are doing As somebody who has spent many years in recruitment I can usually tell which people are going to be the top performers purely through their attitude Someone who is prepared to stick at it even when times are tough and who will go that extra mile for themselves and the company is a huge asset 这是每个雇主都喜欢的品质 在服务性行业尤为重要 能够提供优质的客户体 验是这些企业成功的保证 所以他们需要那些爱岗敬业的员工 这些员工需要 真正的喜欢自己的工作 作为一个多年从事招聘的人 我能够从个人的工作态 度中判断他们未来的成就 那些愿意在困难中坚持 以及多走最后一英里的人 将是公司一笔巨大的财富 Personality 独特的个性 It is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out in the modern world so someone who has a little bit of personality can make a big difference to the atmosphere in the workplace Of course they need to be a team player and nobody wants to work with someone who rubs people up the wrong way but there is nothing wrong with mavericks and strong characters These are the people who stand out in a crowded room and can often push your business on to new heights A good team always has a combination of many different character types and the most important thing is to get that blend right 在现代社会 个人想要跳出条条框框变得越来越困难 因此一个稍微有些个性 的人往往能给工作的地方带来巨大的变革 当然 我们也需要团队协作 没有 人喜欢那些总把别人带到歧路上去的人 但是喜欢标新立异且有个性的人也不 是什么坏事 这些人往往能够在 关键时刻 从人群中挺身而出 助力你的事 业 一个优秀的团队肯定是多样性的 成功的关键在于如何找到正确的方法让 他们正确地协作 Many candidates go into interviews and are keen to emphasise their skills This is fine but if you can also show potential employers you have most of the qualities listed above preferably with examples you will almost certainly become a more attractive candidate 在面试中 更多的候选人倾向于强调他们的专业技能 这当然没有错 但是如 果你也能展示你还同时具备的的以上所列的几条素质 最好能有相关的事例 会让你成为更受欢迎的候选人 sector sekt video n 部门 扇形 扇区 象限仪 函数尺 vt 把 分成 扇形 rival raiv l video n 对手 竞争者 vt 与 竞争 比得上某人 vi 竞争 adj 竞争的 candidate k ndideit d t video n 候选人 候补者 应试者 ambitious m bi s video adj 野心勃勃的 有雄心的 热望的 炫耀的 staff st f st f video n 职员 参谋 棒 支撑 adj 职员的 行政工作的 vt 供给人员 给 配备职员 vi 雇用工作人员 recruit ri kru t video n 招聘 新兵 新成员 vt 补充 聘用 征募 使 恢复健康 vi 复原


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