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七年级下学期1-12单元句子翻译专练及答案句子翻译 Keys:(答案):Unit1 Where is you pen pal from?1.你的笔友是哪里人? Where is your _ _ _? ( pen , pal , from )Where does your _ _ _ _? ( pen , pal ,come, from )2.他是澳大利亚人。 He is _ _. (from, Australian)He comes _ _. (from, Australian)3.他住在哪里? Where _ he_. (does , live)4.他住在悉尼。 He _ _ _. ( lives, in, Sydney)5.她来自多伦多。 She _from _. ( is / comes, Toronto )6.我们能说一点英语。 We can _ _ _ _. ( speak , a , little, English )(or: speak , English, a, little )7.她讲什么语言? _ _ does she _. ( What , language , speak )8.你最喜爱的科目是什么? _ your _subject? ( Whats , favorite )9.他有一个法国的笔友。He _ _ pen pal _ _. ( has, a, in France )10.体育很有趣,我非常喜欢体育。 P.E._ _,and I _ _very much. ( is, interesting, like , it )11. 我想要(结交)一位中国的笔友。 I _ a pen pal _ China. (want, in)12.我喜欢和朋友一起看电影和做运动。 I like _ to the movies _ my friends and _ sports. (going, with, playing)13. 你能尽快给我写信吗? Can you _ _ _ _? (write, to, me, soon)14. 请尽快写信告诉我有关你的情况。 Please _ and _ me _ yourself. (write, tell, about) Unit2 Wheres the post office?1. 在邮局的旁边有一家超市。 There is a _ _ _the post office. (supermarket, next, to)2.向右拐,沿着布莱吉街前行。_ _ and go _ _ Bridge Street. ( Turn right, straight down) 3.一直朝前走,然后左拐。 Just _ _ and _ _. (go, straight, turn, left)4.公用电话在图书馆的对面。 The pay phone _ _ _the library. (is, across, from)5. 图书馆在餐馆与超市之间。The library_ _the restaurant_the suapermarket. (is, between, and)6.请问,附近有邮局吗? Excuse me. _ _ a post office in the _. (Is, there, neighborhood)7. 在第一大街左转, (你就可以)欣赏这个城市的静谥的街道和小巧玲珑的公园。_ _ on First Avenue and _ the citys quiet streets and small parks. (Turn, left, enjoy, )8.步行穿过公园。_ _ _ _ the park. (Take, a, walk, through)9.我知道你要来了。I know you _ _. (are, arriving)10.从机场乘出租车。_ _ _ from the airport. (Take, a, taxi)11.让我来告诉你到我家的路。_ _ _ you the _ _ my house. (Let, me, tell, way, to) Unit3 Why do you like koalas?1.让我们先看长颈鹿吧。Lets _ the giraffes _. (see , first)2.为什么你想要看海豚?因为它们非常可爱。 Why do you _ _ see the dolphins? _ theyre very _. (want, to, Because, cute )3.你还喜欢其他什么书吗?_ _ books do you _. (What, other, books, like)4.树袋熊白天睡觉,但是在晚上起来吃树叶。Koalas sleep _the day, but _ _ they _ _ and eats leaves. (during , at, night, gets, up)5.我觉得有点冷。I feel _ _ cold. ( kind, of)6.乔治喜欢玩雪。George likes_ _ _snow. (playing with the )7. 树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。 A koala is _, and it _ and _ 20 hours _ _. (lazy, sleeps, relaxes, every, day)8.长颈鹿生活在非洲。Giraffes _ _ _. ( live, in, Africa)9.大象喜欢和他的朋友一玩耍和吃草。Elephants _ _ _ _ their friends and eat grass. (like, to, play, with, )10.熊猫非常漂亮,但是非常害羞,因此请安静。Pandas are _ _ , but theyre very _, so please _ _. ( very, beautiful, shy, be, quiet) Unit41.他想成为译名电影员演。 He _ _ _a film actor. ( wants, to, be)2.银行职员与钱和人打交道。 Bank _ _ _ people and money. (clerks, work, with)3.人们在我这里存钱或者把钱从我这里取走。People _ _ _ _ or _ their money _ me. (give, me, their, money, get, from)4.护士穿白色制服帮助医生。Nurse _ a white _ and _ doctors. (wears, uniform, helps)5.我有时候在白天工作,有时候在晚上工作。Sometimes I work _ _ _ and sometimes _ _. ( in, the, day, at, night)6. 警察的工作很有趣,但有些危险. Policemens work_ _but _ _ _. (is, interesting, kind, of, dangerous)6.我妈正忙于做饭。My mother _ _cooking. (is, busy)7.当人们非常忙时,晚上他们就出去吃饭。They _ _ _ when people _ _ to dinners. (are, very, busy, go, out )8.我们是一所为5-12岁孩子提供的国际性的学校。We _ _ _ _ _ children _ 5-12. (are, an, international, school, for, of)9.他教我英语,我教他汉语。He _ _ English and I _ _ Chinese. (teaches, me, teach, him)10.他在与Tom谈论那场足球比赛.He talks _Tom _the football game. ( with, about) Unit5Im watching TV.1.你在干什么?What _ _ _? (are, you, doing)2.我在游泳池游泳呢。I _ _ at the _ pool. (am, swimming, swimming)3.听起来不错。That _ _. (sounds, good)4.电视节目很无趣。 This _ _ is _. ( TV, show, boring)5.她在做家庭作业。She _ _ _ _. (is, doing, her, homework)6.谢谢你的来信和照片。Thanks _ _ _ and _ _. (for, your, letter, the, photos)7.这里有一张我家的照片。Here is _ _ _ _ _. (a, photo, of, my, family)8.他想成为一名中国的流行歌手. He _ _ _ _pop singer _China. (wants, to, be, a ,in)9.我与同学关系很友好.I _ _ _my classmates. ( am, friendly, with) Unit6 Its raining.1.今天天气怎样?Whats _ _ _ _? (the, weather, like, today)Hows _ _ _? (the, weather, today)2.广东的天气怎么样?_ the _ _ in Guangdong? (Whats, weather, like) _the _in Guangdong? ( Hows , weather )3.有风,多云,阳光充足。Its _, _ and _. (windy, cloudy, sunny)4.情况怎样?Hows _ _? (it, going)5.谢谢你收看中央电视台环球博览节目。Thanks for _ CCTVs _ _ _ show. (joining, Around, The, World)6.有许多人在度假。There are _ _ _ _. (many, people, on, vacation)7.一些再拍照片,另外一些正躺在沙滩上。Some are _ _. Others are _ _ the beach. (taking, photos, lying, on)8.看这群人正在打沙滩排球。_ _ this _ _ _ _ beach volleyball. (Look, at, group, of, people, playing)9.我很惊讶他们能在这样热的天气里玩! I am _ they _ _ _ _ _. (surprised, can, play, in, this, heat)10.人们真的很放松!The people _ _ _ _! ( are, really, very, relaxed)11.人人玩得都很开心! Everyone is _ _ _ _! (having, a, good, time)Unit7 What does he look like?1.他/她长得什么样? What does he/she _ _? (look, like)What _ he/she _? ( is, like)2.那个人中等个子,短发. That person _ _ medium _ _short hair. (is, of, height, with )3.Peter看上去像他父亲. Peter _ _ his father. (looks, like)4.你的女朋友长得什么样子? _ _ your girlfriend_ _? (What ,does ,look, like)5.他是一个体格健壮的运动员. He is a player _ strong build. ( with )6.我想我认识他. I _I_him. (think, know)7.我父亲总是不停地工作. My father _ _working. (never stops)8.那个老师很受学生们的欢迎. The reacher _very _ _ the students. (is, popular, with)9.老师来了,我们别讲话了. Lets_ _.The teacher _ _in. ( stop talking, is coming)10.有些人不喜欢他的新形象. Some people _ _his new_. (dont like , look)11.他总是带着滑稽的太阳镜。 She always _ _ _. (wears, funny, sunglasses)12.他是足球队的队长,且非常受欢迎。He is _ _ of the football team and hes _ _. (the, captain, very, popular)13.她长得很好看但有点文静。She is _ but a little (bit) _. (good-looking, quiet)14.她喜欢讲笑话且总是讲个不停。She _ _ jokes and she never _ _. (loves, telling, stops, talking)15.他留着胡须。He has _ _. ( a, beard /or: a, mustache)16.我的外貌没有变化,但是他有。I dont have _ _ _, but _ _. (a, new, look, he, does) Unit8 Id like some noodles.1.你想要什么种类的面条? _ _ _ _ would you like? (What kind of noodles)2.你想要多大碗的面条? _ _ _ _ _ would he like? (What size bowl of noodles)3.你想要小碗面条吗? _ you _ a small _ of noodles? (Would , like , bowl )4.我想要一个中碗的羊肉洋葱饺子。 I _ _ a _ bowl of _ and _dumplings. (would , like, medium, mutton and onions )5.你的地址是什么? _ your _? (Whats , address)6.我想订一个大比萨。 Id like _ _ a _pizza. (to, order, large)7.我们有一些很好的特色菜。We have _ _ _. (some, great, specials )8.特色菜1有牛肉和洋葱馅, 每15个饺子售价仅人民币10元。Special 1 has _ _ _, and is _ 10 RMB _ 15 dumplins. (beef and onions just for)9.我们也有桔子汁和绿茶。We _ _ _ _ and green tea. (also, have, orange, juice)10.Jack想要一杯加了牛奶的咖啡。 Jack would like _cup _coffee _milk. (a, of, with)11.我想于你一起共进晚餐。 I _ _to have dinner _you. (would, like ,with)12.在我们饺子店,我们有一些很好的特色饺子。 _, we _ some _ _. (At the House of Dumplins, have, special dumplings)13.橙汁饮料仅售2元。 Orange juice _ _ 2 RMB. (is, only)14.饺子配汤的特色午餐是10元。 The_ and _ lunch special is 10 RMB. (dumpling , soup )15.今天就来吃饺子。 _ and _ your _ today! (Come, get , dumplings)16.他喜欢橙汁和绿茶。 He _ orange _ _ green _. (likes, juice , and , tea)17.我不喜欢牛肉和西红柿。 I _ like _ _ _. ( dont , beef, and, tomatoes) Unit9 How was your weekend?1.你上个周末做什么了? What _ _ _ last weekend? (did, you, do)2.你上个周末过得怎样? How _ _ last weekend? (was, your)3.我今天早上没吃早饭。I_ _ breakfast_ morning. ( didnt have, this)4.本,你周末过得怎么样?好极了!_ _your weekend, Ben?_ _ _! (How , was, It ,was, great)5.他昨天夜里回到了家。 _night, he _ back to his home. (Last, came)6.你认为每个人的周末都会过得很好吗?_you _everyone_ _weekends? (Do, think, has, good)7.对大多数孩子来说,周末是有趣的。For _ _, the weekend _ _. (most, kids, was, fun)8.他在10分钟之前给我打了电话。He _me ten minutes_. ( called, ago)9.我问了三中的十名学生他们上个假日所做的事。 I _ ten students at No.3 Middle School _ _ _ last vacation. (asked, what, they, did)10.在星期六上午,(这)十个孩子做家庭作业或是学习。On Saturday morning, ten kids _ _ _ or _. ( did, their, homework, srudied)11.我读了一本关于历史的书。I _ a book _ _. (read, about, history)12.我写了一首新歌。I _ _ _ _. (wrote, a, new, song) Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?1.你在哪儿遇见她的? _ _you meet her? ( Where , did)2.您去哪儿度假的?Where did you_ _ _? ( go, on vacation)3.你好,马克,周末过得如何?Hi,Mark._ _your weekend? (how, was)4.我们在水里玩得很开心。We _ _ _ _ in the water. (had, great, fun, playing)5.商店太拥挤了。The shops _ _ _. (were, too, crowded)6.所以我真的不喜欢。So I _ _ _ _. (didnt, really, enjoy, it)7.我发现一个小男孩在街道的角落里哭。 I _ a small boy _ in the _ of the street. (found, crying, corner)8.他迷路了,我帮他找到了他的爸爸。 He _ _ and I_ _ _ his father. (was, lost, helped, him, find) 9.那件事使得我感觉很开心。That _ _ _ very happy. (made, me, feel)10.我身上没钱坐出租车了。 I _ _ _ _ for a taxi. (didnt, have, any, money)I _ _ _ for a taxi. (had, no, money)11. 我是走回旅馆的。I _ _ _ the hotel. (walked, back, to)12.所以我们决定去打网球了.So we _ _ _ tennis. (dicided, to, play) Unit11 What do you think of game shows?1.你觉得电视节目怎样? What do you _ _ _ _? (think, of, TV, shows) How do you _ _ _? (like, TV, shows)2.欢迎来到9点钟周末谈话节目。_ _ 9 oclock _ _. (Welcome, to, Weekend, Talk.)3.谢谢加入我们。_ _ _ us. (Thanks, for, joining)4.我问了学生有关时尚的问题。 I _ _ _ fashion. (asked, students, about)5.最酷的东西是腰带。 The coolest _ _ _ _. (thing, is, the, belt)6.我喜欢在学校杂志上读你的文章。 I _ _ your article _ _ _ magazine. (enjoyed, reading, in, the, school)9.我不能忍受老年人就不能漂亮的观点。 I _ _ the idea that old people _ _ beautiful. ( cant, stand, cant, be)10.我不介意年轻人怎样评价我。 I _ _ what young people _ _ me. (dont, mind, think, of)11.你不喜欢饺子,我也不喜欢。 You _ _ Dumpling. I dont , _. (dont, like, either)12.事实上,我不同意你的观点。 In fact, _ _ _ _ you. (I, dont, agree, with) Unit12 Dont eat in class.1.你们学校的规则是什么? What are _ _ _ _ school? (the, rules, in/at, your)2.不要在楼道里跑。 _ _ _ _ hallways. (Dont, run, in, the )3.上课别迟到。 Dont _ _ _ school. (arrive, late, for)Dont _ _ _ school. (be, late, for)4.我们可以在教室吃饭嘛? Can we _ _ _ classroom? (eat, in ,the)5.你们在学校必须穿校服嘛? Do you _ _ _ _ at school? ( have, to, wear, uniforms)6.还有什么其他的必须要做的? What _ _ _ _ to do? (else, do, you, have)7.决不许那样对你母亲讲话!_speak_ your mother _that! (Dont, to , like)8.我们可以在自助餐厅里吃饭,但不能在教师里吃。We _ _in the cafeteria , _we _ _in_ _. (can eat, but ,cant, eat, the, classroom)9.我得睡会儿,我太累了。I_ _get some _.I _ too_. (have , to, rest, am, tired)10.你不必要今晚写完作文。You _ _ _finish _ composition. ( dont , have, to , the)11.我家有太多的规则。 I have _ _ _ in my house. (too, many, rules)12. 我从没有乐趣。I _ _ _ _. (never, have, any, fun)人教版新目标英语七年级下册Units16句型训练一、句型转换:1. My father lives in Canada. (对划线部分提问)2. His pen friend is from Japan. (同义句)3. They can speak French. (对划线部分提问)4. My sister has some friends in Singapore. (变为否定句)5. The twins come from America. (对划线部分提问)6. The shop is in front of the bank.( 对划线部分提问)7. Is there a post office on Bridge Street? (作否定回答,并说明邮局在新街)8. Where is the restaurant?Its _ (在银行和邮局的中间)9. There is a supermarket across from the park? (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)10. Where is No.15 Middle School? (用“一直往前走,然后右拐”回答)11. They are shy and quiet. (改否定句)12. He likes koalas very much. (改一般疑问句)13. I want to see lions because they are very cute. (对划线部分提问)14. They are from China. (对划线部分提问)15. My mother often works 8 hours every day. (对划线部分提问)16. He sleeps during the day.(改否定句)17. My mother works in a restautant.( 对划线部分提问)18. My sister likes singing.(改为一般疑问句)19. Jims parents speak English and Chinese.(改为否定句)20. Whats her job? (同义句)21. She wants to be an actress. (对划线部分提问)22. Mr Li is talking to his friend. (对划线部分提问)23. Jack watches TV in the evening.(用now 改写)Jack _ _TV now.24. Rose isnt doing her homework .(用 every morning改写)Rose _ _ her homework every morning.25. My grandparents are watching TV now.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ grandparents watching TV now?26. We are cleaning our classroom. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you cleaning?27. Hows the weather in Wuhan? (同义句)28. Its snowy today. (对划线部分提问)29. The students are having an English class.( 对划线部分提问)30. I read a book when its raining.( 对划线部分提问) What _ you _ when its raining?31. They are cleaning the playground. (改一般疑问句)32. Its very cold today. (对划线部分提问) _ is the _ today?33. Its pretty good.( 对划线部分提问) _ is it _?34. I remember Johnny Dean. (改一般疑问句) _ _ remember Johnny Dean?35. She has long blonde hair. (改否定句) She _ _ long blonde hair. 36. The boat looks like a duck.( 对划线部分提问) _ _ the boat _ _?37. I think she is in Class Five. (改否定句) I _ _ she _ in Class Five.38. I am very good-looking .( 对划线部分提问) What _ _ look like? 39. He is tall and has short hair. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ _?40. Everybody knows me . (改否定句) _ knows me .41. He likes reading and playing chess. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _?42. They like Chinese food very much. (对划线部分提问) 43. She often reads books in the living room.( 对划线部分提问)44. Sandy is watching TV at home now. (用evey evening 改写)45. Betty walks to school on weekdays. (改否定句)46. Id like some onions. (改一般疑问句) _ you like _ onions? 47. Would you like to g


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