



1 高中英语必修二 Unit 3 Computers Reading 部分 教案设计 宾阳中学 陈永菊 覃玉婷 教材分析教材分析 本单元中心话题为 computers 内容涉及电脑的发展历史 作用 所选材料属于科普 类 内容较为抽象 同时也不乏一些专业术语 对高一学生来说有一定的难度 但文 章以计算机为第一人称进行自白 这种拟人的手法使得文章读起来妙趣横生 抽象的 专业知识介绍起来也浅显易懂 设计理念设计理念 本堂课是阅读课 为了训练和提高学生的阅读技能 在教学过程中采用任务型语言教 学法 采取的任务由浅入深 由易到难 步步推进从而实现学生阅读的目的 本节课 以任务推动学习 以任务贯穿学习 课堂活动由听 说 读 写 4 种语言展现形式组 成一个个小任务 形成任务串 前后环环相扣 达到理解课文 用自己的语言重新诠 释课文的目的 教学重点内容与教学目标教学重点内容与教学目标 本课话题是计算机的发展史 Warming Up 部分通过展示算盘 计算器 计算机等图片 引导学生思考计算机 的不同形式 并要求学生运用 做决定 的表达 Pre reading 提出两个问题 引导学生谈论计算机对我们生活的影响 引起学生对 计算机这个话题的兴趣 Reading 部分运用拟人的手法 以第一人称的身份按时间顺序介绍了计算机的 发展史 Comprehending 部分主要要求学生掌握以时间为线索的文章的特点 并能通过填 写时间表来归纳出文章的主要信息 教学重点和难点 教学重点和难点 重点 1 让学生了解更多电脑的历史和基本知识 2 培养学生快速阅读课文 培养学生略读和查读的能力 培养学生加工信息及利用信息 来分析问题的能力 难点 1 帮助学生认识电脑网络获取信息交流等价值 2 如何更好让学生有效的进行小组讨论 提高小组讨论的效率 2 教学方法 教学方法 1 利用多媒体引出本堂课的主题 电脑 提高学生学习英语的兴趣 同时多媒体容量大 的优势可使学生能更快地调用已有的知识来处理课文中新的信息进入预设的情景中进 行英语学习 2 通过听录音 填表格 问答题 小组讨论等方式由浅到深 由课内到结合自己的实际 使学生逐步加深对计算机的演变历程和在各个领域的应用的理解 教学工具 教学工具 the multimedia a tape recorder a blackboard 教学过程 教学过程 step1 Warming up Warming up by talking about computer show the following pictures an abacus a calaulator a huge computer a pc and robot let students name them in english and then discuss what they have in common in small groups 设计意图 通过图片的形式展示了计算机的发展历程 即可以唤起学生学习英语的兴 趣又可以快速导出本单元的主题 计算机 step2 pre reading guessing games look at the title and the picture to guess what the passage might be about let one or two students give their opinions 1 Which type style does the text belong to A Description 描写描写 B Narration 叙述叙述 C Exposition 说明说明 D Argumentation 议论议论 2 Why does the writer use the title WHO AM I What kind of literary devices 修辞修辞 does the text use Personification the first person simple vivid interesting understandable 设计意图 学生根据课本提供的插图和标题对课文的故事情节做出想象和假设 可以 充分发挥学生的想象力 同时也为下面文章的阅读 回答问题打下了基础 step3 listening 3 listen to the tape and answer the four questions 1 who is the speaker 2 who is the speaker s father 3 Which type style does the text belong to A Description 描写 B Narration 叙述 C Exposition 说明 D Argumentation 议论 4 Why does the writer use the title WHO AM I What kind of literary devices 修辞 does the text use Personification the first person simple vivid interesting understandable 设计意图 让学生带着问题去听录音 学生特别要注意一些新单词的发音 重音 以 及句子的语调 与此同时学生还要找出这 4 个问题的答案 前两个问题比较容易 学 生不会有困难 后两个问题是学生阅读时注意注意语篇体裁与修辞 这样即可以训练 学生的听力还可以培养学生快速把握语篇的能力 step4 fast reading read the passage fast and get the students to find out the topic sentence lf each paragraph and then fill in the chart paragraphstopic sentence paragraph1 Over time I have been changed quite a lot paragraph2These changes only become possible as my memory improved paragraph3since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me 设计意图 学生在完成这个表格后 可以了解文章的基本信息 这是培养学生快速阅 读 查读 跳读的能力 step5 careful reading read paragraph one and complete the chart Para 1Para 2Para 3 Topic sentence 4 Support ing details 1 calculating machine 2 analytical machine 3 universal machine 4 pc 5 laptop 1 Tube munitions 2 Finance 设计意图 检测学生对文章细节的把握 充分理解课文内容 培养学生阅读理解的能 力 并为下一环节作铺垫 Summary I was born as a machine in 1642 When I was young I was good at difficult sums About 2 hundred years had passed before I could think and produce answers At that time I was called an machine In 1936 I was built as a machine I had the ability to any mathematical problem From then on I grew rapidly both in and memory After I stored my memory on instead of in I became in size but in intelligence As time went by I became even smaller for I put my memory on a very small which made me become PC and laptop In the 1960s I could be connected with other computers by a From then on I was able to share my knowledge with others through the After that I had many new Now I am glad to serve human beings as a and a pleasant Step 6 discussion 1 how have computers changed our lives 2 do you know in what ways computers are used today 1 use a computer for school work 2 play games on the computer 3 send e mails to friends 4 download music and films 5 surf the web for fun 6 take part in chat groups 5 7 use the Internet to search information for school tasks 8 buy things on line 9 look at photographs on the computer 10 read news both at home and abroad read books and magazines 设计意图 通过分组讨论的方式 让学生进行合作交流 训练学生的口语 这样也可 以使学生通过体验学习 感悟语境 运用语言 以达到强化学生语言意识 积累语言 经验的目的 step7 consolidation With the development of computer technology the internet had become more and more popular among students However just as a saying goes a coin has two sides The internet brings both advantages and disadvantages to students Work with your partners to list some advantages and disadvantages of the internet advantagesdisadvantages 1 资源丰富资源丰富 查询资料方便查询资料方便 2 节省时间节省时间 3 方面交流和沟通方面交流和沟通 4 结交世界各地的朋友结交世界各地的朋友 1 内容良莠兼有内容良莠兼有 2 沉迷网络游戏会影响学业沉迷网络游戏会影响学业 3 过多使用会影响健康过多使用会影响健康 4 减少与现实中朋友家人交流的时间减少与现实中朋友家人交流的时间 With the development of computer technology the Internet has become more and more popular Some students consider it as a great helper However o


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