2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(二十一)_第1页
2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(二十一)_第2页
2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(二十一)_第3页
2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(二十一)_第4页
2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习 阅读能力培养精品系列(二十一)_第5页




用心 爱心 专心 1 20122012 届高考英语二轮专题总复习阅读能力培养精品系列 二十一 届高考英语二轮专题总复习阅读能力培养精品系列 二十一 完形填空 The basic meaning of pet is an animal we keep for emotional 情感的 rather than economic reasons A pet animal is 1 as a companion and we all need companions to keep as feeling happy 2 pets offer more than mere only companionship they invite us to love and be loved Many 3 feel their pets understand them for animals are 4 to sense anger and sorrow Often a cat or dog can comfort us 5 when human words don t help We feel loved too by the way pets 6 us for a home for food and drink Dogs 7 look up to their owners 8 makes them feel important and needed A pet can be something 9 to each member of the family another baby to the mother a sister or brother to a n 10 child a grandchild to the elderly but for all of us pets provide 11 and companionship It has 12 been suggested that tiny pets 13 be sent as companions to astronauts on space ships to help reduce the stress 紧张 and 14 of space flights In this Plastic Age when most of us live in large cities pets are particularly important for 15 A pet in the family keeps people in 16 with the more natural animal world Seeing an animal give birth brings understanding of the naturalness of childbirth and seeing a pet 17 helps a child to cope with sorrow Learning to 18 a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels 19 toward those dependent on them Rightly we teach children to be good to their pets They should learn too that pets are 20 for us human beings 1 A known B looked upon C treated D kept 2 A But B However C So D Otherwise 3 A masters B owners C bosses D hosts 4 A slow B quick C easy D difficult 5 A in time B on time C at times D at no time 6 A depend on B live on C wait on D look on 7 A especially B hardly C hopefully D entirely 8 A it B who C which D what 9 A dangerous B necessary C the same D different 10 A single B only C separate D alone 11 A loss B love C trouble D pleasure 12 A ever B even C never D probably 13 A would B could C should D must 14 A loneliness B distance C darkness D weight 15 A housewives B childrenC grown ups D relatives 16 A connection B conversationC touch D love 用心 爱心 专心 2 17 A die B suffer C cry D fight 18 A pay for B ask for C call for D care for 19 A comfortable B suitable C valuable D responsible 20 A fit B good C expensive D bad 阅读理解 A Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview has an opposite effect according to a research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be downloaded into the brain A good night s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a necessary condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead scientists have found We think that getting that first night s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation 加强 said Robert Stickgold a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conducted the latest study It seems that memories are normally washed out of the brain unless some process nails them down I feel uncertain that sleep is one of those things that do the nailing down Professor Stickgold said Professor Stickgold s team trained the 24 people to tell the direction of three diagonal bars 斜线 shown for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal stripes 水平线 Half the subjects were kept awake that night while the others slept Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers Those who slept the first night were much better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement in spite of enjoying two nights of catch up sleep A further study by scientists at the Medical University at Lubeck in Germany showed that memories are laid down in two stages during the night The first is during the deep so called slow wave sleep which usually takes place in the first half of the night The second and less important stage happens during the periods of dreaming or rapid eye movement REM When people don t sleep well in the first half of the night their memory consolidation is almost the same as having no sleep at all 1 Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the first paragraph A It is necessary to burn the midnight oil before an exam or interview B Sleep speeds up the loss of memory C Man should have a good sleep if he wants to keep a good memory D Staying up late will make you better prepared for an exam or interview 2 It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that A some process helps memories to be washed out of the brain B Professor Stickgold is doubtful about whether sleep can make memories worse C some memories normally influence the function of the brain 用心 爱心 专心 3 D sleep may can improve the condition of memories 3 How was the research conducted by Professor Stickgold A The subjects were divided into two groups B All the subjects were kept awake for 3 nights C One group slept at the first night but was kept awake the next two nights D One group was kept awake for 3 nights but the other slept for the second and third nights 4 What was the study result of the scientists at the Medical University at Lubeck A REM sleep is not important at all for the consolidation for memory B Intellectual performance mainly depends on the slow wave sleep period C When people sleep poorly in the first half of the night it is almost the same as having no sleep at all D REM sleep is as important as slow wave sleep in terms of memory recall 5 The BEST title of this passage is A Sleep Necessary for Memories B The Importance of the First Stage of Sleep C Studies Made by Scientists About Sleep D The Scientists Achievement in Sleep Research B The blockbuster film Titanic has brought millions of dollars and thousands of people to the theaters and continues to touch people today in their homes Why is this film so successful It is a combination of many different things Among these are many different elements Looking at some of these elements will show how the director and others involved were able to create an emotionally charged movie that appealed to millions The film uses one thematic 主题的 element called The Truth of Human Nature The two main characters seem to represent noble people Most of the other characters in the film are shown as non tolerant rude and cold hearted people The element of focusing on the two main characters love and emotion seems symbolic of an ideal state There are also social problems addressed This is done in a few different ways The most noticeable way is that the lower class people remain locked in the basement as the ship goes down Throughout Titanic the lighting is very important The poor lower class people are always shown in very warm coloured light that gives them a sense of life and happiness On the other hand the rich upper class are always shown in a flat light portraying the feeling of hardness and coldness By using these techniques they show the issue of class segregation 种族隔离 and they create stereotypes The main characters are able to break free of these stereotypes and be together This is the solution to the segregation problem As you can see Titanic took a lot of thinking and preparation to film in a manner that would create emotion and bring to the surface the issues and story of the great ship 用心 爱心 专心 4 6 The underlined word blockbuster in the first paragraph probably means A something very successful B a highly explosive bomb C something worth a lot of money D a touching story 7 In Titanic the scene of the lower class people remaining locked in the basement as the ship goes down is used to A criticize non tolerant and cold hearted rich people B enlarge the spectacle of the film C criticize the reality of the society D emphasize the condition of the poor at that time 8 Why were different colours of light used in the film Titanic A They were used to show the difference between the rich and the poor B The director was determined to achieve good visual effect C The social status was represented by the color of light in the past D The use of light was the main technique the director made use of 9 What can we infer from the passage A The segregation problem in the society can be solved by using the light B Though love is the main theme of Titanic it also reflects some social problems C Because of the director s talents the film Titanic achieved great success D In the film Titanic there are two characters altogether 10 The writer mainly talks about in this passage A the process of shooting Titanic B the leading actor and actress in Titanic C the main techniques used in Titanic D the outline of Titanic 参考答案 1 解析 选 D 从空后的 and we all need companions to keep as feeling happy 可知 作者认为人们是把宠物作为伴侣来养 而不是把它看作伴侣 2 解析 选 A 从空后的 more than mere only companionship 可知 本句与上句为 转折关系 3 解析 选 B 从空后的 their pets 可知 这里表示的是宠物的拥有者 host 是相对 客人而言 master 是相对仆人 servant 而言 boss 是相对雇用者而言 owner 指某物的所 有者 4 解析 选 B quick 在这里意为 反应灵敏 5 解析 选 C at times 在句中相当于 sometimes 6 解析 选 A 句意为 通过宠物依赖于我们给它们一个家 食物 饮水的同时我们也感受 到爱 depend on sb for sth 意为 依靠某人获得某物 7 解析 选 A 作者认为在这一点上狗的表现最突出 因此用 especially 表示 8 解析 选 C which 引导非限制性定语从句 在这里指代 Dogs 7 look up to their owners look up to 在这里意为 尊敬 尊重 9 解析 选 D 从空后的 another baby to the mother a sister or brother to a n 用心 爱心 专心 5 10 child a grandchild to the elderly 可知 宠物对于不同的家庭成员其角色是不一 样的 10 解析 选 B single 意为 单身的 指没有结婚 alone 不可作定语 因此 A D 两项不 符合句意 故选 B 11 解析 选 D


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