



The very busy spider 好忙好忙的蜘蛛Early one morning the windblewa spider across the field.A thin,silkythreadtrailedfrom her body.The spider landed on afence postnear afarm yard. / spad /and began tospina web with her silky thread. / spn/ 吐丝,纺线 / web /一天清晨,一阵风把一只蜘蛛吹过了田野。一根细细的、丝一般的线从她的身体里面拖了出来。蜘蛛着陆在农家院子的栅栏柱上,开始用她丝一般的线织网。Neigh!Neigh! said the horse.Want togo for a ride? / rad /短途旅程 “呐!呐!”马嘶道。“想一起出游吗?”The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Moo!Moo! said the cow.Want to eat some grass? / gr:s/ 草”哞!哞!“牛叫道。”想一起去吃些草吗?“The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Baa!Baa!bleatedthe sheep. Want to run in themeadow? /med/”咩!咩!”羊咩咩叫道“想一起去草地上跑跑吗?” / bli:tid /The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Maa!Maa! said the goat.Want to jump on the rocks? / gt/“嘛!嘛!”山羊说到。“想一起到岩石上跳跳吗?”The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Oink!Oink!gruntedthe pig.Want to roll in the mud? / md/“噜噜!噜噜!”猪咕哝道。“想一起去泥地里打个滚吗?” /rntid/The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Woof!Woof! barked the dog.Want to chasea cat? / tes/“汪!汪!”狗吠道。“想一起去追赶猫吗?“ / b:kt /The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Meow!Meow!cried the cat.Want totake a nap? / np/”喵!喵!“猫叫道。”想去打个盹吗?“ / krad /The spider didnt answer. She was very busy spinning her web.蜘蛛没有回答。她正忙着织网呢。Quack! Quack! called the duck. Want to go for a swim? ”嘎!嘎!“鸭喊道。”想一起去游泳吗?/ k:ld /The spider didnt answer. She had now finished her web. / fnt /蜘蛛没有回答。她已经织好了网啦。/ hd /Cock-a-doodle do! crowed the rooster. Want to catch apestyfly?“喔,喔,喔!“公鸡鸣道。”想一起去抓害虫苍蝇吗?”/ krd / / ru:st(r) / / pesti / / fla /And the spider caught the fly in the web just like that! / k:t / 抓住,捉到蜘蛛已经在她的网上抓住苍蝇啦,看!就是这样! Whoo? Whoo? asked the owl. / al /Who built this beautiful web? / blt / 建造The spider didnt answer. She had fallen asleep. / f:ln / / sli:p /It had been a very, very busy day. ”呜?呜?“猫头鹰问道。”是谁织了这么美丽的网?“蜘蛛没有回答。她已经沉沉睡去了。这是个很忙很忙的一天啊!请思考: 1. 蜘蛛织网是先织经


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