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闸北区2016年二模英语质量抽查试卷II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (A)Have you noticed that your friends are like your mothers friends? Study has found that the manner (25)_ _ a mother interacts with her friends makes a role model for an adolescent child when building (26)_ his/her own peer friendships.Unfortunately, teens often pick up on the negative elements in a relationship, such as conflict and opposition, and then copy these attitudes into their own relationships。The new study investigated a previously understudied association how a parents friendships influence the emotional well-being of their adolescent children.For the study, researchers studied the development of friendships and (27)_ peer relationships during adolescence and their impact on psychological adjustment.They found that adolescents (28)_imitate the negative characteristics of their mothers relationships in their own peer-to-peer friendships. The finding shows that mothers (29)_(serve) as role models for their adolescents during formative years.Additional findings suggest that adolescents internalize their reactions to their mothers conflict with adult friends and (30)_they have learned might lead them to anxietyand depression.Actually, conflict is a normal part of any relationship be it a relationship between a parent and a child, or a mother and her friends. But (31)_(expose) to high levels of such conflict generally isnt going to be good for children. Parents should consider whether they are good role models for their children. Parents should behave well especially where their friends are concerned. (32)_ things go wrong, parents should talk with their children about how to act with their friends, but more specifically, how not to act. (B)Today, women are beating men in education and in the workplace, creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers.It (33)_ (predict) that relationships and traditional household structures will be transformed aswomen are earning more than their male partners.Successful women will have to marry down by choosing partners (34)_(qualified) and they may increasingly select men based on how supportive they might be to their wivescareers, rather than (35)_ they can be the breadwinner for the family.Educator Mr Willetts said there was clear evidence from schools that boys are lagging behind, and (36)_(overtake) , to some peoples surprise, by female students at university.He said: I am not against women having those advantages but there is now a rather striking distance. If you look at the statistics, approximately 50 percent of women (37)_(graduate) from university by the time theyre 30 compared with only 40 percent of men. It looks(38)_ _ women have beaten men academically.Many educated British women think that finding a financially capable husband is so difficult that many of them even give up having (39)_ try.And they are taught all along (40)_(rely) on themselves for everything.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. just B. gap C. irrelevant D. company E. evidentF. victim G. typical H. identify I. address J. alternative K. owedMost men and women feel that a dinner bill should be split down the middle, but how fair is this really?A new app aims to answer this question, and for others who fall_41_ to income inequality, by dividing the check up according to each persons race and gender.Equipay uses Bureau of Labor Statistics and math to calculate how much is _42_ from each person and if the diner protests, it will give you statistics about the wage _43_.Equipay helps you avoid the firm discrimination that exists in our society. It doesnt work out an equal split of the bill but a _44_one. the companys site says.You pay what you should to balance out the wage diversity.The app is the brain child of Luna Malbroux, a diversity educator, who wanted to make the touchy subject of racial and gender inequalities more _45_. The problem is expected to catch peoples eyeeasily.I hope that this, more than anything, starts a discussion and helps people to start thinking a little bit differently about how we can use technology and innovation to _46_gender discrimination and wage inequality, Malbroux said.The app has a built in diversity tool that allows you to _47_ how diverse your friends really are and the app also displays the level of income for each person.Type in the amount of the entire bill at the top, tip included, and the software will begin calculating the split based on who your _48_ is.Finally it will show you the list again, but now with how much each person has to pay.Before paying your share, there is the _49_ to protest, in which the app will ask whats your excuse and lists reasons for you to choose from.You can say I was a middle child or Im unaware of my privilege.Equipay will find the best reply possible, whether it is facts regarding income differences or something seemingly_50_but also makes you think twice before keep disagreeing with what you have to pay.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A driving goal for most websites is for that site to be easily found by people looking for the products or services. One of the ways people may find these sites is via a search engine. With this in mind, companies obviously want their websites to _51_ search engines as well.First of all, website content should be unique and timely. Only quality content ensures that customers will _52_ your website and also recommend it to friends via links or through social channels. This act of sharing not only gives your site more chances of public _53_ but it also helps to push up your search engine rankings, which extends huge psychological implication to other engine users as people tend to _54_ Now famous search engines such as Google use mobile friendliness as a ranking signalin their ranking algorithm(算法). Therefore, if your site is not _55_for mobile devices, you are offering a less than ideal experience to some users and in result search engines will take the _56_ into account.Another key ranking signal that Google and other search engines _57_heavily is page speed and overall site performance. If your site is loaded with too many high-resolution images and videos or other elements, muchviewing time will be caused. These will makesluggish, slow loading that frustrate and often drive away visitors. Its time to_58_ thepage size as all the visitors appreciatefaster download. Some are even willing to_59_better visual experiences for high viewing speed. As user preference stands on top of any search engines list of priority, search engines will look very _60_upon the speed improvements of the websites.In addition, for a hot website, appropriate update frequency is also vital. Although the content is current and up to date when it is first launched, it will soon lose its _61_with the explosion of other various online resources. If the content on your websites has appeared on other sites before, your website is sooner or later to be deserted because of humans nature of having a low _62_ threshold(门槛). In turn, your websites search _63_ will drop drastically. Finally, dont look down on customer experience. Too often people ignore the benefits of creating a viewing experience that is enjoyable.When assessingyour websites user friendliness, understand that _64_ of use comes first, but do not discount the benefits of adding a bit of _65_ into that experience as well.51.A. appeal toB. agree withC. remind ofD. connect with52.A. establishB. frequentC. adjustD. evaluate53.A. specializationB. commentC. exposureD. strengthening54.A. calm downB. make progressC. watch outD. follow suit55.A. applicableB. superiorC. temperateD. realistic56.A. emergencyB. disadvantageC. guidanceD. obligation57.A. weighB. reserveC. representD. revise58.A. decorateB. reduceC. acknowledgeD. undertake59,A. enjoyB. eliminateC. tradeD. prepare60.A. favourablyB. intelligentlyC. necessarilyD. fortunately61.A. senseB. wisdomC. freshnessD. feature62.A. identityB. accessC. valueD. boredom63.A. visionB. rankingC. decisionD. settlement64.A. easeB. directionC. opportunityD. recovery65.A. humourB. satisfactionC. delightD. sympathySection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)It seems to me that all writers, including those brilliant ones, need encouragement particularly in their early years. I always knew I could write, but that just meant I wrote a little better than my peers. I hope that I might one day write well enough to derive income from my efforts. Oddly enough, this never occurred to me until I met a special teacher in life.There was a kind teacher at Hyde Park High School in Chicago, who simply by concentrating her attention on me, made me believe that I might be able to master the knack of writing well enough to consider the craft as a profession. Miss Marguerite Byme taught English, which of course, involved writing skills. Whatever instruction she shared with me was exactly the same as all her other students enjoyed, but the only difference was she encouraged me to begin the process of submitting things I was writing, in those days, chiefly poems.To my surprise the Chicago Tribune not only thought enough of several of my verses to publish them, but also paid me-inadvertently-the highest compliment a fledgling author can receive. The editor wrote a confidential letter to Miss Byme, asking her to see, if by any chance, one of her students-a certain Stephen Allen-might be guilty of copying. The editors suspicions had been aroused because, he was kind enough to say, he found it hard to believe that a seventeen-year old could create material on such a professional level. When Miss Byme shared the letter with me, I was overjoyed! It was wonderfully heartening.Miss Byme made me realize that I should not hide my light. This made me collect my courage to enter a writing contest. The assignment was to write an essay titled “rediscovering America.” I was literally astonished when I received a letter saying thatI was the winner of the contest. The prize was a thousand dollars. My mother, at the time, was not even aware that I was interested in writing, or if she had somehow found out about it, she took little notice. When I arrived home that evening with the letter, she was indifferent and did not ask how the evening had gone.Without encouragement, even talented students will continue to perform below expectations. For example, at the same high school, there was a teacher whose Spanish language classes I attended but from whom I, unfortunately learned very little simply because of the womans cold sarcastically critical attitude. She seemed to know nothing about nurturing students. Soon, I withdrew from her classroom literacy instruction.Years later, I was able to repay my debt to Marguerite Byme by dedicating one of my books, Wry on the Rocks-A collection of Poems, to her. I have enjoyed a lifetime writing books and television scripts because of her urge.66. Miss Byme treated me differently from other students in that _.A. she encouraged the author to try to earn money from writingB. she gave the author private instructions on writing skillsC. she advised the author to contribute his writing worksD. she taught the author the knack of writing as a profession67. The editor wrote a letter to Miss Byme because _.A. he regretted overpaying the authorB. he had doubts about the authors writing abilitiesC. he wanted to inform her of the authors talentD. he wanted to befriend a future star writer68.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The author had set the goal of writing professionally since childhood.B. The share of the editors letter made the author ashamed of his behavior.C. The author won the writing contest which made his mother proud of himD. The author quitted Spanish course because of the teachers negative attitude.69. The author is writing the passage mainly to tell readers that _.A. writing skills should be cultivated since high school yearsB. its easy for a writer like him to make a living by writingC. parents should take kids interests and talents seriouslyD. development of skills and abilities require adequate encouragement (B) Care for a zoom-in observation of animals with no bars between you and the observed opposed to ordinary zoos? Where to have close-up encounters with some of the worlds most rare animals.? We are revealing for you:1. Right whales, Bay of Fundy, CanadaNorthern right whales are on the brink of extinction, but survivorsarrive in the Bay of Fundy each summer (May through October)to feed east of Grand Manan Island. They are recognized by abroad back and no dorsal fin, whichdistinguish them from other whales entering the bay.Planning: Whale-watching tours operate out of Digby Neck peninsula onNova Scotia and nearby islands, such as Brier Island, St. Andrews, GrandManan Island, and Deer Island.2. Grizzly bears, AlaskaGrizzlies like salmon. In mid-July and again in mid-August, grizzlies make for Alaskan rivers to hook out the fishwith their formidable claws. The bears gather in large numbers atrapids and pools, sometimes fighting for the best sites. Brooks Falls in Katmai NationalPark, and Fish Creek, near Hyder, have viewing platforms.Planning: Most fishing sites are accessed by chartered light aircraft anda hike. Hyder is off the Stewart-Cassiar Highway.3. Monarch butterflies, Sierra Chincua, MexicoEach fall, millions of North American monarch butterflies migratethousands of miles to the oyamel fir forests of the TransvolcanicMountain Range, in the state of Michoacn. They flock intimately on tree trunks, bushes, and on the ground, fully showing their gregariousnature and occupy SierraChincua and four neighboring hills that make up the MonarchButterfly Biosphere Reserve.Planning: Chincua is one of two hills in the reserve open to the publicfrom November through March.4. Komodo dragons, Komodo Island, IndonesiaLanding on Komodo, you would feel like stepping back to a time when dinosaursruled the Earth, as park maps reported, “Here be dragons!”This mountainous volcanic island is home to the worlds largestliving lizardthe Komodo dragon. Weighing 79 to 91kg, the Komodo dragon has a tail as long as its body. You can hike to a viewpointat Banugulung and watch as park rangers feed food tothe lizards, some of which are more than 10 ft (3 m) long.Planning: Komodo is reached solely by boat from Bima (on eastern Sumbawa)or Labuan Bajo (on western Flores).5. Wildebeest migration, Serengeti, TanzaniaUndoubtedly the worlds most spectacular wildlife sight is theannual wildebeest migration, when 1.4 million wildebeest and200,000 zebras and gazelles are on the move across the Serengetiplains. The animals are trekking to chase the clean water and fresh grass. Along theway, lions and hyenas stalk them, and crocodiles lie in wait.Planning: The herds migrate across Tanzania from December throughJuly, and then pass through the Masai Mara in Kenya in August andSeptember.70. In which place can a variety of types of animals be viewed?A. Alaska.B. Sierra ChincuaC. Komodo IslandD. Serengeti71. The underlined word gregarious is closest in meaning to _.A. being able to climb.B. preferring group livingC. migrating in huge numbersD. moderate in temper72. Which of thefollowing statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Right whales are distinguished from other whales by unique appearance features.B. Viewing spots for grizzly bears can be reached through air and on foot.C. Komodo dragons are similar to dinosaurs in living period.D. Wildebeest herds travel to pursue favourable food conditions.73. The target readers of the passage are probably _.A. adventurous visitors longing for closer look at animalsB. mountain hikers who seek unique hiking trailsC. experienced hunters who are aimed at rare animalsD. average zoo visitors looking for animal contact at safe distance(C)Genetic testing offers people insight into the types of diseases they are most likely to develop but a new study suggests most people do not alter their lifestyles based on this information. These tests known as genome sequencing analyze a persons DNA, telling patients about their known risk for diseases like cancer or diabetes. But being told youre at a higher risk for lung cancer doesnt seem to motivate anyone to quit smoking or alcohol, this study suggests. Because of this, the scholars argue that genetic testing should be banned as a tool for improving peoples health.Todays finding came from pulling data from 18 ot


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