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北京市西城区2012-2013学年第一学期初三一模(暨期末)英语试卷听力理解(共26分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1. A. B. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。5. Which museum did the boy visit yesterday? A. The Science Museum. B. The Art Museum. C. The History Museum.6. How did he go to the museum? A. By taxi. B. By bike. C. By bus.请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。7. Whats the population of the girls hometown? A. Over 18, 000, 000. B. About 20, 000. C. More than 30,000.8. Who likes the city? A. The boy. B. The girl. C. Both of them.请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。9. What are they talking about? A. A book. B. A teacher. C. A school.10. Why did the students like the class? A. Because the students felt free in the class. B. Because the class was interesting and helpful. C. Because the teacher was very strict with them.请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。11. What is the girls mother doing in the photo?A. Swimming. B. Eating. C. Walking. 12. Where did the girls family often go during the holiday?A. To the market. B. To the restaurant. C. To the garden.13. Who loves history?A. Sarah. B. Sarahs sister. C. Sarahs father.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。14. How do many communities tell people the environment is terribly polluted? A. By sending some photographs. B. By cleaning up the neighbourhood. C. By watching educational programmes.15. How do Singaporeans feel about their environment? A. Terrible. B. OK. C. Proud.16. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ways of protecting environment in Singapore. B. Activities of educating people in Singapore.C. Reasons for beautifying Singapore. 三、听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。对话读两遍。(共10分, 每小题2分) Interview Record: Peters Sporting Life When became interested in sportAt the age of 17 .Which sports loved firstTennis and 18 .Why enjoyed table tennisIts a 19 game.When started playing rugbyAt 20 school. What career chosenA professional rugby 21 .知识运用(共25分) 四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22. Can we put our shoes here? Sure. Put _ here, please. A. themB. theyC. theirD. theirs23. Do you often swim, Jason? No, _. I dont like swimming at all. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never 24. There goes the bell. Hurry up, _ well be late. A. so B. butC. andD. or25. Dont forget to _ “Thank you!” when someone helps you.A. tellB. sayC. speakD. talk26. Poor guys! It _ when they left the hotel. A. will rainB. is rainingC. was rainingD. has rained27. When will your brother go back to Shenzhen? He will go back _ the end of this month. A. onB. atC. in D. to28. The table _ my father bought is made of plastic. A. whoB. thatC. whose D. whom29. What I said is as _ as ABC. But he is DEF. A. simpleB. simplerC. simplest D. the simplest30. You _ to the meeting, but I didnt see you. Whats wrong? Sorry, I went to the wrong place. A. inviteB. will inviteC. were invitedD. will be invited31. Mr. Smith _ here for many years. He knows almost everybody here. A. has livedB. is livingC. have lived D. lives32. Well visit the Summer Palace tomorrow. Our teacher told us_ there on time. A. arriveB. to arriveC. arrived D. arriving33. Jack is funny. He often tells jokes to make us _. A. laugh B. laughs C. to laugh D. laughed34. No one knows _ in a hundred years. But we can imagine it. A. what is our life likeB. what will our life be like C. what our life will be like D. what our life is like五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。One fine day, a couple around the age of 70, walked into a lawyers office. They had been quarreling throughout their 40 years of marriage.Now that their children had grown up and there was 35 else for them to worry about, all they wanted was to lead their own lives from all the years of unhappiness in their marriage.The lawyer was having a time getting the papers done, because he couldnt understand 38 the old couple wanted a divorce (离婚) after 40 years together.While they were signing the papers, the wife told the husband,“I really love you, but I really cant carry on anymore. Im sorry.”“Its OK, I understand.”said the husband. Seeing this, the lawyer 39 a dinner together. The first dish was roast chicken. , the old man gave the drumstick (鸡腿) to his wife, “Take this. Its your favorite.”But the wife frowned (皱眉).“This is always the . You always think so highly of yourself, never think about how I feel. Dont you know that I have always hated drumsticks?”Little did she know that, over the years, her husband had been trying in all ways to 42 her, and that drumsticks were his favorite.That night, neither of them could sleep. After several hours, the old man couldnt 43 it any more. Knowing that he still loved her, he picked up the phone, and dialed her number. On the other 44 , his wife was sad. After all these years, she loved him a lot, but she just couldnt stand it any more. Her phone rang, but feeling so sad, she refused to answer. She didnt remember that he had heart problems.The next day, she received news that he had passed away. She rushed down to his apartment. While 45 the drawers, she found a note.“To my dearest wife, . I bought this insurance (保险) policy for you, though the amount is only $100,000, I hope it will allow me to keep the 46 that I made when we got married. I want this money to take care of you.I love you.”Her tears flowed like a river.35. A. anything B. somethingC. nothing D. everything36. A. freeB. happyC. relaxedD. different37. A. longB. hardC. spareD. full38. A. whenB. whereC. howD. why39. A. offeredB. suggested C. preparedD. wanted40. A. ImmediatelyB. Suddenly C. Carefully D. Nervously41. A. reasonB. problemC. question D. way42. A. pleaseB. loveC. understandD. attract43. A. holdB. realizeC. takeD. say44. A. handB. endC. bedD. chair45. A. looking atB. getting throughC. passing byD. looking through46. A. moneyB. care C. plan D. promise六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分) A Almost half of us live in a city these days, and that number keeps going up. Want to be healthy? Try to make the best use of your city. Walk the Walk: We know city people usually walk more than country people. But youd be surprised at how much those extra 15 to 30 minutes of walking can do you good. Get Arty: Cultural attractions is something most cities are rich in. So if youre in the city, refuse the pricy bar and club. Your brain will thank you if you choose from one of the countless museums, theatres, art galleries and historical sites (古迹).Meet the Neighbors: Studies show that strong social networks do good to peoples health. A big city is a great place to find people you talk with. It is more likely youll find someone who shares your interests. So go out, make some friends and have fun. Fresh and Fit: Popular health-food stores show up first in the big city. Healthy choices are probably richer than they are in the country. Just remember to take advantage of them.47. How many ways does the writer advise us to be healthy in the city? A. Two.B. Four.C. Six.D. Eight. 48. Its good for your brain when you choose_. A. museums B. clubs C. bars D. supermarkets49. From the passage, “_ ” can help you make more friends. A. Walk the Walk B. Get Arty C. Meet the Neighbors D. Fresh and Fit BMo wins Nobel for literatureCHINESE writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012, a somewhat unexpected choice by a prize committee that has favored European writers in recent years. In the past five years, European writers had won four awards. Presented by the Nobel Foundation, the award - only given to living writers - is worth 8 million kronor (741,000). “He has such a unique (独特的)way of writing. If you read half a page of Mo Yan you immediately know it as him,” said Peter Englund, head of the Swedish Academy(瑞典学院). Peter Englund said in Stockholm that the academy had called Mo before the announcement(宣布). “He said he was overjoyed and frightened,” Mo, 57, is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Born Guan Moye in 1955 to a farming family in Gaomi County in Shandong Province, Mo chose his penname, meaning “dont speak,” while writing his first novel. His breakthrough came with the novel Red Sorghum红高粱published in 1987. Set in a small village, like many of his works, “Red Sorghum” is an earthy story of love and peasant struggles (农民抗争) taking place against the background of the anti-Japanese war. It was turned into a film that won the top prize at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1988. Mo said in a speech at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2009, “Some people may want to shout on the street, but we should tolerate (容忍) those who hide in their rooms and use literature to voice their opinions.”50. In recent years, the committee likes _ better. A. European writers B. American writers better C. Chinese writers D Japanese writers 51. The novel Red Sorghum was published in _ . A. 1955 B. 1987 C. 1988 D. 200952. Mo won the Nobel Prize because _.A. his writing is very special B. Red Sorghum is very famous C. Chinese has never won the Prize before D. he has got unique experience 53. From Paragraph 3, Mo may agree that _. A. people should express their ideas in private B. we should speak out our opinions in publicC. different people have their own ways of livingD. people can express their ideas in different ways C You thought the Dark Ages are well behind us? Think again. As we speak, the world is getting darker. Without sunlight, oxygen (氧气) levels will drop, and there wont be enough food. In the end, well die a horrible death. Probably, we will have forgotten what kind of a sunny planet Earth once was. It is the thick clouds that are causing all the trouble. They bounce back (弹回) the sunlight into space, preventing it from reaching the Earths surface and its people. The result: darkness, and cold. So, who put those clouds up there in the first place? Well, blame (归咎于) yourself: you did. You guessed it: its those humans and their pollution again. Already, the Earth is a bit darker than it should have been. An agricultural biologist (农业生物学家), Gerald Stanhill, first discovered Global (全球的) Dimming in Israel in the 1980s. The sun shines about 22 percent less in Israel than it did in the 1950s. It is as if someone is slowly turning off the lights! In fact, global dimming may have made its first victims (受害者) already. In the 1980s, about a million Africans in the Sahel died during a massive drought (大面积干旱). It was global dimmings doing: the sun simply didnt shine hard enough to power up the system that should have given the Sahel its rainy season. But isnt the world getting warmer, instead of colder? How about global warming? Many facts show that the world is indeed getting warmer. But its also getting darker. In fact, many scientists believe that global dimming puts the brakes on the warming of our planet. Without global dimming, global warming would be much, much worse! And theres no telling which will win in the end, heat or cold.So, what do you prefer? Would you like to get roasted, or would you rather die in the dark? Hmm.Perhaps its a better idea to cut down a little on both pollution and greenhouse gases, after all. 54. Why is the world getting darker? A. Because oxygen levels on the earth are dropping quickly. B. Because the thick clouds stop the sunlight reaching the earth.C. Because the thick clouds are covering a large area of the earth.D. Because the earth is becoming colder and colder.55. What does the phrase “puts the brakes on” in Para. 4 probably mean?A. puts out B. breaks down C. slows down D. catches up with56. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A. The earth used to be sunnier and warmer.B. We are responsible for global dimming. C. Africa suffers most from global dimming.D. Global warming is better than global dimming. D “Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB)” is a term for a group of conditions that can influence normal breathing while people sleep. These include snoring (打鼾), mouth-breathing and sleep apnea. Sleep-disordered breathing can do more than just leave people feeling tired the next day. It can also have an effect on peoples health. In children the effects can include behavioral and emotional problems. In a new study, researchers asked parents about their childrens breathing from when they were babies up to about age six. The study involved about eleven thousand children.Karen Bonuck at the Einstein College of Medicine in New York led the study. She says, “The central finding overall is that sleep-disordered breathing is connected with a fifty percent increase in adverse neurobehavioral (不利的神经行为) outcomes.” She adds that the more serious the breathing problems, the more serious the behavioral issues were likely to be. Other studies have linked sleep with childrens behavior, but this study could be able to reject (排除) other possible causes.The study appears in the journal Pediatrics. Its estimated one child in ten snores regularly. A smaller number suffer (遭受) from other sleep-disordered breathing.How well do you sleep? A popular belief is that sleep gets worse with age. But, in another new study, those who reported the fewest problems with the quality (质量) of their sleep were people in their eighties.Researchers did a telephone survey of more than one hundred fifty thousand American adults. Michael Grandner at the University of Pennsylvania medical school says the starting goal was to prove that aging is connected with increased sleep problems.The survey did find an increase during middle age, worse in women than men. But except for that, people reported that their sleep quality improved as they got older. At least they felt it did. Mr. Grandner says, “Even if sleep among older Americans is actually worse than in younger adults, feelings about it still improve with age.”The findings appear in the journal Sleep. In the study, health problems and sadness were linked with poor sleep. Also, women reported more sleep disturbances and tiredness than men.But, based on the study, Mr. Grandner says older people who are not sick or depressed should be reporting better sleep. “If theyre not, they need to talk to their doctor. They shouldnt just take no notice of it,” he says. Nor should their doctor turn a blind eye to it. He says doctors generally dismiss sleep complaints (抱怨) from older adults as a normal part of aging.57. From the passage we can learn that _. A. middle-aged men have more sleep problems than womenB. the older people get, the better the quality of sleep will be C. doctors dont take sleep complaints from older adults seriously D. children suffer more mouth-breathing than other SDB conditions58. What can we infer from the passage?A. SDB can bring about serious illness to people.B. Older adults think they get better sleep than they actually do C. Ms. Bonucks studies have linked sleep with childrens behavior. D. A key period for childrens behavioral development is from 0 to 6.59. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Who sleeps Well, who lives WellB. Who Sleeps Better, the Young or the Old?C. New Findings on Sleep in Children, Older AdultsD. New Findings on Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Health七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共8分,每小题2分)Getting lost while camping and hiking is probably the biggest problem most campers face. Its a good idea to learn how to use a compass and map to get from place to place. 60 .compassTo avoid getting lost, stay on well-marked paths and never camp without a friend or family member along for the ride. Before you start on your adventure, get maps from the park or forest ranger (护林员). 61 , follow path markers to the nearest ranger station and wait for help to arrive. If you cant find a ranger station, look for a safe place and wait for help to come looking for you. People will find you if youve followed procedures such as signing in on paths and leaving information at home on where youll be. An ordinary sports whistle (口哨) is a campers best friend when it comes to calling for help. 62 . If you have a cell phone and can get a signal (信号), try reaching park rangers by phone.Once you have an unexpected problem, no matter how small it seems to you, ask park rangers for help. 63 , tak


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