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Pep小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 At the farm,A Lets talk教案沥林中心小学 余洁莹一、 教学目标1、知识目标:(1)能听、说、认读本课主要语言结构:What are these? Are these.?并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。(2)能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2、能力目标:会运用对话中的句型进行交流。3、情感态度目标:(1)乐于合作、交流、反思和改进;(2)教育学生尊重劳动人民,珍惜劳动果实。二、教学重、难点分析本课教学重点是使学生熟练掌握What are these? Are these 句型的用法及其简略回答。单词these的发音是本课的教学难点。三、课前准备 教学课件和一些单词、句子卡片, 每组准备一些自制的食物或水果等图片或单词卡片。四、教学设计Step 1 Warm up and lead inSing a song: What are these?附1: What are these?What are these?They are pears, pears, pears.What are these?They are pears, pears, pears.Are they green?Yes, they are.Are they pink?No, they arent.They are green pears. (设计目的:此环节通过歌曲演唱,活跃课堂气氛,集中学生注意力,同时让学生初步感知本课重点句型“ What are these? They are.”“Are they? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.的含义和用法。)Step 2 Presentation1、教学What are these? They are.(课件依次呈现学生已经学过的水果图片:pears, watermelons, bananas) T: What are these? (重点突出 these,引导学生提问并回答。)Ss: They are pears/ watermelons/ bananas. They are green/big/ yellow.(设计目的:此环节把句型What are these?放在学生所熟悉的水果中操练,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,降低了学习难度,让学生在熟悉的事物中轻易掌握了本课的重点句型。)2、教学carrots, tomatoes 课件呈现carrots的图片,同样通过询问“What are these?”引导学生回答“They are carrots.”,接着教师出示单词卡片教读,并进行操练。之后通过做动作引导学生描述:“They are so big!” 呈现tomatoes的图片,引导学生询问“What are these?”,教师回答“They are tomatoes.” 之后利用词卡进行操练,接着通过比手势引导学生描述:“ They are good.”3、教学 Look at these! Are these? Yes, they are.接上个环节对carrots 和 tomatoes的学习,当学生学完tomatoes后,PPT呈现黄色的西红柿图片。T:“Look at these!Are these tomatoes? ”,引导学生观察图片回答“Yes, they are.”之后T描述:They are yellow tomatoes. They are good. Lets try some!( 带读Try some.)(设计目的:此环节承接第二环节的单词教学让学生进一步深入学习句型“Are these” ,有利于帮助学生更好地理解课文。)4、学习Lets talk 课件出示三个有关Lets talk文本对话的问题,让学生读问题,在理解问题的基础上带着问题听录音,完成三个问题。附2:Listen and answer: 1. The carrots are big. B. small.2. What color are the tomatoes? A. They are red. B. They are yellow.3. What vegetables are there on the farm?A . Apples and carrots. B. Carrots and tomatoes.核对答案。听音,跟读 跟老师读 全班齐读。全班分角色朗读、个别读。5、Group work:组内操练课文。6、Group show: 小组展示读课文。(设计目的:让学生带着问题听录音,有利于学生更好地了解和掌握课文。小组合作和小组展示有利于培养学生的团队合作能力。)Step 3 Consolidation and extension1、 根据所给提示创编对话A: Look at these. Are these _? B: Yes, they are.A: Wow! They are so _.A: What are these? B: Theyre_.A: But they are _.B: Try some. They are good.A: Thanks. Yum.2、 Lets play两人一组,一个同学给同桌看两张图,然后抽出其中一张藏到身后,问同桌“What are these?”,同桌猜“Are these?”,如果猜对,则第一个同学做出肯定回答;如果猜错,则继续,直到猜对为止。如: S1:What are these?(在两张图中抽出一张藏到身后)S2: Are these ?(猜测藏的是什么东西)S1:Yes, they are. / No, they arent.(设计目的:通过创编对话和玩游戏,让学生更好地将所学知识到生活实际中,学以致用。)Step4 Test(Lets check)听音,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. The farm is small.( )2. They see carrots.( )3. The carrots are red.( )4. The tomatoes are yellow.( )5. They have some tomatoes.(设计目的:通过随堂小测试检验学生对知识的掌握情况,同时也再一次锻炼了学生听的能力。)Step 5 Summary,emotion and attitude education1、 总结本课所学知识。2、 情感态度教育:Respect the farmers, cherish the food.(设计目的:总结本课所学,有利于学生更好地梳理所学知识,通过情感态度教育培养学生正确的价值观。)Step 6 Homework1、 Listen and follow the tape for 5 times.(听录音,跟读课文5次。) 2、 Use “What are these?”,“Are these” to ask and answer.(课后和同学运用本科所学句型问答。)(设计目的:让学生在课后对所学知识进行复习,有利于学生更好地巩固和掌握知识。)Step 7 Assessment : Who is the winner?(设计目的:对学生在本节课的表现作出评价,有利于鼓励学生更加积极学习。)Step 8 Sing together(设计目的:以欢快的音乐结束本节课教


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