新生代英语基础教程2 Unit4_电子教案_第1页
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教 案 课程名称课程名称 新生代英语基础教程新生代英语基础教程 2 2 课课 时时 班班 级级 专专 业业 教教 师师 系系 部部 教教 研研 室室 教教 材材 新生代英语基础教程新生代英语基础教程 2 2 教学计划教学计划 教学教学 单元单元 Unit 4 Are utilities included 单元单元 主题主题 Finding a home 课时课时 安安 排排 8 教教 学学 内内 容容 Show Time Are utilities included Reading For rent Chat Time I m a freshman Writing An email between friends Grammar some any My Story Living situations 教学目标教学目标教学活动建议教学活动建议 Warm up To get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you as much as they can about it Then go through the questions and complete each answer In addition you can ask a few warm up questions such as Do you live with your family Who do you live with and Where do you live If students have trouble with these questions you can write model answers on the board for them to use when answering For example Yes I do I live with and I live Have students complete the passage with words from the boxes Check their answers Vocabulary BuilderA and B To teach students new vocabulary related to housing Have students listen and repeat the words In general it is always good to start by asking students which words they are already familiar with In this case perhaps the word pet is the easiest After teaching the definition you can have students tell you about their pets You can also point out that if you rent a house that in some cases you may not be allowed pets For rent students probably know the concept from renting a bicycle or DVD Ask them to tell you other things that you can rent For the word view you can ask students to tell you where there is a nice view in your city For appointment you can ask students to give examples of when you need to make an appointment for example to see a doctor or dentist You can also take this opportunity to teach available as to make an appointment you need to choose an available time Apartment is fairly easy to teach using the picture in the book You can tell students that utilities is related to the word use because they are things we use on a daily basis such as water heat and electricity Make sure students are aware that park has two different meanings depending on if it is a noun or a verb Thus parking in this context comes from the verb form to move a car into a stopped position Once students are comfortable with the new words have them do the exercises correcting any mistakes C and D To improve students listening and comprehension skills Tell the students they will hear a conversation between two people Jenny and Mark Now listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences Correct any mistakes Underline useful words and expressions Have students read the conversation in pairs Monitor their performance For Exercise D have students finish the exercise in pairs The first pair to complete the practice and get answers right receive rewards Show TimeA To teach students speaking skills through the use of video First have the students watch the video in its entirety Ask basic comprehension questions such as Who are the main characters in this video Where are they What are they doing Why are they doing that How are they doing it Next have students take turns in explaining what is happening in each picture You can do the first picture and then have a more confident student try the second one To make it more fun you could choose two students and then have them race to explain what is happening in the picture The student with the fastest and best explanation wins B C and D To improve students listening comprehension through the use of video Watch the video Now look at Exercise B and ask students to complete the True False statements Next students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C Have three students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Naomi and the other as the apartment manager Have students do Exercise D in pairs with one asking questions and the other answering Check their work If you would like to give homework you can tell students that they must rewrite every incorrect answer 5 10 or 20 times at your discretion A and B To improve students reading comprehension and learn about renting a house Have students read the four advertisements and complete the chart Put the students in pairs and have them practice talking about their home Every two minutes have students stand up and change partners Do this three or four times depending on class size Reading C and D To get the students comfortable when speaking about housing Have students read through the words given and fill in the blanks Have students finish Exercise D in pairs The first pair to complete the practice and get answers right receive rewards Chat TimeTo improve students listening speaking writing and acting Explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which Jack and Trevor meet for the first time in their dorm WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to write emails between friends Have students go through the email and complete it Check their answers Explain what should be paid attention to when writing an email Ask students to return a letter to Daniel You may give your own email address GrammarTo teach students about some and any Write the word some on the board Explain to students that we use the word some before plural nouns or uncountable nouns but that we differentiate by using are with plural and is with uncountable At this point you may need to briefly review what plural and uncountable means see the previous lesson Have students come up with examples of both plural and uncountable nouns and make positive statements using some Write them on the board or have students come to the board skills through the use of conversation Introduce the key vocabulary words for this conversation Tell the students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces If necessary pause the recording so that students have time to write Next have students practice talking about college monitoring them while they do so Now have students read through the Language Note teaching the four phases of college life freshman sophomore junior and senior Have students discuss in pairs should students live in a dorm or rent an apartment Ask volunteers to share their opinions and write them for you Next write any on the board Explain to students that we use any for negative sentences and questions Similarly to some any is also used with plural and uncountable nouns it s the be verb that changes This is also a good time to teach the students the three basic kinds of sentence positive negative and question You can also repeat the process of having students come to board and write negative sentences or questions using any Finish by having students complete the exercises and then ask them to change books and go through the answers correcting any mistakes My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the use of video Tell the students that they will see a video in which real people talk about their living situations Now watch the video and have students complete the true or false statements In some cases you may need to pause the video to help the students Now have students tell you the answers correcting any mistakes Watch the video again and have students write in the missing words pausing the video if necessary Check the students answers correcting any mistakes For the discussion section start by going through the model answers in the book and have students repeat after you Then give the students your answers to the questions Next you can have several students give their answers to the class Finally have the students discuss the questions in pairs and or in groups 课后学习设计课后学习设计 作业作业 Finish all the exercises in Unit 4 Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content Write an email to your best friend and talk about your recent life 课后总结与反思课后总结与反思 补充教学资源补充教学资源 VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文参考译文 珍妮 珍妮 我终于找到了新公寓 马克马克 太棒了 快跟我说一说 珍妮珍妮 公寓就在市中心 马克马克 听起来很方便 珍妮珍妮 是的 而且公寓在九楼能看到中央公园 马克马克 那贵吗 珍妮珍妮 嗯 有点贵 每月1200美元 但是包括水电 煤气 垃圾处理等费用 马克马克 太棒了 恭喜你 SHOW TIME 语言解析语言解析 1 I m calling about the apartments for rent 我想了解一下出租的公寓 我想了解一下出租的公寓 1 apartment 通常指在同一楼层的 公寓套房 one bedroom apartment 一居室公寓 a studio apartment 单间公寓 一个大开间 兼作起居室和卧室 常带小厨房 和小浴室 2 rent n 租金 e g How much rent do you pay for this place 你租这个地方租金是多少 The landlord has put the rent again 房东又涨房租了 v 租用 租借 e g We rented a villa in Spain last Summer 去年夏天我们在西班牙租了一栋别墅 2 We have several apartments available 我们这里有许多公寓供出租 我们这里有许多公寓供出租 available adj 1 可获得的 可找到的 e g This was the only room available 这是唯一可用的房间 2 有空的 e g Will she be available this afternoon 今天下午她有空吗 3 What kind of apartment are you looking for 你想找什么样的公寓 你想找什么样的公寓 look for 期望 期待 e g We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term 我们期待你这学期功课有进步 4 It s only 900 a month plus electricity 每月只需 每月只需 900 美元 美元 外加外加电费 电费 plus prep 加 e g Two plus five is seven 二加五等于七 The cost is 22 plus 1 for postage 费用为 22 英镑 另加一英镑的邮费 参考译文参考译文 公寓经理 公寓经理 你好 娜奥米娜奥米 你好 我想了解一下出租的公寓 公寓经理 公寓经理 我们这有许多公寓供出租 你想找什么样的公寓 娜奥米娜奥米 我想找一间一居室 带游泳池 离公交站近的公寓 请问你有一居室 的公寓吗 公寓经理 公寓经理 没有 但是我们有一套单间公寓 公寓虽然很小 但是可以做饭 有微波炉 冰箱 公寓风景很好 娜奥米娜奥米 有游泳池吗 公寓经理 公寓经理 没有 没有游泳池 但是有停车场 娜奥米娜奥米 我没有车 我想找公共汽车站附近的公寓 公寓附近有公交站吗 公寓经理 公寓经理 公寓离公交站大约有六个街区 但是离高速公路很近 娜奥米娜奥米 高速公路就在附近 公寓经理 公寓经理 就在公寓的后边 很方便 娜奥米娜奥米 但是我没有车 公寓经理 公寓经理 你养宠物吗 娜奥米娜奥米 不养 公寓经理 公寓经理 很好 因为我们不允许养宠物 你抽烟吗 娜奥米娜奥米 我不抽烟 公寓经理 公寓经理 很好 因为这是无烟公寓 娜奥米娜奥米 好吧 那么请问水电费呢 水电费包括在房租里吗 公寓经理 公寓经理 是的 房租包括水费及垃圾处理费 但不包括电费 你想要预约来 看房吗 公寓风景很好 相信你会喜欢的 娜奥米娜奥米 那么 请问房租是多少 公寓经理 公寓经理 每月只需 900 美元 外加电费 停车是免费的 娜奥米娜奥米 我没有车 让我想一下 每月 900 美元 加上电费 公寓经理 公寓经理 别忘了公寓靠近高速公路 风景很好 娜奥米娜奥米 好的 靠近高速公路 风景很好 但是离最近的公共汽车站有六个 街区那么远 而且没有游泳池 稍等 抱歉 能不能再让我考虑一下 谢谢 再见 公寓经理 公寓经理 再见 READING 背景知识背景知识 美国许多大学学生宿舍数量有限 通常只提供给大一新生 所以学生在第二年 需要租房子住 校外出租房一般比学生宿舍便宜一些 每年春季是英国大学开 放住宿申请的时间 大多数院校都会在4 5月份开通住宿申请入口 截止日期通 常是7 8月 英国房租很多是按周计算的 中国留学生在英国留学通常有三种住 宿方式 分别是寄宿家庭 home stay 学校宿舍 student accommodation 以 及自己租房 private renting 语言解析语言解析 1 Awesome studio choice 超棒的超棒的单间单间公寓公寓选择选择 awesome adj 惊人的 很好的 e g That s totally awesome 真是棒极了 2 square feet 平方英尺平方英尺 e g The net area is about 900 hundred square feet 实用面积约九百平方英尺 foot 英尺 一英尺约合30厘米 3 Large house in residential neigh


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