



Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7Section B (2a-2e)学案一:学习目标熟练掌握词汇和句型。二学习重点通过阅读演讲,谈论过去,展望未来,提高自身阅读技能。三重点难点阅读有关校长在毕业典礼上的演讲的文章并完成练习,学会分析文章类型和目的。四学习策略1.通过速读的方式,捕捉文章大意。2.通过细读的方式,找寻细节内容。教学过程(课前朗读)1. 充满活力 2. 处理,对付 3. 对未来充满希望 4. 长大 5.对.感到自豪 6. 在过去的三年里 7. 一生中 8. 未能做某事 9. 对.心存感激 10. 在前面 11. 犯错误 12. 放弃做某事 13. 连同.一起 14. 有机会做某事 15. 有能力做某事 16. 对.负责任 17.几年后 18. 返回母校看看 19,出席毕业庆attend the graduation ceremony20.与分别separate from sb 21. 充满活力 full of energy 22渴求知识 be thirsty for knowledge 23. 对未来的希望 hope for the future 24一定要向某人表达感激 never fail to be thankful to sb 25 给某人飞翔的翅膀give wings to fly26.开始你的新旅程 set out on your new journey 27.对自己的决定和行为负责 be responsible for your decision action 28.走自己的路 go your separate ways28.首先我要向今天到这儿所有的学生表示祝贺。First of all, Id like to congratulate all the students who are here today. 29.我希望你们记住那些在你的生活中帮助你,支持你的重要的人。I hope youll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.30.关键是要从错误中学习并永不放弃。The key is to learn from mistakes and never gave up. 31.伴随着困难,一路上也会有许多令人兴奋的事在等着你。Along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you32. 当你出发踏上你的新的旅程时,不要望了你来自哪里。As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from. 二听录音,回答问题三找出并连线各段大意Para. 1 learn to be thankfulPara. 2 changes in the studentsPara. 3 hope for the students四 完成课本P111,2c问题五 短语连线first of all 连同;除以外还be thirsty for 对有责任;负责任be thankful to sb. 分离;隔开ahead of 首先along with 在前面be responsible for 渴望;苛求set out 出发;启程separate from 对某人心存感激五完成P111,2e。讨论,划出你所喜欢的句子并说明为什么?六 完成P111,2d。八,完成短文Ladies and gentleman,Thank you for _ (come) today _ (attend)the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School. First of all. Id like _ (congratulate)All the students who_ (be) here today. I remember _ (meet) all of you when you_(be) just_(start) Grade 7 at this school. You _ (be) all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. And yes, some of you were a little difficult _(deal) with! But today I see a Room full of _ (talent) young adults who are full of hope for the future. Youve all _ (grow) up so much and Im so proud of you.Although youve all _ (work) very hard over the last three years, none of you _ (do) it alone. I hope youll _ (remember) the _ (important) people in your _ (life)Who helped and _ (support) you your parents, your teachers and your friends. Please _ (consider) what they _(do) for you and what they mean to you. Never fail_ (be) thankful to the people around you. Lastly, the end of junior high school is the _ (begin) of a new life. I dont need _ (tell) you that life in senior high school _ (be)_ (hard) and that you have many difficult _ (task) ahead of you. You ll _ (make) mistakes and never give up. But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things _(wait) for you. Behind each door you open are chances _ (learn) new things, and you have the ability _ (make) choices. Choose widely and responsible for our _ _ (decide) And actions. Although you have _ (go) your separate ways now, I hope that in a few _ (year) time, youll come back _ (visit) our sc


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