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Unit2 My familyThe Second Period A. Lets talk A.Point and sayAnalysis of the Text:本单元围绕“我的家庭”这一话题展开教学,通过学习家庭成员的英文表达,重点练习介绍自己的家庭成员和询问他人的家庭成员的方法。教学时,应采用多样化教学手段,将听、说、玩、唱融为一体,让学生在唱中学,在做中学,在玩中学,从而调动学生学习英语的兴趣,同时还注重培养学生的各项英语技能。Analysis of the Students:“我的家庭”这一话题与学生日常生活密切相关,学生每天都要与自己的家庭成员相处,教学时要利用三年级学生活泼、爱交流、爱表演的特点,围绕话题设计多样性和多层次性的活动,对学生的表现进行积极评价,激活课堂。活动的设计要符合实际情况,集趣味性和知识性于一体。.Teaching Objectives1.Knowledge ObjectivesTo listen, say, read and use the sentences:Whos that man ?Hes/Shes.To introduce ones family members and ask about others through the dialogues.2.Ability ObjectivesTo imitate and perform new sentence patterns in the given situation.To use new sentence patterns naturally in the real environment.3.Emotion ObjectivesTo love home and family members with heart.To encourage students to use English naturally and flexibly during daily life. Teaching Key and Difficult PointsKey Points:To master new sentence patterns:Whos that man ?Hes/Shes.To know how to ask about others family members.Difficult Points:To use personal pronouns “he” and “she” correctly.To master new sentence patterns:Whos that man /woman?Hes/Shes. Teaching AidsCAI,family photos. Teaching Methodsthe Communicative approach,the Cooperative Learning Method,the Activity Teaching Method. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warm-up and Lead-in1. Warm greetings.2. Sing the song “the finger family” with thumbs.3. Invite a student to give his/her daily free talk.4. Praise the students talk.Point to him/her and ask the others:Whos that boy/girl ?(设计意图:通过歌曲的演唱复习旧知,同时作为热身,在轻松愉悦的氛围中调动学生学习英语的积极情绪。借助站在讲台上做free talk的同学,导入本课情境,为话题教学做好了铺垫。)Step 2 Presentation1. Show my family photo and ask “Whos that man /woman?”2. Lead students to answer with “Hes/Shes.”3. Invite students to show their family photos.4. Pair work to ask and answer with the sentence patterns above.(设计意图:通过对老师家人的问与答,训练语言Whos that man /woman?Hes/Shes.的运用。通借助学生自带的全家福,利用学生好奇心理,鼓励引导巩固句型,同时为最后“大演说家”的语言输出作铺垫。)Step 3 Practice1. Show the picture and introduce the background simply.2. Listen and answer.3. Listen and read.4. Sing the dialogue in the tune of “the farmer in the dell”.5. Cartoon dubbing.6. Role play the dialogue.(设计意图:通过对图片的观察,将带着思考的学生引入课文的语言情景。动画配音是学生极其喜欢的活动环节,学生会注意自身发音是否准确且动听。歌唱是生活的调味剂,用熟悉的曲调将对话唱出来,变乏味的朗读为欢声笑语的海洋。角色扮演锻炼有助学生自我表现的勇气及与他人合作的能力。)Step 4 Consolidation The Super Speaker!1.Show my family photo again and introduce my family members with the following sentence pattern:Hello,my name is.This is my family.Whos that man?Hes.Whos that woman?Shes.Whos that boy/girl?Its me!I love my family!2. Help students to be “The Super Speaker!” with the pattern above and their family photos.(设计意图:语言学习的目的是在生活交际时能够实自如运用。该活动既帮助学生在生活中自然灵活的运用所学,又有助于锻炼学生自我表达的勇气与能力。)Step 5 Summary and Assessment1.Enjoy the warm public service advertising “My family” and encourage students to express their love to family members.2.Invite students to summarize what theyve learned in this lesson.3.Praise the better groups and encourage the others.(设计意图:师生一起总结课堂重点知识,巩固重点句型,观赏有关家庭与爱的温馨的公益广告,鼓励学生大胆抒发爱家、爱家庭情怀,自然引导学生树立孝顺父母的意识。)Step 6 Homework1. Listen and read the dialogue three times.2.Try to sing the dialogue to parents and friends.3.Make a new dialogue.(设计意图:通过分级别的家作布置来巩固本堂课所教授的新内容。同时让学生选择自己喜欢的方式来做。)Blackboard Design Unit2 My familyPart A Lets talk I love you ! F=father and M=motherReflection:本节课教学内容的设计符合三年级学生的学生心理、生理特点以及知识结构,遵循了语言学习的规律。在教学中,我以旧引新,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中自然而然地进入新知识的学习。教学时,我坚持以学生为主体,以话题为线索,以活动为中心,让学生在玩中学、学中用,追求扎实有效的课堂教学。教师评价、学生自评、师生互评等多种评价方式帮助学生及时发现不足之处,增强了学生


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