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清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果六年级上学期应用题一、填空。(1)1 =( )(写小数)=( )%(2)16比20少( )% 20比16多( )%。(3)一个数减少它的75%是48,这个数是( )。(4)比360增加25%后的数是( )。(5)男生人数是女生人数的 ,也可以说男生人数是女生人数的( )%。(6)2比( )多25%;2比( )少25%。(7)甲数是60,是乙数的40%,乙数是( )。(8)甲数是24,乙数是36,甲数是甲、乙两数和的( )%。(9)甲数是15,比乙数少10,乙数是甲、乙两数和的( )%。(10) 比它的倒数少( )%。二、判断。(对的在括号里打“”,错的打“”)(1) 4%=0.4 ( )(2) 0.329=32.9% ( )(3) 一种录像机的价格,先涨价5%,然后又降价5%,现在这种录像机的价格还是原价。( )(4) 六年级同学102人参加体育锻炼,全部达标,达标率为102%。 ( )(5) 今年棉花每公顷产量是去年每公顷产量的120%,今年产量比去年增产20%。 ( )三、选择答案,在正确答案下面画“”。 把4.3%化成小数是() A. 4.3; B. 0.43 C. 0.043 D. 430.一种半导体收音机按八折处理出售,就是说售价是() A. 现价的80%; B. 原价的20%; C. 原价的80%; D. 原价的8%。 720厘米比680厘米多百分之几?列式是() A. 720680; B. 680720; C. (720-680)720; D. (720-680)680。 如果数a是数b的40%,那么() A. b是a的250%; B. b比a少60%; C. b比a多150%; D. b比a多60%。四、应用题。 1. 商店有红气球和黄气球,共有48只,其中黄气球的只数是红气球的 。红气球和黄气球各多少只?2. 某玩具厂去年生产玩具2.1万件,今年比去年多生产0.7万件,今年生产的件数是去年的百分之几?(百分号前面保留一位小数)3. 一项工程,甲队单独做15天完成,乙队单独做12天完成,丙队单独做10天完成现在甲、乙两队合做5天,余下的由丙队单独做,还要几天才能完成?4.电视机厂,4月份生产电视机3500台,5月份比4月份增产15%。5月份生产电视机多少台?5.商店有一种西装,原来每套售价390元,现在的售价只是原来的,现在每套西装售价多少元?6.红光小学有学生630人,六年级学生占全校学生人数的 ,六年级一班学生人数占六年学生人数的 ,六年级一班有学生多少人?7.商贸大厦洗衣机的台数是电冰箱台数的 ,电冰箱的台数是电视机台数的 ,洗衣机有36台,电视机应是多少台?8.一个住宅小区,种槐树38棵,杨树的棵数是槐树的 。又是柳树的 ,种柳树多少棵?9、水果批发部要运进一批水果,第一次运进25%,第二次运进1.5吨,两次共运进这批水果的62%,求第一次运进水果的吨数。10、果园里有荔枝树我龙眼树260树,荔枝树的棵数是龙眼树的,荔枝树和龙眼树各有多少棵?清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供六年级英语上册期末试卷听力部分一、听音选择(52=10)1、( ) A. thirty B. together C. stampD. pleased2、( )A. placeB. weekend C. worldD. surprise3、( ) A. restaurantB . street C. wayD. Sunday4、( ) A. millionB. nearlyC. outside D. often5、( ) A. peaceB. foreignC. indeedD. kangaroo二、听音判断(52=10)( ) 1. Linda is twelve years old.( ) 2. He lives in America.( ) 3. He can sing English songs.( ) 4. Mike is an Australian boy.( ) 5. He likes his pet dog.三、听音,补全句子(101=10) Simon and I wanted to go to s _a film on Sunday. The c_ was not far from our home. When we went inside. We s_ lots of people then. The people came from all a_ the city. It was o_ . Simon and I went to the UN building. It is a very big building. There w_ many flags o_ the building. The countries of the UN want to bring peace to the w_. Simon and I went inside the Un building. I W_ take a photo. Simon took a p_ for me . Here it is. 笔试部分四、选择填空(102=20)()1、The moon is _ of years old. A. million B. millionsC. thousand()2、Yesterday I_ a big surprise. A. hasB. haveC. had( )3. Have you got any stamps _ A. Yes,I got.B. No,I haventC. Yes, I have( ) 4. Can you tell me _American festivals? A. aboutB. inC. on( ) 5. You can write to her_ English. A. anB. in C. about( ) 6. It _ at half past four.A.startB. finishC. finishes( ) 7. A baby sleeps _ sixteen hours a day.A. for B. at C.in( ) 8. Do you often _ your room? A. tidies B. tidy C. cleaned ( ) 9. Do you want to_the museum? A. visit B. visited C. go( ) 10 Its fun to_ football. A. play B.playing C. plays五回答问题(2*5=10)Have you got a book about America?.11When do you go to school? .When did you go at them weekend?.What was the weather like?.What do you often do when you are free?.六、填空 (2*5=10)1.Tell me more _ this place2.It is on the 25 th_ December.3.I have got some photos _New York.4.They are very difficult_me.5.Im putting my stamps_my album.七、阅读(2*5=10)阅读判断Amy: Hey,Jim! Have you got a dictionary?Jim: Yes,I have.Amy: May I borrow it?Jim: Sure.Here you are.Amy: Oh,Iwant a Chinese-English dictionary.Yours is an English-Chinese one.Jim: Sorry.I have got only one.Ask Linda.I think she may have one .Amy:Ok.Thanks.Amy: Hi,Linda.Have you got a Chinese-English dictionary?Linda: Yes,I have.Amy: May I borrow it,please?Linda: Sure.But please give it back to me tomorrow.Amy: Ok,I will.2 阅读并回答问题 (2*5=10) One day, there was a new film in Little Smiths school cinema. He wanted to see it. The teacher told him to pay one dollar for one ticket.Little Smith had got only twenty cents.He went home and asked his father to give him eighty cents.Old Smith had got only thirty cents. He told Little Smith a way to get one ticket with only fifty cents.Little Smith went to school and gave the teacher fifty cents and said “One of my eyes is ill.I can see the film with only one eye.So I should pay only fifty cents.Heres the mony.”1.Was Little Smith a pupil?_2.What did Little Smith want to see?_.3.How much was the ticket? _.4.How many cents had Little Smith got at last?_八 作文 (10) Dear_ How are you ? I want to know what you did last weekend I want _ _ _ _ It was great fun ! Hoping to see you soon, Yours _. 1、write I to her can 2、now you here 5、got he red has car a toy 七、找错,并在横线上改正(53=15)()1、These stamps is from American. ()2、Do you got any books from China? ()3、He goes to library yesterday. ()4、There are a big Chinatown in New York. ()5、The building is twenty metre tall. 八、阅读短文,回答问题(52=10) I have a very beautiful picture on the wall of my room. Look! The sun is in the sky. The sky is very blue. Some birds are flying in the sky. Theres a river in it. Theres a big ship in the sea. There are many people in the ship. Thats Mr.Zhang. He hastwo flags in his hands. The flags are yellow.Miss Liwith him. She hasnt any flags. But there are someflowers in her hands. Mr.Zhang is talking with Miss Li .They are very happy.1、Where is the picture?2、Where is the sun?3、What colour is the sky?4、Are there any birds in the sky?5、Has Miss Li got a flag in her hand?九、作文,读一读,写一写,选择一个题目写一段话10(the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Thanks giving ) Thanks giving is my favourite festival .It is in November Families are together. We have a big, special dinner.We say thank you for all the good things we have, we have a lot of fun, Thanks givingIs important in America. 清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供小学三年级上学期英语期中考试试卷及试卷分析Listening JKLI. Listen and tick.(听后打“”。)eightnineII. Listen and number.(听后排序)。III. Listen and tick.(听一听,在相应的句子上打“”) 1. A. How do you do? B. How are you? 2. A. How are you? B. How old are you? 3. A. How old is she? B. How old is he? 4. A. Whats your name? B. Whats his name? 5. A. Good morning. B. Hello. 6. A. Good morning! B. Bye - bye!IV. Listen and put them in order.(听后排序。)Writing JKLI. Write down the letters from AZ。(从字母A写到Z。)II. Find out the words weve learnt.(找出我们学过的单词。) walk _ _ _ _III. Complete the dialogue.(完成对话。)IV. Read and match.(读后连线。) 1. How do you do?A. Shes eight. 2. How are you?B. Morning. 3. How old are you?C. Me, too. 4. Whats your name?D. How do you do? 5. Good morning.E. Im OK, thanks. 6. Hello!F. Nine. 7. Nice to meet you.G. Hello! 8. Goodbye!H. Johnson. 9. How old is Ann?I. Bye!【试题答案】Listening JKLI. Listen and tick.(听后打“”。)eightnine 听力材料: 1. Hello, Paul. Whats the boys name? Hes Mark. How old is he? Is he eight? No. Im eight, but hes nine. 2. Is Lily your good friend, Nina? Yes, and Alice, too. How old are they? They are nine. But Im eight.II. Listen and number.(听后排序)。 听力材料: 1. good2. hand3. boy4. granny5. mom6. bike 7. taxi8. eight9. city10. kite11. queue12. cakeIII. Listen and tick.(听一听,在相应的句子上打“”) 1. A. How do you do? B. How are you? 2. A. How are you? B. How old are you? 3. A. How old is she? B. How old is he? 4. A. Whats your name? B. Whats his name? 5. A. Good morning. B. Hello. 6. A. Good morning! B. Bye - bye! 听力材料: 1. How are you, Miss Black? Very well. Thank you. 2. How old are you, little boy? Im nine. 3. How old is that girl? She is seven. 4. Whats the boys name? Hes Philip. 5. Hello, Peter. Nice to meet you again. Me, too, Mr Zhang. 6. Goodbye, Li Yan. Goodbye, Bob.IV. Listen and put them in order.(听后排序。) 听力材料: Nice to see you again, children. Nice to see you, too, Mr Smith. How are you today, boy? Im OK. And you? Im fine, thanks. Oh, your name and age, please? Victor. And I am nine. Good. Lets be good friends. Id love to. Bye - bye! Bye!Writing JKLI. Write down the letters from AZ。(从字母A写到Z。)II. Find out the words weve learnt.(找出我们学过的单词。) walk bus zoo love run car ship orange nose pen girl jeep flag moon sun dog nurse no tea apple key van boy queue egg III. Complete the dialogue.(完成对话。)IV. Read and match.(读后连线。)清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供牛津小学英语4A期末复习归类一、缩略形式和完整形式: thats = that is whats = what is wheres = where is its = it is hes = he is shes = she is Im = I am youre = you are theyre = they areisnt = is not dont = do not lets = let us二、按要求写单词A.反义词或相对应的词1.black-white 2.yes-no 3.come-go 4.open-close 5.here-there 6.big-small 7.long-short 8.tall-short 9.new-old 10.fat-thin 11.right-wrong 12.hot-cold 13.hungry-thirsty 14.eat-drink 15.man-woman 16.boy-girl 17.father-mother 18.brother-sister 19.son-daughter 20.grandfather-grandmotherB.同音词1too-two-to 2.for-four 3.right-write 4.no-knowC.人称代词 I you he she物主代词 my your his her哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站:/哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供三、中译英1. 用英语 in English2. 要一支铅笔have a pencil3. 这支圆珠笔 this ball pen4. 那头狮子 that lion5. 在书桌上 on the desk6. 在你的铅笔袋里 in your pencil case7. 我的故事书 my storybook8. 你的钥匙 your key9. 他的改正带 his tape10. 她的钱包 her purse11. 喜欢这只风筝 like this kite12. 喜欢小汽车 like cars13. 谁的毛衣 whose sweater14. 迈克的自行车 Mikes bike15. 什么时间 what time16. 太短 too short17. 太冷 too cold18. 一把长尺 a long ruler19. 一只大老虎a big tiger20. 一件小夹克衫 a small jacket21. 一双鞋 a pair of shoes22. 三只熊猫 three pandas23. 五块橡皮 five rubbers24. 八把扇子 eight fans25. 7:10 seven ten26. 在九点钟 at nine27. 没什么,不要紧。Thats OK.28. 吃一个热狗 eat a hot dog29. 读一本英语书 read an English book四、英译中1. come in进来 2. come here过来 3. Here you are.给你。 4. Heres a card for you.这张贺卡给你。 5. Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐! 6. I see.我明白了。 7. Let me see.让我看看 8. five fat dogs五只胖狗 9. In which box?在哪只盒子里? 10.over there在那边 11. in the classroom在教室里 12. Thats all right.没关系。13. Not at all.不用谢。 14. on the chair 在椅子上 15. on the box在盒子上 16. in the school bag在书包里 17. Excuse me对不起,打扰一下 18.in the computer room在电脑房里 19. I love dolls.我喜爱玩具娃娃。 20.Thank you very much.非常感谢。21. Lets colour it让我们给它着色 22. Lets clean the car.把小汽车弄干净 23. Look at my dress.看我的连衣裙。 24. try this skirt on试穿这条短裙。 25. try this pair on试穿这条(双) 26. She looks so funny她看起来这么有趣 27. You can have this long one.你可以用这支长的。 28. Dont worry.别着急。 29.Id like a toy rabbit.我想要一只玩具兔子。30. a funny goat一只有趣的山羊 31. get up起床32. have breakfast吃早饭 33. have lunch吃中饭 34. have supper吃晚饭 35. go to school去上学 36. come home回家(来) 37. go home回家(去) 38.watch TV看电视 39.go to bed去睡觉 40. at seven forty在七点四十分 41. See you in the afternoon.下午见。42.Its time to go to the cinema.该去电影院43.by bus乘公交车 44.five and nine 5+9 45.sit down坐下 46.stand up起立 47. Read the new words.朗读这些新单词 。48. Draw a dog for me , please.请为我画一只狗。49. Write the new words in your notebook .把这些生词写在你的笔记本上。50. Dont be late again.别再迟到了。51. Dont close the window.别关窗。52. I ve got a pretty photo.我有了一张漂亮的照片。53.What a nice car!一辆多么漂亮的小汽车啊! 54.like the colour喜欢这种颜色 55.in the picture在图片上 56.Me, too.我也是。 57.Youre out.你出局了。58. How lovely!多可爱啊!59.in a toy shop在玩具商店里60. Can I have a look我能看一看吗?61. Sorry , I dont know.对不起,我不知道。62. Shall we do the puzzle now?我们现在玩拼图好吗?63. good morning早上好64.good afternoon下午好 65.good evening晚上好 66.good night晚安 67a glass of water一杯水68.Why dont you go to bed now?你现在为什么不去睡觉呢?四A期中复习班级 姓名 学号一、缩略形式和完整形式: thats = that is whats = what is wheres = where is its = it is hes = he is shes = she is Im = I am youre = you are isnt = is not dont = do not lets = let us二、按要求写单词A.反义词或相对应的词1.black-white 2.yes-no 3.come-go 4.open-close 5.here-there 6.big-small 7.long-short 8.tall-short 9.new-old 10.fat-thin 11.right-wrong B.同音词1too-two-to 2.for-four 3.no-knowC.代词人称代词 I you he she it物主代词 my your his her its三、中译英1. 用英语 in English 2. 要一支铅笔have a pencil3. 这支圆珠笔 this ball pen 4. 那头狮子 that lion5. 在书桌上 on the desk6. 在你的铅笔袋里 in your pencil case7. 我的故事书 my storybook 8. 你的钥匙 your key9. 他的改正带 his tape 10. 她的钱包 her purse11. 喜欢这只风筝 like this kite12. 喜欢小汽车 like cars 13. 迈克的自行车 Mikes bike14. 三只熊猫 three pandas15. 五块橡皮 five rubbers 16. 八把扇子 eight fans17. 没什么,不要紧。Thats OK.四、英译中1. come in进来 2. come here过来 3. Here you are.给你。 4. Heres a card for you.这张贺卡给你。 5. Happy Teachers Day!教师节快乐! 6. I see.我明白了。 7. Let me see.让我看看 8. five fat dogs五只胖狗 9. In which box?在哪只盒子里? 10.over there在那边 11. in the classroom在教室里 12. Thats all right.没关系。 13. Not at all.不用谢。 14. on the chair 在椅子上 15. on the box在盒子上 16. in the school bag在书包里 17. Excuse me对不起,打扰一下 18.in the computer room在电脑房里 19. I love dolls.我喜爱玩具娃娃。 20.Thank you very much.非常感谢。21. Lets colour it让我们给它着色 22. Lets clean the car.把小汽车弄干净 哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站:/哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供國立台北教育大學附設實驗小學九十七學年度 三 年級下學期課程教學進度表(中、高)週次日 期各學期領域的教學進度彈性課程備註語文數學社會學習領域自然與生活科技藝術與人文健康與體育綜合活動本國英語閩南語客家語視覺、動覺聽覺健康體育一2/11-2/14一、巧妙的手Review一.美麗的世界 第一課一二三第一單元一萬以內的加減回顧與展望第一單元植物的身體與生長1-1植物的身體鐘聲響起學校的天一、飲食與健康開學週開學週二2/15-2/21一、巧妙的手5-1 Lets Start.5-2 Lets Learn.一.美麗的世界 第一課一二三第一單元一萬以內的加減第一單元 我們居住的地方第一課 認識居住的地方1-2植物的根1-3植物的莖我們的活動學校的天一、飲食與健康第一單元安全的生活活動一空間變變變數學第一單元延伸練習三2/22-2/28二、晒棉被三、巨人的花園5-3 Lets Learn.5-4Lets Learn More.一.美麗的世界 第一課一二三第二單元認識時間單位第一課 認識居住的地方1-4植物的葉子學校的天一、飲食與健康第一單元安全的生活活動一空間變變變數學第二單元延伸練習四3/1-3/7三、巨人的花園統整活動一5-5Lets Learn More.5-6 Lets Build.一.美麗的世界 第一課一二三第三單元多位數的乘法第二課 地方的公共資源2-1植物的花校園生活印象學校的天三、安全小專家第一單元安全的生活活動一空間變變變數學第三單元延伸練習五3/8-3/14四、想飛的小孩5-7 Lets Review.5-8 Quiz一.美麗的世界 第二課揣令仔第三單元多位數的乘法第二單元 地方的特色與居民的生活第一課 居住地方的特色2-2植物的果實和種子學校的天三、安全小專家第一單元安全的生活活動一空間變變變數學第三單元延伸練習六3/15-3/21五、我的爺爺六、找個好點子6-1 Lets Start.6-2 Lets Learn.一.美麗的世界 第二課揣令仔第三單元多位數的乘法第二課 多元的生活方式3-1大家來種菜形形色色的樹樹三、安全小專家第一單元安全的生活活動二危險停看聽數學第三單元延伸練習七3/22-3/28六、找個好點子6-3 Lets Learn.6-4Lets Learn More.二、歡迎來阮兜 第二課揣令仔第四單元角與圓第三單元 居民間的交流第一課 居民的互信與互助3-


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