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教 学 设 计 (安徽省六安市霍山县上土市中学教师 周正旺)1.关于教材:人教版新目标英语九年级全一册(2014秋使用),第三单元,UNIT 3 Cloud you please tell me where the restrooms are ? Section B第二课时。2.设计思路:师生对话,导入新课;教师提问,引入话题;归纳分析,阅读策略指导;师生互动,升华话题;听力训练,再现文本;教师指点,精读文本;读后小结,重温课文;结合文本,情感教育;课堂复习,体现知识目标;课外阅读,巩固提升。3.指导依据:以科学发展观和先进的外语课程理念为指导,建立以学生发展为本,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,根据学生语言学习的规律和学生的发展需求,优化学习过程,从培养学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等方面来合理的安排教学过程。4.教学内容分析:本单元的中心话题是“Ask for information politely”,以礼貌地咨询信息(重点是问路) 展开交际,重点在这些语境中学习和运用wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句。结合教材文本,培养学生们的跨文化意识和对学生进行情感、态度教育,培养他们养成有礼貌地运用英语寻求帮助的习惯。5.学生情况分析:九年级学生性格特点是活泼好动,参与活动的热情会很高。他们具备一定的英语口语基础,而且喜好动口,对学习英语很有兴趣。面对可塑性很强,求知欲很旺的学生,作为英语教师,我们一定要保护他们对英语学习的热情。6.教学目标:Teaching Aims and Demands1. Learn to read and know the key words: politely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, speaker, whom, impolite, address, underground, parking lot through .2. Learn how to make polite requests by reading a passage.3. Know it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations.7.教学重点、难点:Teaching Key Points1. Master the key words and sentences about asking for information.2. Learn how to make polite requests by reading a passage.Teaching Difficult PointsLearn how to make polite requests by reading a passage.8.Teaching AidsA tape recorder, a projector,PPT9.教学过程设计:Teaching ProceduresStep 1.Lead in1.Ask a question: Li Hua is traveling in the USA.He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the way.What should he do?2. Discuss the two answers,which is suitable ? Why ?3. Topic :suitable language -The culture of a nation is in its language. It is not enough to only know correct grammar. It is also very important to know how to choose suitable language for every situation.Step 2.Ask and answer :If you need help with your homework, how would you ask these people?(you father or your mother ;your teacher ;your friend)The expressions you use depend on whom youre speaking to or how well you know themStep 3.Discuss-2aWhere do you need to make polite requests? Think of some possible situations. Discuss them with your partner.Step 4.PracticeMake two examples,bad manners(impolite language) and good manners(polite language )Step 5.Listening-2bListen to the article and underline the topic sentence for each paragraph.Step 6.Reading-2bMake some notes: (the teacher explained)politely ,Could you please.? make a request , less polite ;the way they speak ;depend on ; direct questions ; impolite ; much more polite; include ; lead into ;It is +adj. + to do something. ; communicate with ;Step 7.Ask and answerAsk students to tell the topic sentence for each paragraph .Step 8. SummaryWhat can you learn from this passage ?Step 9.practice -2cRead the instruction for the class, ask students to finish it .Step 9.practice -2dRead the instruction for the class, ask two students to finish it .The rest of the students listen and correct it .Step 10.revisionAsk some students to give the answer for each phrase .Step 11.Homework:1. Reading-read a short passage .2. Answer the question .Blackboard DesignUnit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Section B 2a-2dpolitely, request, direction, correct, polite, direct, speaker, whom, impolite, address, underground, parking lot;Can you tell me . ? Could you


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