



1 特特 色色 材材 料料 哈尔滨市第四十七中学 李波 2 Teaching Plan 教学设计教学设计 课题EEC8 年级上年级上 Unit 5 It Smells Good Lesson 2 姓名李波学校Harbin No 47 Middle School 知识与技能 Get students to read and analyze a passage Learn to read and understand Grasp some reading skills Improve students reading ability 过程与方法 According to the situation and the teacher s description master some reading methods The students will finish some tasks and the teacher will use the multi medium throughout the class 教 学 目 标 情感态度价值 观 We should learn more about the world with parts of our bodies 教学重点 To understand the passage from the whole to the details and accumulate reading skills the structure of the passage the knowledge of language 教学难点 How to read a passage 教学方法Task for teaching listening practicing 辅助手段Computer recorder pictures 板 书 设 计 Unit 5 It Smells Good Learn about the world through the five senses eyes Ears Fingers Nose tongue 教学过程 教学步骤教学内容设计意图及学生活动 Step 1 Greetings T Good morning boys and girls Ss Good morning 让学生集中精神做好 课前准备 3 Leading in Before reading Create the situation to make the Ss interested in this subject to study T Could you tell me how we can learn about the world S T We learn about the world through the five senses our eyes ears noses tongues and fingers Let s look at the picture and answer my question What is the baby doing five pictures fill in the blanks and review the sense verbs and sense adjiectives 通过复习已学的感官 动词 创设情境导入 本课的新知识激发学 生学习兴趣 熟悉话 题 处理关键词 明 确阅读任务 利用多媒体 Step 2 While Reading Arrange the tasks that Ss should finish Task 1 Skimming Reading 扫读扫读 帮助学生通过略读文 章 概括文章大意 skim for the main idea Step4 Task 2 Skipping Reading 跳读跳读 T Read story as quickly as you can and choose the best answers Read the necessary sentences instead of the whole passage then you can find the answer quickly Underline the sentence that give you the answer T Let s read it again and check T for true or F for false Finish Exercises A and B in your textbooks 跳读文章 引导学 生在文章中划出关键 词 关键语句提高学 生的阅读能力 渗透 阅读技巧 Step 5 Task 3 Careful Reading 1 Read the passage carefully and analyze 分析 分析 what each paragraphy says 2 Give another sentence that has the same meaning 3 Choose your favorite phrases and sentences please write them down and read them aloud 4 Explain the problem that students have 5 Translate the passage to your deskmate 6 Retell the passage 通过对文章段落的分 析 理清文章脉络 在进一步理解文章的 同时让学生掌握说明 文的写法 Summary Ask the students to sum up what they ve learned from this class 总结形成知识网 为 继续学习打下基础 homework Homework 1 If you are good you can remember the nice sentences 2 If your are better you can retell the passage and try to describe our five senses 分层次作业 体现以 人为本 4 教学反思 这节课我从学生 学 的角度来设计教学活动 充分利 用多媒体 通过阅读前 阅读中 阅读后问题的设置 指导学生掌握阅读技巧 激发学生阅读的兴趣 努力 创造语言环境 使学生意识到阅读积累是了解文章的 篇章结构 积累语言知识 写作方法和写作素材 的 一个


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