人教版七下U10复习课 导学案.doc_第1页
人教版七下U10复习课 导学案.doc_第2页
人教版七下U10复习课 导学案.doc_第3页




U10 Id like some noodles.Review Handout ( 复习导学稿 ) 班级:_ 姓名:_Knowledge Aim:1. 复习重点词汇, 能听、说、读、写: noodle(s)、beef、 mutton、soup、 cabbage、 potato(es)、tomato(es) ;2. 复习重点句型, 能听懂、会说餐馆的有关服务用语: What would you like? Id like noodles. What kind of noodles would you like? Id like beef and tomato noodles, please. What size bowl of noodles would you like? Id like a large/medium/small bowl of noodles.3.学会用英文定餐,并会为面条店写宣传广告。Ability Aim: 运用所学到的语言知识联系实际生活,准确使用“Whatwouldyouliketoeat?”及其答语在真实的情境中进行点餐,使学习过程生活化。Emotion Aim:1. 树立健康饮食意识。2. 了解中西方饮食方面的差异。一、课前检测:( 各组长课前汇报,主持人评价小组 )Brainstorm (脑力风暴) : Can you make a list of food? Kinds(种类):vegetables : fruits : meat : drinks : others : 课中小组展示,限时20S,看看哪个小组最棒,在规定的时间内说得最多?二、课堂训练:What does the waiter say?顾客来了,该说些什么呢?小组讨论30s后,课中小组展示,限时15S,To order sth: To ask kinds: To ask size: . 听力填空。关上导学稿,听第一遍,回答下面第1、2个问题。1. Where are they? _2. Do they have some orange juice ? _. 听第二遍, 完成下面5空。W: waiter L: Linda P: PaulW: Good evening, Madam.L: Good evening.W: A table for two ?L: Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window ?W: OK. This way, please. (at the table) (在桌子旁点餐)W: Heres the _1_ .P: Thank you . W: May I take your _2_ now?P: Yes. Well have _3_ with potatoes, beef with onions, some rice , and vegetable _4_ . (after the meal)(吃完饭后)L: Excuse me, could we have some _5_, please?W: Certainly, madam. Would you like anything else?P: No, thats all. Can we have the bill(账单)?W: Of course, sir. Pair work & Acting (表演) :Order food in the RestaurantFor example : A: Welcome to Can I help you?B: Yes, please. A: Here is the menu. What kind of would you like?B: Id like. A: What size would you like?B: Id like A: Would you like anything else?B: No, thanks. How much is it? A: It is RMB. 阅读理解。Welcome to Happy restaurant! Its on long street, next to the post office. Today we have three specials for noodles. Special 1 is 9 RMB. It has onions, potatoes and beef. Special 2 with cabbages and mutton is 7 RMB. Special 3 is just 5 RMB and it has tomatoes and eggs. We also have strawberry juice for only 2 RMB. Come and enjoy yourselves! Welcome to _1_AddressOn long street,_2_priceIngredients(配料)Special 1 _3_4_Special 2 7 RMB_5_Special 3_6_7_Juice _8_ Strawberry juice. Team work: Make the menu of your restaurant ? Happy HouseAddress_priceIngredients(配料)Special 1 _Special 2_Special 3_._三、当堂检测。选择一个餐馆


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