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2014年职称英语卫生类A级真题(word版)一、词汇选项1.This was disaster on acosmicscale.A.modest B.commercial C.huge D.national2.New secretaries came and went withmonotonousregularity.A.amazing B.depressing C.predictable D.dull3.A persons wealth is often ininverseproportion to their happiness.A.equal B.certain C.large D.opposite4.His professional careerspanned16 years.A.started B.changed C.lasted D.moved5.The symptoms of the diseasemanifestedthemselves ten days later.A.eased B.improved C.relieved D.appeared6.The group does notadvocatethe use of violence.A.limit B.support C.regulate D.oppose7.She talt that she had done her gooddeedfor the day.A.act B.homework C.jusuce D.model8.Some of the larget bieds can remainstationaryin the air for several minutes.A.motionless B.sitent C.seated D.true9.There was aninclinationto treat geography as aless imponant Subject.A.point B.resuit C.finding D.tendency10.His stomach felthollwwith fear.A.sincere B.respectful C.empty D.ternbie11.The committee was asked torendcra report on the housing situation.A.copy B.publish C.summarize D.furnish12.That uniform makes the guards lookabsurd.A.serious B.beautiful C.impressive D.ridiculous13.The departmentdeferredthe decision for six months.A.put off B.arrived at C.abided by D.protested against14.The original experiment cannot be exactlyduplicated.A.invented B.reproduced C.designed D.reported15.The country was torn apart bystrife.A.conflict B.poverty C.war D.economy答案:CDDCD BAADC DDABA二、阅读判断16、The Feed Me Better campaign targeted a healthier diet at school childrenA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned17、Everyone believed the campaign should be succeifulA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned18、The ISER is an instuteA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned19、The puoils in Gtreewwich said they said they liked the healthier mealsA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned20、The nwmber of pupils who asked for sick leave decreasedA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned21、The ISEK didnot do a comparative study on the impact of the new dietA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned22、The healthier diet has helped school childrecn improue academicallyA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned三、概括大意Aromatherapy(芳香疗法)1 Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine which is based on the use of very concentrated essential oils from the flowers,leaves,bark,branches or roots of plants which are considered to have healing ptoperties.In aromatherapy these powerful oils are mixed with other oils,such as almond(杏仁)oil,or they are diluted(稀释)with water.These solutions(溶液剂)can be rubbed on the skin,sprayed in the air,or applied as a compress(敷药)。2 Many people have aroatherapy massages(按摩),and depending on the treatment aperson is having,the aroatherapist will massage the oil into the hands or shoulders.The massage is smooth and flowing,as it is designed to create a sense of relaxation and calm.The sessions are tailored to the individuals health and mood at rhe time,so every session is unique.3 Practioners of aromatherapy believe that the aroma of the essential oils directy stimulates the brain or that the oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream,where they can affect the whole body and promote healing.Other claims in support of aromatherapy are that it aids digestion,imtproves the functiong of respiratory system,reduces muscular aches and pains,and promotes muscle relaxation and tone.It has also been argued that aromatherapy can improve circulation,lower blood pressure,and help combat insomia(失眠)and other stress-related disorders such as tension headaches,anxiety,and mild depression.4 However,while aroatherapy may hace real effects that promate a sense of well-being,some tradional medicine practitioners remain doubtful about its powers.While research has confirmed that aroatherapy does have some positive short-term effects on most people,it also suggests that aroatherapy is not an actual science or medicine that should be used to treat illness.Furthermore,not all aroatherapy is considered beneficial to health.There are precautions which shoula be taken bofore having aroatherapy because some oils can have negative effets on people with certain medical conditions.The study of aroatherapy is relatively new and unexplored.More research needs to be conducted to make scientific conclusions about its use and effects.练习:23. Paragragh 1 (D)24. Paragragh 2 (F)25. Paragragh 3 (C)26. Paragragh 4 (E)A. Current research into aroatherapyB. Aroatherapy and convetional medicineC. Different views about aroatherapyD. Introduction to aroatherapyE. Doubts about the benefits aroatherapyF. Personalized aroatherap massage27. Aromatherapy is a mixture oil from parts of the plants to (E)28. The sessions of aromatherapy massages are designed to (A)29. Aromatherapy is believed to (C) in various ways30. The used and benefits of aromatherapy need to (B)A. suit different peopleB. be further exploredC. help the disabledD. be used externallyE. have healing effetsF. be promoted四、阅读理解A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report ,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational acivity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.”More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.”She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.”31. All of the following factors relating to cancer risk were mentioned in the passage_EXCEPT_A. breathing exerciseB.regular walkingC.recreational activityD.lifestyle choices32. It can be inferred from Dr. Alpa Patels study that_.A. women have fewer chances of physical activityB. daily walking could cut the chance of breast cancerC. leisure-time activity is not associated with cancer riskD. walking is not recommended for women with breast cancer33. Dr. Alpa Patel was_.A. head of the survey studyB. chief editor of Cancer EpidemiologyC. chair of the American Cancer SocietyD. chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign34. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Most women take walking as their only recreational activity.B. The study aims to track the health conditions of its subjects.C. Walking was the only recreational acitivity for about half of the womenD. Irregular walking increased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women35. The word “sustainable”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA. continuableB. affordableC. availableD. Persistent答案:ABACAFirst Self-contained Heart Implanted 【首例整套人工心脏移植】A patient on the brink of death has received the worlds first self-contained artificial hearta battery-powered device about the size of a softball that runs without the need for wires, tubes or hoses sticking out of the chest.Two surgeons from the University of Louisville implanted the titanium and plastic pump during a sever-hour operation at Jewish Hospital Monday. The hospital said the patient was “awake and responsive” Tuesday and resting comfortably. It refused to release personal details.The patient had been expected to die within a month without the operation, and doctors said they expected the artificial heart to extend the persons life by only a month. But the device is considered a major step toward improving the patients quality of life.The new pump, called AbioCor, is also a technological leap from the mechanical hearts used in the 1980s, which were attached by wires and tubes to bulky machinery outside the body. The most famous of those, the Jarvic-7, used air as a pumping device and was attached to an apparatus about the size of a washing machine.“I think its potentially a major step forward in the artificial heart development,” said Dr. David Faxon, president of the American heart Association. However, he said the dream of an implantable, permanent artificial heart is not yet a reality: “This is obviously an experimental device whose long-term success has to be demonstrated.” Only about half of the 4,200 Americans on a waiting list for donor hearts received them last year, and most of the rest died.Some doctors, including Robert Higgins, chairman of cardiology at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, said artificial hearts are unlikely to replace donor hears.“A donor heart in a good transplant can last 15 to 30 years,” he said. “Its going to be hard to replace that with a machine.”The AbilCor has a 2-pound pumping unit, and electronic controls that adjust the pumping speed based on the bodys needs. It is powered by a small battery pack worn outside the body that transmits current through the skin.36. 前两段告诉Self-contained artificial heartA. was made of titanium and pumpB. had brought the patient to the brink of deathC. did not need to get power from outside the bodyD. was invented by two surgeous from university of Louisville37. 病人接收 the first self-contained heartA. could not afford a donor heartB. was said to be in a good condition the next day after the operationC. died two months after the heart implantationD. was reluctant to release his or her personal information38. 第四段中the Jarvic-7 isA. the most expensive mechanical heartB. a mechanical heart used in the 1980sC. as advanced as A biocorD. replacing A biocor39. 通过Dr. David Faxon, the self-contained heart isA. a milestone in the artificial heart developmentB. still in the experimental stageC. an implantable, permanent artificial heartD. unavailable to all those Americans waiting for donor hearts40.从文章推断出donor heartA. saved the lives of about 2100 Americans the year before the reportB. will be replaced by self-contained artificial hearts sooner or laterC. are more popular and cheaper than self-contained artificial heartsD. can help patients survive less than 15 years if they are in good transplant.答案:ABBBA五、补全短文Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their StoryNEW YORK,NY, January 5,2010. St.Martins Press has announced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an “account of violence, rage, redemption(救赎),and, ultimately forgiveness.”The story began in 1987, in Burlington, North Carolina, with the rape of a young while college student named Jennifer Thompson. During her ordeal, Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist, a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally._During the attack, she made an effort to memorize eveery detail of his face, looking for scars, tattoos(纹身),or other identifying marks.(46)When the police asked her if she could identify the assilant(袭击者)from a book of mug shots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identified the same man in a lineup.Based on her convincing eyewithness testimony, a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms. Cottons lawyer appealed the decision, and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton, an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole.Another trial was held.(47)Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face, and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明清白)Cotton and just as unequivocally(明确地) convicted Poole, who confessed to the crime. Thompson was shocked and devastated.(48) “The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat, who raped me, who hurt me, who took my spirit away, who robbed me of my soul,” she wrote. “And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent.”_Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.(49) Remarkably both were able to put this tragedy behind them, overcome the racial barrier that divided them, and write a book, which they have subtitled “Our memoir of injustice and redemption.”Nevertheless, Thompson says, she still lives “with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly_I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case_(50)”A. Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.B. Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewithnesses.C. I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital caseD. Another trial was held.E. Thompson was shocked and devastated.F. During the attack, she made an effort to memorize eveery detail of his face, looking for scars, tattoos(纹身),or other identifying marks.答案:FDEAC六、完型填空More about Alzheimers DiseaseScientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimers disease1 and may ultimately allow physicians to predict who is at risk of getting this neurological disorder. The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expensive series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia.“ Since Alois Alzheimer described the disease nearly a century ago,people have been trying to find a way to accurately diagnose it in its early stages,” said


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