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第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计8A Unit 5 BirdwatchersPeriod 9 Main Task学校地址:江苏省连云港市赣榆县赣马第二中学教师姓名:王为娟第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、 教案背景1、面向学生:八年级学生 学科:英语2、课时:8A Unit 5 Birdwatchers Period 9 Main Task3、学生课前准备:(1)初步解决文中出现的生词(2)了解申请书的书写格式二、 教学课题1、 学会填写申请表.2、掌握写作申请书信的方法,按要求写出一份申请书信。3、养成良好的写作习惯。3、把感悟、想象结合起来,激发学生热爱野生动物和保护环境的责任感和使命感。三、 教材分析本课时是译林版八年级上册第五单元第九课时。是对“写”这一语言基本技能训练。因此“写”是本课的重点。根据新课标的要求:基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。教师紧紧围绕“写”这一中心,通过听、说、读等各方面的训练,引导学生完成学习目标。同时,在各个环节的学习中,培养自主学习的能力和合作精神。为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。教学准备:1、 多媒体课件2、 学生课前准备的有关扎龙自然保护区的资料。四、 教学方法:教师采用启发式教学,通过学生的自主学习、小组合作及师生、生生间的合作、探究学习实现知识能力点的自然生成。五、 教学过程:Step 1 Revision1 Show some pictures about Zhalong Nature Reserve 【百度搜索】扎龙自然保护图片/i?word=%D4%FA%C1%FA%D7%D4%C8%BB%B1%A3%BB%A4%C7%F8%CD%BC%C6%AC&tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=gbk&fm=hao123#pn=206 Students enjoy the beautiful view and lead the students to answer the question below : Why is it an ideal home for the bird?Check the answer with the whole class. 2 Let students fill in the blanks and complete the passage below with the words they have learnt before .There are many wetlands in China. They provide food and_ for plants and animals, _ different kinds of birds. Some of them become the Worlds Important Wetlands. One of them is Zhalong Nature Reserve. It _ an area of more than 210,000 hectares. It is in Heilongjiang Province in _ China . Many endangered birds live in .Zhalong Nature Reserve., such as redcrowned crane. Zhalong is a very good place for birdwatching . More and more people are beginning to understand the importance of the wetlands and wildlife.设计说明:利用扎龙自然保护区的秀丽风景吸引同学们的注意力,为复习创设了真实情境,帮助学生完成本环节“说”和“写”两个语言基本技能的训练,同时也为下面的写作热身。Step 2 PresentationThe teacher says: But theres something terrible happened to them . 【百度搜索】受伤的野生动物图片/i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1332145203017_R&pv=&ic=0&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&word=%CA%DC%C9%CB%B5%C4%D2%B0%C9%FA%B6%AF%CE%EF&s=0(show pictures to the students) Birds are in danger . What should we do ?(The students should answer:We should protect them. )T: How can we protect them ?Give the students some time to discuss this question in groups of four. And then ask several groups to express their ideas .(The students can find out a lot of ways to protect birds. Such as, make reserves bigger; build more reserves; encourage the people to leave the reserves. Dont buy and eat birds; join the Birdwatching Club .)The teacher collects the answers .If the students can answer “join the Birdwatching Club”,the teacher should say :Yes. It is a good idea .But what do you think you can do for the club? If the students cant find out the answer- join the Birdwatching Club , the teacher can lead them to find out this way with the dialogue below : T : These are good ideas .But I have another way to help them. Every year, a lot of people go to Zhalong reserve to study birds . Who are they?Ss : They are the members of the Birdwatching Club .T : Would you like to join the club to protect birds ?Ss : Yes,of course .T : Good. But what do you think you can do for the club? Guide the students to discuss this question in group .( The studentsanswers may be to study different kinds of birds ,to count birds and to study the changes in their numbers .Tell the students: If you want to join the club, you will have to fill in the application form. Please turn to page 89 .The teacher should guide the students to finish the application form like this:(出示课件)【百度搜索】/wudishengwu/ziyuan-niao.htm First, the students look over the application form.(Some students may find some difficulties in this part. For example ,date of birth, hobbies, activities to protect wildlife .The teacher write them down on the blackboard and lead other students to help them and solve the problems .)设计说明 :词汇学习是本课的重点,但不是难点。教师采取了学生互教互助的方式完成任务。培养学生互帮互助的良好品德。Next they fill in the application form. The teacher reminds them of writing carefully and clearly.Then the students check their application form in pairs. And find out mistakes on time. At last, show some application forms to the students and check them together .设计说明:本环节设计遵循了教师为主导,学生为主体的原则。通过两次分组讨论,训练了学生“说”及自主解决问题的能力。培养他们了交流与合作精神 。Step 3 Reading Teacher says : Well done, boys and girls .But if you want to join the Birdwatching Club , it is not enough to fill in the form . The club also asks for an application letter . Heres Amys letter to the chairperson . Read the letter quickly and find out the answers to these questions.(1) Who is the chairperson of the club?Mr Fan is.(2) How did Amy become interested in the club?She listened to Mr Fans talk last week.(3) What are Amys favourite subjects?PE and Science.(4) What are her hobbies and interests ?Volleyball, singing and dancing.(5) Why would she like to become a birdwatcher?Because she likes birds and nature very much and wants to know more about birds. (6)How can the club communicate with her? The club can call her on 01055586390 or e-mail me at .设计说明:问题紧扣每一段的主旨,引出文章重要的语法知识。为下一步解决问题提供了素材。 Let students guess the meanings of the phrases “call her on” and “e-mail me at”. Remind them of the different of prepositions.Then the teacher plays the tape. The students listen and read after the tape. After that, the teacher invites some students to read the passage .Each one has one paragraph .They read and think over the questions below :“What important information does each paragraph talk about?”Then show the questions below and the students match them alone .Para.1 A Why Amy wants to become a member .Para 2 B Her hope that her application will be successful, and her phone number and e-mail address .Para 3 C How Amy learnt about the club .Para 4 D Amys personal details such as school,grade ,favourite subjects, interests and hobbies .The teacher encourages the students to sum up how to write an application letter according to the exercises .设计说明:教师选择了配对的方式,降低练习的难度。保证了学生的参与率和成功率,培养了他们的自信心。Step 4 Writing 1 Remind the students of writing a draft before writing. Lead the students to finish the application with their own information instead of the sentences unlined .2 After finishing the letters. The students should check them by themselves and correct the mistakes in time. Then they can communicate with each other in groups .In this way, they can learn the advantages from each other .3 Show some studentsletters. Find out the excellent ones and read them.设计说明:自写、自查的方式可初步完成本课的写作任务。互查则可使同学们学习对方的优点,改正自己的缺点,完善各自的练习。在全班级的交流更能进一步提升同学们的写作水平。Homework :1 Remember the words ,phrases and sentences .2 Rewrite the letters to make them better .附 板书设计: Unit 5 BirdwatchersThe ninth period : Main Taskdate of birth (1)Who is the chairperson of the club


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