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Unit 4 At the farmPart A Lets talk & Lets learn翔安区吕塘小学 林冬云一、教学目标:1、知识与技能目标(1)能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot及它们的复数形式。(2)能听、说、认读句型“What are these? Theyre. ”“Are these.? Yes,they are.No,they arent.” 并能根据实际情况询问并回答各种蔬菜的名称。(3)能够在真实情境中恰当运用句型Theyre good/so big!来描述物品的特点。2、情感态度目标引导学生多吃蔬菜,有益健康。3、学习策略目标培养学生的合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配合并完成任务。二、教学重难点:1、 句型“What are these? They are” “Are these.?Yes,they are. No,they arent.”的掌握以及在实际情景中的运用。2、 单词tomato、green beans、potato、carrot及其复数形式的听说认读。三、教具准备:单词卡片、多媒体,PPT,音频材料等四、教学过程Step 1: Warming-up:1. GreetingsT: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Imfine, too. Nice to meet you! Thank you. Sit down, please.2. Sing a song “Old MacDonald” T: Before our class, lets enjoy a song together. Old MacDonald【设计意图】运用一首歌曲Old MacDonald作为导入引进今天的主题。轻松活泼的歌曲使孩子们迅速地进入英语学习的氛围中,活跃课堂气氛。3. Lead in (Title & task)T:Good job! You can sing so well. And do you know whats the song about? Farm.Today were going to learn Unit4 At the farm Part A. What can you see at the farm? Apples, pearsThey are fruits.What else? Pigs, sheepThey are farm animals. What else? Vegetables. Great! At the farm, we can see some fruits, some farm animals and some vegetables.Today our topic is “the vegetables at the farm”, and our task is to learn something about vegetables and choose the “vegetable talent”.(评选“蔬菜达人”)4. 分组(男女生)T: We have a competition between boys and girls, and lets see whos the winner at last.【设计意图】结合本课教学内容,对学生进行分组评价,调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生的合作精神,树立竞争意识。Step2: Presentation Look,now our friends Mike and Sarah are having a school trip, they are at the farm, and what can they see? Lets watch and answer.1. First listening (teach the word “carrots” and the sentence)出示课文第一幅图,遮住carrotsQ1: Are these carrots? (“th” put your tone on your teeth)A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. 【设计意图】带着问题听音,使听力活动更具目的性。 当我们想知道这些是什么吗时,我们可以这么问: Are these.? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.2. Second listening (teach the words “tomatoes,potatoes” and the sentence)T: Now lets listen for the second time, and then answer my another question.出示课文第二幅图,遮住tomatoesQ2: What are these? Are these potatoes/carrots/tomatoes?A. Yes,they are. B.No,they arent. Theyre tomatoes. 当我们想知道这些是什么时,我们可以这么问: What are these?(操练问答句,手拍两下,桌子拍两下) Theyre tomatoes.Q3:Are these tomatoes? No,they arent. Theyre potatoes.3. Read and underline.(teach “Theyre big./Theyre good./Theyre yellow.)T:This time,take out your pens,lets read and underline the sentences to describe the vegetables.4. Have a riddle(teach the word “green beans”)T: Mike and Sarah also find other vegetable: Theyre green. They have beans . Theyre long shape. What are these? =green beans5 Listen, point and imitate: Lets talkT: Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】让学生听音指读,做到单词与句型的认读,重视纯正地道的语音模仿,并注重指读习惯的养成。6.Summary: 单复数T: Now lets have a summary. Look, there are some words, lets read it together. Can you find some common point from these words? 可数名词在词尾加s或es表示复数。【设计意图】让学生自己总结规律,找出特殊,培养学生总结规律的能力。及时引导帮助学生总结梳理知识,巩固所学知识点。Step3 Practice & Consolidation 1Game1:Flying vegetablesT: Wow, you all have shape eyes. And can you cut the vegetables? Look at the screen, there are so many flying vegetables, can you cut them? If the vegetables rise, you should cut them as quickly as you can.【设计意图】利用快速反应的游戏,让学生在游戏中巩固新单词,复习新句型。学生在“玩中学,学中玩”,知识掌握的更加牢固。2.Game 2: 转盘游戏T: You are so clever.You can cut the vegetables so quickly. And next lets play another game. There is a turntable, and the hand will run, when it stop, you should make a chant. For example: Run, run, run, and stop, it stops at carrots. We should make a chant:(拍手两下,桌子两下)What are these? What are these? Carrots, carrots, theyre carrots.【设计意图】运用小游戏巩固操练句型和单词,增加学生学习的乐趣。3. Game3:Describe the vegetables(结合板书表格)T: You are so clever. We have learn something about vegetables, can you describe them? Look at the blackboard, we can describe the vegetables from name, color,shape and flavor. Look at the pictures, and try to describe the vegetables?. First one: Theyre green. Theyre long. Theyre green beans.【设计意图】运用小游戏巩固操练句型和单词,增加学生学习的乐趣。4. Game4: Guessing game(教师出示词卡,学生用Are these.?猜)T: Congratulations! Lets do a guessing game. Look, there is a box, and I have some vegetables in it, can you guess whats in it? You can use “Are these.?” to guess. 学生猜完,老师拿出词卡问Are these?学生用Yes,they are./No, they arent.回答。5. Fulfill the task(增加单词cucumbers 和onions)T: Boys and girls, now we all have a school trip to the farm, and our classroom is a big farm now. There are some vegetables at the farm. Lets have a competition to choose the “vegetable talent”. How to do it? Please watch the video.(Four students a group, choose the cards one by one, and then say and guess, who get the most cards is the “vegetable talent”.)学生四人一组,每组有六张蔬菜卡片,按顺序抽卡片,抽的人描述并问What are these? 其他同学用Are these?猜,猜对的获得卡片,最后获得最多卡片的同学为“蔬菜达人”。A:Theyre big. Theyre yellow. What are these?B:Are these?C: Are these?D: Are these?A: Yes,they are./ No,they arent.参考词汇颜色:red, yellow, orange, brown, green, purple, blue, pink, black, white形状:long, short, small, big, round(圆形的)味道:good, yummy, delicious(味道好的), tasty(美味的), sweet(甜的), sour(酸的), bitter(苦的), hot(辣的), salty(咸的)【设计意图】设置学生感兴趣的任务,培养学生的合作意识,让学生在真实的情境下,运用所学词汇与语言完成本节课的任务,把语言融入生活,搭起生活与书本的桥梁。注重培养学生用英语思维做事的能力,同时培养学生互助合作、团结友爱的良好品质,树立学习英语的自信心。6.情感渗透: Vegetables keep us healthy!T: You get so many vegetables, you are the “vegetable talent”, and do you like the vegetables? Vegetables keep us healthy, so we s


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