



Module 2A Job Worth Doing.单词拼写1I felt _(满意的)that someone had been willing to help.2More students are _(申请)for aid,and more families expect to need student loans.3I can _(提供) help to those who are in trouble.4Im sorry,but computers of that type are not _(可得到的)for the time being.5Our _(要求) is that applicants (should) be expected to have a good command of English.6As we all know,a red light is a _(信号)of danger.7He is such an unselfish man.You cant help but _(尊重) him.答案1.satisfied2.applying3.offer4.available5.requirement6.signal7.respect.翻译句子1她想应征英语教师的工作(apply)x k b 1 . c o m_2我正在街上徘徊,这时看见了汤姆。(be doing.when)_3整个村子在大火中遭受了巨大损失。(suffer)_4失业使我认识到决不能认为什么事都是理所当然的。(take.for granted)_5虽然被告诉过很多次,但他仍然重复犯同样的错误。(现在分词完成时)_来源:Z#xx#k.Com答案1.She would like to apply for a job as an English teacher.2I was wandering on the street when I caught sight of Tom.3All the village suffered great damage during the fire.4Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted.5Having been told many times,he still repeated the same mistake.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Karen:Youre late again.SelinA:Sorry,but there was a traffic jam.Karen:Its always the same excuse.Try to think of something _1_(good) next time.SelinA:But Im telling _2_ truth!There was an accident in the crossharbor tunnel.I dont think anyone was hurt but _3_ took the police over an hour to clear it._4_,how are you?You look a bit tired.Karen:Well,actually,Ive been _5_(quarrel) with my grandmother again.I feel sad because if things go wrong,she blames me,even though its not my fault.SelinA:What did your grandma say?Karen:Her favorite expression is“ Young people are not as well _6_(behave) as they used to be.” She always complains that I dont show her enough _7_SelinA:Well,try and understand her.She _8_ do all the things she did _9_ she was young. It must be very frustrating.Just think,one day well be old.Karen:Youre right.I should be more understanding.I think I _10_(buy) her a present and apologize.SelinA:Right.Now you are feeling a bit better,its your turn to help me.Could you give me a hand with my maths homework?Karen:Maths again!Okay,but can we find somewhere to eat first?Im starving!答案1.better2.the3.it4.Anyway5.quarrelling6.behaved7.respect/regard8.cant9.when/while10will buy.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。About eight years ago,I was a new teacher in the local womens minimum security jail.During one of my classes,a woman was _1_ and in a lot of pain. Her 17yearold daughter had been ill. She wanted to see her,but had no _2_ to get to the hispital. Having a daughter of the _3_ age,I asked the manager if it would be _4_ for me to drive the woman to the hospital. I was _5_ to escort(护送) her for three hours on the following Saturday.On the 30minute drive to the hospital,we sang along to the songs _6_ the disks I brought. We were both in good _7_ when we arrived at the hospital.Her daughter was in worse _8_ than either of us could imagine. Her body was contorted(扭曲的) and she did not recognize her mother who was visibly _9_ to see her lovely daughter so frail and deathly. I _10_ her to massage her daughters hands,stroke her face and talk to her _11_We stood outside of the hospital after _12_ about an hour and a half with her daughter. The mother was in a deep state of _13_ and hopelessness,as well as guilt in not being there to _14_ her daughter. She wept,and I held her _15_ in my arms.A few weeks later,I learned that her daughters situation worsened and had _16_. That Saturday was the _17_ time her mother would see her and speak to her.While it may seem _18_ I did a good deed,it was I who was given a tremendous gift. Life can be fleeting(稍纵即逝的) and _19_,and we really never know how it will unfold. That afternoon,I was _20_ to never take those I love for granted.【解题导语】生命是脆弱的,任何时候我们都要珍惜所爱之人。1A.crying BquarrelingCscreaming Djoking答案A根据in a lot of pain. Her 17yearold daughter had been ill.可知那个女人因为女儿生病,痛苦地哭泣。2A.time Bway Cneed Dmoney答案B根据后文作者送那个女人去医院,可知那个女人自己没有办法去医院。3A.same Bspecial Ccommon Dyoungw w w .x k b 1.c o m答案A作者看到那个女人的女儿和她的女儿同龄,所以动了恻隐之心。4A.convenient Bimportantx_k_b_1Cnecessary Dpossible答案D所以,作者问管理人员是否可以由她载那个女人去医院。5A.guided BallowedCrequired Drecommended答案B根据后文可知,管理人员答应了作者的要求,所以作者被允许送那个女人去医院。x k b 1 . c o m6A.by Bover Cfor Dfrom来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K答案D在路上,作者和那个女人唱着歌曲,这些歌曲是来自作者带来的光盘上的。7A.panic BmanagementCspirit Dappearance答案C根据上文的we sang to the songs可知她们的心情很好。来源:Z,xx,k.Com8A.shape Bsound Cmood Daction答案A根据下文的Her body was contorted可知那个女孩的身体都变形了。9A.moved Bcrashed Cshaken Dtrapped答案C根据上文的Her body was contorted and she did not recognize her mother可知那个女人很震惊。10A.ordered Bbegged Ccheated Dencouraged答案D作者鼓励那个女人给她女儿按摩,摸她的脸,并轻声和她说话。11A.loudly BdeliberatelyCsoftly Dpersonallyx k b 1 . c o m答案C同上。12A.wasting BspendingCpredicting Dshowing来源:学,科,网答案B大约和那个女孩呆了一个半小时后,她们走出医院。13A.depression BexcitementCloneliness Dcuriosity答案A根据句中的hopelessness可知那个女人看到女儿的状况,很沮丧和无望。14A.make up Bdeal withCcare for Dtake over答案C那个女人因不能照顾女儿而感到自责。15A.generously BsilentlyCroughly Deffectively答案B那个女人在哭泣,作者只能静静地抱着她。w w w .x k b 1.c o m16A.run away Bfitted inCsettled in Dpassed away答案D几周以后,作者了解到那个女孩死了。17A.last Bbest Clongest Dworst答案A那个女孩死了,所以那一次是她们母女最后一次相见的日子。x k b 1 . c o m18A.even if BbecauseCif Das though答案D尽管看起来作者像是做了一件好事,其实是她得到了一个很好的礼物。19A.wonderful BfragileCenergetic Dfrightening答案B根据句中的Life can be fleeting和那个女孩的事情得出结论,生命是脆弱的。20A.reminded BadvisedCforced Dsuspected答案A作者因为这件事情,被提醒了以后要珍惜所爱之人。.阅读理解Hong Kong is the worlds shark fin capital. But a backlash(强烈抵制) from environmentalists and consumer groups is pressuring restaurants to stop serving dishes containing the shark fin.Around 50 percent of all shark fins worldwide are traded through Hong Kong. In 2008,around 10,000 tons of fins from 87 countries passed through the citys ports. For environmentalists like Stanley Shea of Frenchfounded Bloom Association,that must change. He is trying to raise awareness in Hong Kong. Shea and his fellow activists have been quite effective. Over the last two years governments in Hong Kong and mainland China,as well as big corporations and hotel chains,have announced they will take shark fin soup off their menus and banquets.It is in Hong Kongs Sheung Wan District that a lot of the shark fin trade happens. Here the local marineproduct industry is suffering. Inside the small shops merchants talk freely about shark fins they sell these days. But in front of a camera nobody wants to mention shark fins;it is just too sensitive,they say. Not far away,at restaurant Lin Heung Kui,shark fin soup is a common dish on the menu. Around lunchtime,it is mostly the elderly and tourists who visit the place.Shark fin soup has been the food of the rich and wealthy for hundreds of years in China. But times are slowly changing,said Veranica Mak,an anthropologist(人类学家) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong,who researches eating habits.“Not consuming shark fins becomes a kind of signifier to show you are a socially responsible person. In the past,when you wanted to show your social status,people made shark fins a signifier in a banquet,but nowadays this signifier changes,”she said.来源:Z,xx,k.ComStanley Shea said young people were increasingly interested in social responsibility. He said that helped make his campaign a success in Hong Kong.【解题导语】香港可以说是世界鱼翅交易中心,但随着人们对鱼翅消费的强烈抵制,香港的鱼翅交易量下降了。1By saying Hong Kong is the worlds shark fin capital,the author means _Aalmost all people in Hong Kong love eating shark finsBHong Kong has the longest history of trading shark finsCmany of the worlds shark fins are traded in Hong Kongw w w .x k b 1.c o Drestaurants in Hong Kong provide the most dishes of shark fins答案C推理判断题。根据第二段的Around 50.Hong Kong.可推断作者说香港是鱼翅之都是因为世界上大概一半的鱼翅交易是在那里完成的,故选C。2What is Stanley Shea of Frenchfounded Bloom Association doing in Hong Kong?新 课 标 第 一 网AMaking the government of Hong Kong know the harm of consuming shark fins.BAsking merchants to trade shark fins somewhere else instead of in Hong Kong.CWarn


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