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外研版(三起)五年级上册Module7单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 看图,选择恰当的句子。( ) 1.A. The boy cant hear. His dog helps him.B. The boy cant swim. His father helps him.( ) 2.A. Miss Li can help her.B. Mr Li can help her.( ) 3.A. The boy cant ride a bike. I can help him.B. The little boy cant fly a kite. I can help him.( ) 4.A. The firefighters cant find the people.The cat can help them.B. The firefighters cant find the people.The dog can help them.( ) 5.A. I can help my mother clean the window.B. I can help my mother wash clothes.2 . ( ) Can you _ them ?AwriteBwritingCwrote3 . foodAgoodBtookCtooDbook4 . 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. beard B. hearC. bear( ) 2. A. here B. there C. where( ) 3. A. ear B. pear C. year( ) 4. A. are B. square C. care( ) 5. A.born B. work C. sport5 . ( )AMay I see it?BMay I see them?6 . 根据课文内容,选择正确的答案:Whats the matter with the girl? ( )AShe is blind.BShe is deaf.CShe is sick.7 . We _ students of Shanghai.AamBisCare请把下列各组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项选出来。8 . AthankBstandCname9 . AdeskBkiteCleg10 . AoldBhelloCnot11 . AsitBfineCsix12 . ApleaseBdoctorCfather13 . 请从A、B、C三个选项中选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的选项。(_) 1. lake A. make B. apple C. map(_) 2. helpedA. cleanedB. askedC. wanted(_) 3. bike A. pick B. thisC. like(_) 4. horse A. word B. doctorC. forty(_) 5. bread A. peach B. sweater C. please(_) 6. find A. China B. give C. picnic(_) 7. cook A. good B. food C. room(_) 8. withA. three B. monthC. then14 . He can _ football well. ( )AplayBplaysCplayed15 . Dont _ sad.AbeBisCare16 . 选出下列单词或短语的汉语意思。( )1.panda A小猫 B熊猫( )2.red A绿色 B红色( )3. now A现在 B新的( )4.my name A我的名字 B你的名字Read and choose.(选出每组中画线部分与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。)17 . boat ( )AnowBroadCmouth18 . fruit ( )AfromBflowerCfloor19 . snow ( )AhowBgrowCnow20 . flag ( )AfrogBfromCflower21 . how ( )Ayellow ( )BwindowCnow选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。22 . AChristmasBmatchCteachDwatch23 . AlikedBaskedCworkedDwanted24 . AluckBjumpCjuiceDmust25 . AbreadBsweaterCdeskDmean26 . AcookBroomCgoodDlook选出画线部分读音不同的一项。27 . AmeetBsheCbed28 . AmeBgetCseven29 . ApenBgreenCthree30 . AcakeBbagCgrape31 . AdeskBveryCsleep选出每组单词中不同类的一项。32 . AbasketBgiftCbought33 . AfellBrideCtook34 . AbeachBfarCwarm35 . AdinosaurBpictureCrabbit36 . AfishingBsingCshopping二、填空题37 . 看图片,补全句子。1. -What can you do?-I can _. 2. -Can you play chess?-_ 3. -Are you hungry?-_4. -Can you play baseball?-_ 5. -Can she sweep the floor?-_ 根据所给词的适当形式填空。38 . What will you_(do)?39 . What about _(you)?40 . Ill buy _ (she)a box of chocolates.41 . She _ (like) roses.42 . I will make a card for_(she).用所给词的适当形式填空。43 . Sometimes I go _ (swim).44 . My friends _ ( like) _ (dance).45 . The girl likes singing, but the boy _ (do).46 . She is good at _ (make) cakes.47 . They are_ (cook). They like_(cook).48 . There are so many_ (people) in the park.49 . Helen_(not) like PE50 . Does Liu Tao _ ( live) in Shanghai?用所给词的适当形式填空。51 . Lets _ (take) the bag in.52 . There is a _ (live) room.53 . The windows_ (be) white.54 . My _ (brother) bedroom is clean.55 . 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.There are many_(woman)in the park.2. Danny_(go)to school by bus yesterday.3. I_(be)going to bring a star for the tree.4. Sometimes she_(ride)her bike.5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are_(read)newspapers.56 . 读句子,在正确的单词下打“”。【小题1】We will_(fly,flying) a kite tomorrow.【小题2】Im going to play football_(in,on) Friday.【小题3】We are going to_(have,having) a picnic tomorrow.【小题4】I will take_(my,me) kite.【小题5】_(Will,Do)you take your ball tomorrow?57 . 根据句意选词并用适当形式填空tell heavy peace make serve we【小题1】Light music often makes people feel _.【小题2】They have already decided _ a good plan for the coming holiday.【小题3】He _ me his telephone number last week, but I cant find it now.【小题4】I think Xiong Ning is a good example to _. We should learn from her to help more people in the world.【小题5】Its raining _, so we cant have our sports meeting on time.【小题6】This caf _ afternoon tea from three to five every day in England.58 . 选词填空whose where why what1._are you doing? I am doing my homework.2._are you watching TV? Because I like the programme.3._father is reading a book?4._are we having a picnic? In the park.5._is Mary making? A card.59 . 归类。Lion pink seventeen four purple elephant dog red kangaroo Twenty-five whitemonkey twelve green sixteen数字类:_动物类:_颜色类:_60 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Bobby was happy, because he _ (find) his new kite.2.The _(sport-love) like cycling very much.3.Billy is busy _( make) a cake in the kitchen.4.There are many interesting _( country) in the world.5.The song _( sound) great.61 . 请你写出下列每组单词画线部分有几种读音。(_)1. A. answer B. wallet C. diary D. calculator(_)2. A. comb B. exciting C. cycle D. delicious(_)3. A. floor B. tall C. skateboard D. four(_)4. A. jump B. 1unch C. funny D. computer(_)5. A. cough B. could C. ground D. out(_)6. A. tooth B. shoot C. food D. noodles(_)7. A. their B. year C. early D. hairdryer (_)8. A. thank B. plant C. autumnD. uncle写出下列各词的宾格形式。62 . I _63 . she _64 . he _65 . they _用所给单词的适当形式填空66 . _your sister_(have) an animal friend?67 . Nancy likes_(panda).68 . I dont_(have) any wings, but the bird_(have) two wings.69 . My dog cant_(talk).70 . The birds_(leg) are short.71 . It_(have) no_(leg) or_(arm).72 . _(they)_(body) are very big.73 . Helen_(not have)_(some) nice dresses.74 . There_(be) a pen and three rubbers on the table.75 . The rabbit has red_(eye) and long_(ear).三、英汉混合76 . 英汉词组互译。1. national flag _2. 第一次_3. thank.for _4. 一个特殊的玩具_5. some seeds _四、连词成句77 . 连词成句(只填序号)。1.youare Here_.2.myItsleg_.3.colourisWhatit_?4.Thankmyteachers youto_.78 . 连词成句。1.is tree front that in There a of house (.)_2.a near are small house There some children (


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