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格言警句大全英语警句格言 在英语教学中,英语老师常常在特定的环境中教会学生一些英语格言警句,并发现有些格言警句对学生学习英语的积极性有极大的作用。下面是为你分享的英语警句格言的内容,希望你喜欢! Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs. 莫笑皮匠拇指黑。 Most things have two handles. 多数事物有两种解释。 Music is the eye of the ear. 音乐是耳朵的眼睛。 Necessity and opportunity may make a coward valiant. 需要和机会,可使懦夫变勇敢。 Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要是发明之母。 Neither fish nor flesh (nor good red herring). 非驴非马;不伦不类。 Never judge from appearances. 不可根据外貌判断;不可以貌取人。 Never too late to mend. 补过不嫌晚。 No cross, no crown. 没有十字架,就没有王冠;无苦即无乐。 No man can do two things at once. 一人不能同时做两件事;心无二用。 No man ever became thoroughly bad all at once. 从来没有骤然变得极坏的人。 No man is content. 知足的人世上无。 No mill, no meal. 不磨面就没有面包吃。 No pleasure without pain. 没有无痛苦的欢乐。 No rose without a thorn. 玫瑰皆有刺(没有尽善尽美的幸福)。 No smoke without some fire. 无火不生烟;无风不起浪。 Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 服从是军人的第一职责。 Older and wiser. 老而益精;越老越聪明。 Old bees yield no honey. 老蜂不产蜜。 Old vessels must leak. 船旧必漏。 Once a devil, always a devil. 一次做魔鬼,永远是魔鬼。 One flower makes no garland. 一朵花做不成一个花环。 One foot is better than two crutches. 一只脚胜过两条拐仗。 Oppression maketh a wise man mad. 人处压迫下,聪明也会疯。 Out of sitght, out of mind. 眼不见,心不想。 Pain is forgotten where gain follows. 一朝得了利,痛苦便忘记。 Patience is the plaster of all sores. 忍耐是一切痛苦的止痛膏。 Patient men win the day. 能忍者胜。 Peace with sword in hand, Tis safest making. 和平时期手执剑,这样做来最保险;有备无患。 Pen and ink is wits plough. 笔墨是才智之犁。 Penny wise and pound foolish. 小事聪明,大事糊涂。 Poison is poison though it es in a golden cup. 纵然装入金杯,毒药还是毒药。 Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it. 加油不是灭火法。 Praise is not pudding. 恭维不等于布丁;恭维不是实惠。 Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken. 诺言好似馅饼皮,做来便是为咬碎。 Promise is debt. 许愿要还,欠债要清;许愿如欠债,欠了便要还。 Public money is like holy water, every one helps himself to it. 公款如圣水,人人都要尝一嘴。 Quietness is best. 宁静最好。 Rain before seven: fine before eleven. 早雨不过午。 Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 阅读使人渊博,会谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Remember thou art but a man. 记住:你只不过是个“人”而已。 Revolutions are not made with rosewater. 革命不是玫瑰香水做成的(指革命不能采用温和的办法)。 Satan reproves sin. 魔鬼责人之罪(责备他人有罪过,自己同样有过失)。 Scanderbegs sword must have Scanderbegs arm. 斯坎德培(阿尔巴尼亚世纪民族英雄)的剑,必须要有斯坎德培的臂才能举; 宝剑须由烈士擎。 Shallow streams make most din. 浅流水声响。 Short pleasure, long lament. 眼前片刻欢,日后长悲痛。 Silence gives consent. 沉默表示同意。 Skill and confidence are an unconquered army. 技能和信心是无敌的军队。 Something is better than nothing. 有总比没有强。 Soon ripe, soon rotten. 早熟早烂;早慧早夭。 Sorrow es unsent for. 悲哀来时不须邀。 Sport is sweetest when there be no


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