2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Section Ⅲ Grammar练习 外研版必修3_第1页
2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Section Ⅲ Grammar练习 外研版必修3_第2页
2019-2020学年高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Section Ⅲ Grammar练习 外研版必修3_第3页




section grammar.阅读理解a(2018杭州二中高一期末)a sandstorm refers to a high amount of wind occurring in sandy areas,usually in deserts,where the wind speed is able to lift the top layer (层) of sand from the ground,and push it in every direction.the sand involved in the sandstorm can reach heights of about 3.05 m15.24 maccording to sun landong,a meteorologist with the lanzhou meteorology observatory,visibility (能见度) was less than 100 metres in minqin,a gansu county near inner mongolia because of sand.when visibility drops to less than 1 kilometre,it is called a sandstorm.it is very dangerous to experience a sandstorm.sand can get into the nose,eyes,mouth and lungs.if you happen to be caught in a sandstorm,you must protect yourself by wearing masks and so on.if youre driving when such a storm approaches,its advised that you pull off the road,since its difficult to continue driving.this is also important since vehicles can fail during sandstorms and you could end up stuck on the road.most sandstorms occur in spring,and during the daytime.many of the areas around the persian gulf and the sahara are related to the most serious storms.since its a natural phenomenon (现象),it cant be entirely controlled.in areas that are natural desert regions,you cant always prevent a sandstorm.theres much evidence that the planet mars has dust storms,and clearly,no human intervention (介入) is responsible for such.though it can move whole sand dunes and destroy crops,a sandstorm is not without advantage.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了沙尘暴的基本信息。1what does the first paragraph mainly talk about?athe feature of a sandstorm.bthe damage caused by a sandstorm.cthe areas usually hit by a sandstorm.dthe measures to prepare for a sandstorm.解析:选a段落大意题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是“a sandstorm refers to a high amount of wind occurring in sandy areas,usually in deserts”可知,本段主要介绍沙尘暴的特点。故选a。2what should you do if youre driving in a sandstorm?ayoud better stop and ask for help.byoud better drive home as quickly as possible.cyoud better find a gas station first. dyoud better stop your car on the side of the road.解析:选d细节理解题。根据第三段中的“if youre driving when such a storm approaches,its advised that you pull off the road”可知,如果你遇到沙尘暴,你最好把车停在路边。故选d。3what can we know about the sandstorm according to the text?ait cant be forecast.bit can be prevented.cit is the result of human activities.dit cant completely disappear on the earth.解析:选d推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,沙尘暴是一种自然现象,不能完全被控制,也不会完全消失。故选d。4what will be talked about if there is the fifth paragraph?athe cause of sandstorms.bthe prevention of sandstorms.cthe advantage of sandstorms.dthe forecast of sandstorms.解析:选c推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可推知,下一段作者要谈论沙尘暴所带来的益处。故选c。bat a farm off narrow lane near lexington,kentucky,us,oldfashioned houses look over the little red barn (畜舍)the farm is mostly empty now.jim mahan and his family,who lived there for generations,have moved to a different plot of land in northern fayette county.as land is sold,houses go up where there once were fields.but during the summer,the barn is filled with city kids who have come to enjoy the farm.theyre members of the fayette county livestock (fcl) club,which showcases (展示) various skills.the barn is where they look after the animals.“a lot of lexington kids dont know anything about farm life,” said adria meier,17,who has looked after goats and sheep for three years.“there is so much to learn.”the dozen or so children who take care of their goats and sheep at the little red barn must take a sixhour class before they get an animal.they pay for their own animals but get special club programs,such as one that provides vet(兽医) care.mahan lets the group use the barn for free,and the kids spend up to three hours a day there during the summer.but as his land gets sold,he doesnt know whether the club can continue.what makes the fcl club special is that most of the kids cant just walk out their doors and take care of their animals.most are driven to the barn by their mothers,who usually hang around and chat as their kids feed and exercise the animals.there are valuable lessons learned along the way.for instance,dont cut wool off your goat when there is wind,and sheep are social animals and will cry loudly when separated.“tending to animals helps teach us responsibility.unlike learning to shoot an arrow,caring for an animal isnt something you can simply abandon,” said carly playforth,16,of lexington.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。向我们讲述了一群城里的孩子来到乡间农场体验不同的生活照顾农场动物的故事。5what is the requirement for kids before they get animals?aattend a class.bpay certain money.chave varied skills.dget special club programs.解析:选a细节理解题。根据第三段中的“must take a sixhour class before they get an animal”可知,得到动物之前,孩子们必须上一节六小时的课程,这个课程可能是培训孩子们如何照顾动物的,故选a项。6what do we know about the club?ait offers services unconditionally.bit pays for their use of the barn.cit lets mothers care for animals.dit allows mothers to push kids.解析:选d推理判断题。根据第四段中的“most are driven to the barn by their mothers”可推知,该俱乐部让孩子的妈妈督促孩子参与农场活动,故选d项。7how does carly playforth feel about the experience?asuspicious.bmoved.cappreciative.dopposed.解析:选c观点态度题。最后一段首句是段落主旨句,作者引用carly playforth的话进一步说明了照顾动物教会孩子们许多东西,比如责任。由此可知,carly playforth对这次经历是赞赏的(appreciative),故选c项。8what is the passage mainly about?akids life on a sold farm.bvaluable lessons learned on the farm.ca special club intended for lexington kids.da club activity of caring for farm animals.解析:选d主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,本文重点介绍的是fcl俱乐部借助一个农场举办的活动让孩子们亲自照顾动物,在这一过程中,孩子们受益匪浅。故选d项。.短文改错spring is my favourite season of the year.the days are not so hot even though the sun shone brightly.the trees and grasses look green.whatever i look,i can see so many pretty flowers.it rains sometimes but not so much.we neednt wear so many clothes to keeping ourselves warm.i like to play in my garden earlier in the morning.i feel energetically because it is clean and fresh on spring.on holidays,we often have the breakfast in the garden.it is pleasant to sit outside.they are so many things i like about spring.that is why is my favourite season.答案:spring is my favourite season of the year.the days are not so hot even though the sun brightly.the trees and look


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