



大学英语作文范文三篇 【篇一】 Friends are very important part of our life, we will make friends in different stage of our lives, one cant live without friends. Though everyone has their own friends and partners, they have different standards to choose people with whom they establish friendships. On my opinion, it is best to choose friends who are honest and selfless. 朋友是我们生活中很重要的一部分,我们会在生命中的不同阶段交朋友,一个人不能活着没有朋友。虽然每个人都有自己的朋友和伴侣,他们选择朋友有不同的标准。在我看来,选择诚实和无私的人做朋友。 One of most important quality to look for a friend is honesty. If someone always have question about you, you will feel hard to keep in touch with him, you may feel it hard to make friends with them. While on the contrary, those are honest guys, they are really caring about you, they dare to show you their true thoughts. They deserve you to make friends with. 选择朋友的一个最重要品质是诚实。如果一个人对你总是存有疑虑,你会觉得和他保持联系很困难,很难和这样的人交朋友。不过另一方面,这些是诚实的人,他们是真的关心你,敢于在你面前展示真实的想法。他们值得你交朋友。 Another important quality to look for a friend is selflessness. Friendship is built on the basis of mutual cooperation and support, those people who are only thinking about themselves will not consider others feelings, they will make use of friends easily. So such people will not be the choice of making friends. 交朋友的另一个重要品质是无私。友谊是建立在互相合作和支持的基础上,那些只想到自己的人不会考虑别人的感受,他们会轻易利用朋友。所以这样的人不值得交朋友。 In conclusion, friends are very important part of our lives, making friends is easy, but how to make the one who is really deserving to count on is hard. Looking for the right ones will fulfill the rest of your life, so be wise when making friends. 总的来说,朋友是我们生活中很重要的一部分,交朋友容易,但是如何交到那些值得信赖的很难。交到准确的朋友能让你的余生充实,所有,交朋友要明智。 【篇二】 For many students, university graduation is a turning point, they have to prepare to enter the workforce. Students not only consider what kind of job they should choose, but also the geographical setting. As for me, my preference would be to work in a big city rather than a small town. 对于很多学生来说,大学毕业是一个转折点,他们要准备进入职场。学生不但仅要考虑要做什么样的工作,也要考虑地理环境。对于我来说,我会倾向于在大城市工作,而不是小城镇。 The biggest advantage of working in a big city is its great employment opportunity. Because of the fierce competition in the city, most graduated students choose to work in the small towns, but if we want to have more income, a competitive job market is a necessary. Big city provides more chances and better jobs, it is the big stage for students, they can fight for their future and realize what they want. 在大城市工作的优势是那里有很多的工作机会。因为在大城市存有激烈的竞争,很多大学毕业生选择在小城镇工作,但是如果我们想要有更多的收入,激烈的就业市场是不可避免的。大城市有很多的机会和好的工作,对于学生来说是很大的舞台,他们能够为将来奋斗,实现梦想。 Another important benefit of working in the city is that it has many amusements. We can find that people who live in the city like Beijing and Shanghai have colorful life, they can watch a movie and walk in the coffee shop, talk to their friends, what a comfortable lifestyle. While if they work in the towns, they can only watch TV and wait to sleep. 在大城市工作的另外一个重要好处就是各种各样的娱乐。我们能够发现生活在北京和上海的生活丰富多彩,他们能够看电影,走进咖啡馆,和朋友交流,这是多么舒适的生活方式啊。不过如果他们在小镇工作,他们只能看电视,等待睡觉。 For college graduates, it is hard for them to choose a suitable job, but after considering all the factors, I believe working in a big city is a good choice. 对于大学毕业生来说,选择一份适合的工作很难,但是经过考虑所有的因素,我相信在大城市工作是一个好的抉择。 【篇三】 With the rapid development of economy in China, more and more people own their private cars. Different people have different opinions. Some people think that too many private cars may cause more traffic jams and pollute the air, while others believe that people should be encouraged to have private cars. As far as I am concerned, I think private cars have more advantages than disadvantages. 随着中国经济的快速发展,越来越多的人们拥有私家车。不同人持不同的意见,有人认为过多的私家车会加重交通拥堵,污染环境;另一些人则认为应该多鼓励人们去购买私家车。就我看来,我认为私家车利大于弊。 First of all, private cars offer people convenience. With your car, you can go to any place at any time. You just dont have to wait for the bus or taxi. Unlike bus is always full of people and taxi is expensive, private cars is less crowned and more flexible. During the rush hour, you dont need to worry could not get in a bus or waste too many money on taxi. 首先,私家车给人们带来了便利。有了车,你能够在任何时间去任何地方。不必等公车或是出租车。不像公交车总是人满为患,的士贵得离谱,私家车更舒适也更灵活。在拥堵时段,你不必担心自己挤不上公交车或者花费过多的钱来搭出租车。 Second, traveling by cars is very comfortable. During the Spring Festival, the going-back home tickets are very difficult to get. But if you have a private car, you can go home immediately without worrying there is no ticket any more. Whats more, the private cars reduce the pressure of the public transportation during the rush hours. When you driving in your own car, you will feel more comfortable and relaxed. I guess its the greatest advantage of the private car. 其次,开私家车去旅游非常舒适。在春节期间,回家的票总是特别难买。可如果你有了自己的车,你就能够马上回家不用担心买不到票了。更好的是,私家车缓解了高峰期的交通压力。当你开着自己的车,你会感觉更舒服也更放松。我想,这就是私家车的地方。 Last but not least, the producing of cars triggers the industries of steel and glass production. It provides people lots of job opportunities. And it ma


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