外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷_第1页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷_第2页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷_第3页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷_第4页
外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷_第5页
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外研版(一起)英语一年级上册 Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls?练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Have you got a _. ( )AbagBfan选出下列单词中属于不同类的。2 . AclassroomBcomputerCpicture3 . AfortyBheavyCfifty4 . AthinBstrongCshorts5 . AsoupBbreadCmilk6 . AdriverBbrotherCfarmer7 . _ are the king of the forest. ( )ATigersBMonkeysCFishesDGiraffes8 . I like autumn; autumn is and beautiful. ( )AcoolBhotCcold9 . I can see some clouds. ( )A我看到一些星星。B我看到一些云。二、看图题根据图片在横线上填出对应的英文。10 . _11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _三、画图题仿照例子,根据所给数字,将相应格子涂色。例:two 15 . three 16 . six17 . ten18 . eight 19 . seven 四、连词成句20 . 连词成句。1.go school I to early always very (.)_2.cold was The yesterday weather (.)_3.birthday is Anns party June fourth on (.)_4.be tomorrow Will rainy it (?)_5.a They park good in had time yesterday the (.)_21 . 连词成句(只写序号): How pink balls many_?连词成句。22 . Id, fish, some, like (.)_23 . can, use, I, chopsticks (.)_24 . is, here, your, bill (.)_25 . you, like, what, would (?)_26 . can, a, I, knife, have (?)_27 . 我会连词成句( ) 1. June, it, first, on, of, is, the (.)_( ) 2. you, to, happy, birthday (.) _( ) 3. April, sixth, today, the, is, of (.)_28 . 连词成句。1. go, play, Lets, and, football (.)_2. can, a, We, kite, fly (.)_3. sunny, Its, today (.)_4. rain, dont, I, like (.)_5. the, today, Whats, like, weat


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