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1、.,1,中华传统美德故事The Chinese traditional virtue story,小故事大道理 Small story truth 制作:任白川,.,2,Kong Rong points pear,在孔融小的时候, 叔叔曾经给他出了一个难题,让他把六个梨分给六 When Kong Rong was young, Uncle once gave him a challenge, Let him put six pears tosix, 个弟弟妹妹,但是必须还有一个梨在盘子里。聪明的孔融想出了一个 brother and sister,But must have a pear in

2、 the dish.Clever kong rong came up with a 办法,圆满的把梨分了。 solution, The perfect pear points.,孔融分梨,.,3,JinXiao pick up silver,卖 油 郎 金 孝 拾 到 一 包 银 子, 在 母 亲 的 教 导 下 他 Sell oil LangJinXiao picked up a bag of money, Under the teaching of the mother in his 返 回 原 处 找 到 失 主。不 料 失 主 却 赖 他 偷 拿 了 部 分 银 子。 return t

3、o my place to find the owner. And on he stole the owner but took the part of the money。 相 持 不 下 时 ,县 官 来 到 。 最 终 银 子 被 判 归 金 孝 母 子Deadlocked, came to the magistrate. Finally the silver was sentenced to be JinXiao mother and child.,金孝拾银,.,4,JuXian bole,秦 穆 公 欲 寻 好 马 , 相 马 师 伯 乐 自 感 年 事 已 高, Qin mu an

4、d to find a good horse, The music teacher in the horse sense years it has high, 于是向秦穆公推荐了年轻的九方堙。 So to QinMu male recommended young nine Yin party. 经过多方努力寻找,九方堙发现了真正的千里马。 After many efforts to find, nine party Yin found real winged steed.,伯乐举贤,.,5,KouZhun feast,寇准要过生日,官员们都来祝贺送礼。 KouZhuns birthday is

5、 coming, officials came to congratulate gift giving. 奶奶却向寇准忆起了原来的艰苦日子,提醒他不要过于铺张。 Grandma but to recall KouZhun original hard days, remind him not too stretched out. 寇准醒悟之下,取消了这个寿宴。 KouZhun disillusioned under, cancel the birthday.,寇准罢宴,.,6,Warm not forget the cold,晋公子 重 耳 率 随 从 狐 偃 等 人 在 外 流 亡 十 九 年

6、后, Jin childe ChongEr rate after fox chen-zun-shu and 19 years later exiled out, 秦王派兵拥他回国为 王 。 临 行 前, 壶 叔 收 拾 旧 衣 物, Qin wang sending troops to hold him back for the king. Before I leave, pot of his old clothes up, 重 耳 不 以 为 然 ,狐 偃 以 旧 衣 物 来 比 喻 ChongEr disagree, fox chen-zun-shu to old clothes to m

7、etaphor 他 们 这 些 相 随 多 年 的 老 臣 。重耳恍然大悟, The y go years of these old minister . ChongEr suddenly realize, 困 难 中 相 处 的 人 是 不 能 忘 记 的 。 The difficulty with the person who will not be forgotten.,暖不忘寒,.,7,樊哙闯宫 FanKuai ran palace,汉朝大将樊哙有紧急公务赶到京城,却得知汉高祖刘邦终日不理朝政。 The han dynasty FanKuai urgent business will

8、have to city, But all that liu bang hangaozu palace to ignore. 樊 哙 便 一 路 冲 开 御 林 军 的 拦 阻 ,闯 进 皇 宫 内 院, FanKuai and all the way YuLinJun push aside the hindered, broke into the palace courtyard, 后在樊哙的直言相劝下,刘邦 翻 然 悔 悟。 立 刻 整 衣 上 朝。 After FanKuai outspoken in counsel, has liu bang to repent. Immediatel

9、y the whole reason clothing.,.,8,burn boats,秦末时,秦军进攻重新建立起来的赵国,赵国向楚国求救。 Qin, when the attack to set up qin zhao,Zhao to the State for help. 楚将项羽率兵渡江攻打秦军。 Chu will rate soldiers against qin jun xiang yu crossing. 过江之后,项羽下令士兵把战船全部沉掉,把灶锅统统砸烂。 River after, xiang yu ordered the ship sink all soldiers, the

10、 kitchen pot all broke. 楚军没有了退路,人人奋勇,终于战胜了秦军。 Chujun had no choice, all odds finally defeated Qin Jun.,破釜沉舟,.,9,Special will,孙叔敖是楚国很有贡献的老臣,他临去世前留下遗嘱。 SunShu ao chu is have contributed so the old minister, he left a will before his death 公子孙安听从父亲的意思,不接受高官和丰厚的赏赐, Gongzisunan listen to father means not

11、 accepting and generous rewards system for senior officials, 只接受了楚王赏赐的一块荒芜之地寝丘, Only accept the king chu a reward wasteland-the bed, 过着自食其力的生活。 A self-reliant life.,特殊遗嘱,.,10,Xuanzang inspiration,唐代高僧玄奘去西天取经路过高昌国,高昌国国王为了提倡佛教, The tang dynasty was eminent monks to buddhist paradise to take GaoChangGuo pass by, GaoChangGuo king to advocate Buddhism, 极力挽留玄奘留在该国。但玄奘去西天的决心毫不动摇, Stay in the country was fighting hard to keep. But to the determinat


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