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1、Unit 3 My Friends第一课时教学内容 :Lets talk教学目标:知识与技能:(1)能听懂、会说Whats his name ? His name is用He has .来介绍自己的朋友,并能熟练运用。(2)能听、说、认读单词:Chinese photo hes his has.过程与方法:(1)能就本课的重点句型来进行对话和描述自己的朋友。(2)能结合新旧知识完成猜谜语的游戏,提高综合运用语言的能力。情感态度与价值观:(1)营造宽松的课堂氛围,让学生乐于学习,善于表达。(2)注重良好的语音语调训练。教学重难点:1句型Whats his name ? His name is .

2、 He has .2用简单的句子对自己的朋友进行描述。教具准备:课件、照片、John和Mom的头饰。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up(1)Sing a song: Head should knees and toes.复习身体部位的单词。(2)认读单词卡片: long hair short hair strong thin.Step 2 Revision(1) 课件呈现大眼睛和小眼睛,引导学生用He has.说出big eyes small eyes。(2) 课件呈现黑头发和黄头发,用What colour are they?引出black hair yellow hair。(3)

3、 说出下列词语的反义词和相对词。Big-small , short-long , thin-strong , black-white .Step 3 Presentation(1)课件出示两组照片一组是Zhang Peng 和Wu Yifan,另一组是John Mike。T: Where is Zhang Peng from?S: He is from China.T: Yes. He is a Chinese boy.跟读Chinese boy.(2)问题引出Zhang Peng .Whos Johns friend? Guess.T: He has short black hair. He

4、 has big eyes. He is tall. He is strong, too.S: Hes Zhang Peng.(3)T:Look! This is his photo.重复,同时拿出照片,帮助理解意思,跟读。出示多张同班同学照片。T: I have many photos. They are my friends. Whats his name.引导学生用“His name is .”回答。(4)T: John has a Chinese friend. He is Zhang Peng . He will tell his mother.(5)播放空中课堂光盘,学生理解并跟读

5、。(6)角色表演。Step 4 Consolidasion猜谜语。猜对一个,课件上就依次出现该动物的照片。(1)It is white and black, it likes eatin bamboons. Who is it?(2)It is tall, it has long neck and legs. Who is it?(3)It has two long ears and big eyes. It can jump. Who is it?(4)It looks likes a tiger, but not a tiger. It likes catch mice, and it l

6、ikes eating fish. Who is it?Step 5 HomeworkDraw a picture of your friends, then describe it.板书:Whats his name ? His name is Whats her name ? Her name is 第二课时教学内容 lets learn & Lets chant教学目标知识与技能(1)能听懂,会说“My friend is strong. He is friendly.”并能熟练运用。(2)能听、说、认读tall and strong, short and thin, quiet, fr

7、iendly,等单词和词组。过程与方法(1)能利用本课所学的形容词来描述自己的朋友。(2)能结合新旧知识完成描述外貌猜测身份的游戏,提高综合运用语言的能力。情感态度与价值观(1)努力创造一种和谐、平等、宽松的课堂氛围,让学生乐于学习,敢于表达,交流自己的看法和想法。(2)注重培养学生与他人交往的能力。(3)增加朋友之间的友谊,建立正确的互爱互助的朋友关系。教学重、难点教学重点(1)能够听、说、认读词汇tall and strong, short and thin, quiet, friendly(2)能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其外貌特征,如:My friend is tall and st

8、rong, she is very friendly.教学难点(1)能够理解并掌握句型“I have. He / She has.”中have, has的用法区别;(2)注意单词quiet的发音,不能发成kwait,教师可借助手势帮助学生了解这个单词的意思。教学准备 课件 教学过程Step1 Warming up1、Greetings.T:class begins.Ss: stand up, please.T: Good morning children.Ss: Good morning teacher.T:How are you?Ss: Im fine. Thank you, and you

9、?T:Im fine too. Thank you, sit down please.2、Lets do.T: Now, boys and girls. Would you like to do with me?Ss: Yes!T: Make yourself tall. Ss: Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself short. Ss: Short, short, short! Make your arms long. Ss: long, long, long! Make your eyes big. Ss: Big, big, big! Make your eye

10、s small. Ss: Small, small, small!(设计意图:以上的Lets do 的目的是为了复习旧知:tall, short, big, small等形容词,让学生温故而知新,为学习新知垫定了很好的基础。)Step 2 PreviewT:Next! Lets play a game. ok?Ss: Ok!接下来做的是反义词游戏,教师说出一个形容词,如tall,请学生快速说出它的反义词,看看谁的反应快。T:Now.For example. I say tall, you say short.I say big, you say small.Lets begin: tall-s

11、hort short-long big-small T:You are so clever.(设计意图:课前的Revisions 让学生在一定程度上巩固了旧知识,反义词游戏为小学生善于展现自我的个性搭设了舞台.)Step3 Presentation1 教学tall and strong, short and thin.(出示人物卡片)T:I have a good frieng. He is tall. Now look carefully. He is strong.教读strongWe can say”He is tall and strong.”(放慢速度)板书操练(请学生当模特男女各一

12、名)T:(请一瘦小的女孩)What about the girl?Ss: she is short. she is thin. 教读thinT:OK.You are good. we can say” She is short and thin” (放慢速度)板书老师指板书带读,Boys, Girls, together.2 教学quiet(在学生描述自己头发的活动之后,课堂一定很热闹,学生会吵吵闹闹的。)T: (作“嘘”声状) Sh., be quiet.(板书单词quiet并教学,提醒学生注意单词的发音是/kwat/.不能发成/ kwaIt /。)T:(指向一位安静的学生)Look, .

13、is quiet. Are you quiet? / Is . quiet? (设计意图:学生在三年级时已经学过单词quiet,所以这里教学更注重词义,教师通过肢体动作等形象地表达了其意义,生动又记忆深刻。)3教学friendlya.(课件呈现喜羊羊和小灰灰)(pleasant sheep and Xiao Huihui)T:look!Who is she?Ss: she is pleasant sheep .T:Yes,she is pleasant sheep and who is he ?Ss: His name is Xiao Huihui.T : leasant sheep and

14、Xiao Huihui are good friends.Look. They are so friendly.教读friendlyb.操练句型“Who is he? His name is ”T o you have friends? Ss: Yes, I do. T:Who is your friend?(指一学生提问。) S1:.is my friend.S2:His name is T:Open your book, turn to page 25,look at lets learn, please listen, point and read, ok?Read it togethe

15、r.c 拓展:引导学生理解Friends should help each other.进行思想教育。(设计意图:此处借助学生对还珠格格中人物性格的理解进一步巩固quiet并自然引出单词friend.同时寓思想教育于语言教育中,我觉得效果将会更佳。)T:look at the pictures. Friends should help each otherWe should be friendly.Step 5 ConsolidationT:Today ,we learn how to describe our friends, please look at lets chant.Step 5

16、 Homework1.Copy the new words 4 times and read them loudly.2. Describe your family members.(设计意图:作业1是让学生能进一步巩固所学单词。作业2是开放性的,通过对家庭成员的描述将课堂知识延伸到生活中去,锻炼学生在实际生活中运用语言的能力。)板书设计Unit3 My friendsI have a good friend.She/He is tall and strong.short and thinquiet Friendly第三课时教学内容 lets spell教学目标:知识与技能听说读写词汇nose

17、 note Coke Mr. Jones过程与方法在实际情境中灵活运用以上所学词汇。情感态度与价值观培养学生良好的英语拼读习惯。教学重点:听、说、读、写词汇.o的发音教学准备:录音教学过程:Reparation1.播放Lets do的录音,学生边听边说边做此部分的活动.2.播放 Lets spell的录音.学生跟读。23.学生以“开火车”等多种形式练习nose note Coke Mr.Jone4.让学生在小组内互相检查单词的认读 nose note Coke Mr.Jone45. 播放read and listen的录音继续巩固四会单词nose note Coke Mr.JoneLets w

18、rite1.教师范写nose(看图,说一说,拼一拼)生在英语练习本上仿写三遍2.以同样的方式读写note Coke Mr. Jones教师要巡视指导学生单词的书写,也可请书写的好的孩子上台展示。作业:练习发音,读熟例词板书:nose note Coke Mr. Jones第四课时教学内容 Lets talk 教学目标知识与技能By ending of the class the students will be able to understand, read and speak“ Hes.He has.His shoes are”and can ask “Whos he? Is he?”过程

19、与方法The students will be able to describe friends and guess friends by using the sentence structure情感态度与价值观Let them know “make friends in your life make your life colorful”教学重点1 能够在实际生活中,结合一定的语言情景描述朋友的特征2能正确运he, his, she, her这些代词与物主代词教学难点:Chinese, his的尾音课前准备:Picture video教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1Sing a so

20、ng about Step 2 Preview and Lead in1. show them some pictures and let them guess “tall or short ; big or small thin or strong”2. show them my friend s photo and let them guss the characters A boy or a girl? Tall or short? Look and choose has glasses or not? Who is he /she?Step 3 Presentation1. Show

21、them a picture John has a friend lets guess who is he/she? A boy or girl? Tall or short?2. Listen to the tape and answer the question Who is johns friend? Wu yifan3. Listen to the tape again and answer the question Whats he like? Ss will answer: “Hes a boy .Hes tall and thin .He has glasses. His sho

22、es are blue”4. Look at the picture and teach them He has glasses. His shoes are blue She has Her are5. Make a chant about: He has glasses. His glasses are black He has shoes . His shoes are blue She has Her are6. Listen the third time and imitate7. Work in pairs ask and answer Step 4 Consolidation1.

23、 Work in grops to talk about your friends 2. Describe your friends and make a new dialogue by using the key words and the sentence structureStep 5 Emotion Watch the video about friends and let them know Make friends in your life make your life colorful Step 6 Homework 1. Copy the dialogue and recite

24、2. Introduce your friends to your family Blackboard design:He is She isHe has She hasHis Her第五课时教学内容 Lets learn 教学目标知识与技能听、说、认读短语long hair short hair a green bag blue glasses brown shoes听、说、认读句子My friend has blue glasses. Its Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue.过程与方法学会用适当的形容词描述身边的同学、朋友等。情感态度与价值观培养学生的合作能力

25、,积极运用所学语言表达和交流,教育学生要团结友爱,与人融洽相处。教学重点听、说、认读短语long hair short hair a green bag blue glasses brown shoes教学难点glasses的发音;短语的灵活组合。课前准备:五位同学的图片 录音 课件教学过程一、Warming-up/Review1.Sing a song Color song(review colors)2.复习三年级下册第三单元的表示形状的反义词。3.Free talkTalk about your friends. Hes.Shes.二、Presentation1、借助前面的free ta

26、lk 教师:I have a good friend. Shes tall. She has long hair. But I have short hair.(指着自己的头发)从而引出long hair、 short hair小组间练习。2、Look! This is Amy .Shes our friend .呈现Amy的图片。教师指着Amy的鞋子,领读shoes. What color is it ?Its brown.引出brown shoes.课件上呈现不同颜色的鞋子,让学生试着颜色单词和shoes 的组合。小组内互相说说彼此的鞋子。Look! This is Wu Yifan. .

27、Hes our friend ,too.呈现Wu Yifan的图片。教师指着 Wu Yifan的眼镜,教读glasses.强调es的发音。His glasses are blue.强调blue glasses.4、指着班里某位同学的bag,a green bag.小组内说说彼此的书包颜色。5、打开课本28页,让学生跟读短语。三、Practice教师利用本部分内容,简单描述一个人的外貌,小组内讨论画出大体轮廓。四、Homework用英语描述自己的一位朋友给家长听。板书long hair /short hair /blue glasses/brown shoes第六课时教学内容 Read and

28、write Lets check教学目标知识与技能1、能、听、说、读写本课时第二部分Look, choose and write中的四会单词2、能听、说、认读本课时的重点句型:Whats his/her name? He/She isHe/She has并能在情境中进行运用;3、能运用所学词汇、句子简单描述一位熟悉的朋友或同学。过程和方法1、 通过展示人物图片,给学生复习巩固了上节课所学外貌特征的词汇, 通过小组合作学习, 让学生多说,对所学知识复习巩固,进一步加深学生的印象。2、 通过趣味操练的游戏活动,巩固复习前面所学单词和句型。情感态度与价值观促进学生之间共同了解,提升班级和谐的气氛。教学重点:能运用所学词汇、句子简单描述一位熟悉的朋友或同学。教学难点:理解Whats his/her name?和Who is he/she?的区别及联系,以及本节课单词的听、说、读、写


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