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1、1,Fire Prevention and Protection SWPP Training CACT 消防安全作业规范培训,This SWPP Covers Two Aspects: How to prevent a fire from occurring. What protections are in place to control a fire. 本作业规范讲了以下两个方面内容: 1. 如何预防火灾. 2. 火灾的监测和控制.,2,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Smoking 吸 烟 at Designated area 指

2、定吸烟区,3,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Housekeeping Junction / Switch Box - Properly Closed 接线盒 / 开关盒 - 拧紧螺丝, 封好 Flammable Leaks - Clean Immediately 易燃品泄露 - 立即清理 Open Drains - Maintain Water Seal 地漏- 保持水密封,4,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Storage of Flammables 易燃品的存放,SEAL,

3、LABLE,密封,标签,阴凉,通风,Cool, shaded,Away From 远离,Ignition Source 火源,Process 生产设备,Oxidizer 氧化物,Accommodation,生活区,Normal Operation 日 常 作 业,5,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Storage of Explosive Materials 爆炸品的存放,Be Stored on Quick-release Trays on Platform Edge,存放在平台舷外紧急快速抛海架上,6,General Fire Pr

4、evention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Install / Replace Electrical Components 安装 / 更换电器设备 Check the electrical classification when install / replace electrical components. 安装 / 更换电器设备时注意检查设备的电器安全级别是否满足安装区域对电器的安全级别的要求.,UL Class 1, Division 1,7,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Non-explosive Electr

5、ical Devices 非防爆电器,Not to be used in hazardous classified areas or go through hot work procedure 在有电器安全级别要求的区域使用须申领“热工作业许可证”,8,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Clothes Driers 洗衣房烘干机 Clean Filter Daily 每日清洁过滤网 Do Not Dry Oil-soaked Cloth / Mop 不要烘干油抹布 Clean Oil / Chemical on Coverall befo

6、re Placing into Dry Machine 工衣上的油污/化学药剂洗干净后再烘干 Check the Lighters in Pocket 检查衣兜中的打火机 Remove Clothes from Drier when it Stops 烘干机 停止后立即取出衣物,9,General Fire Prevention Practices 预防火灾 的一般要求,Kitchen 厨 房 Powered Stoves shall not be left unattended. 厨师不能在炉子通电 的情况下离开.,10,Fire Prevention Through Operations

7、生产作业中如何防火,Taking Samples 取 样 Control the Flow Standby the Shut off Valve. 取样时不要离开关断阀门. Prevent Accidental Release Plug All Open-end Connections or Sample Draws Used Less Than Once Per Week. 用堵头堵住所有接头的开口端及使用频率少于一周次的取样点. Prevent Static Electricity Metal Bucket, Bonded to Sample Connection. 防静电火花 用金属桶,

8、 桶与取样点用导线连好.,11,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Critical Process Equipment 关键生产设备 Maintenance / Facility Group: - Identify Critical Equipment 确定关键生产设备 - Develop / Implement Inspection Program 制订/实施定期检查计划,12,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Hot Surfaces 高温管线 / 设备 - Rarely at

9、Temperatures Sufficient to Ignite Flammable Mixture. 很少会达到能引燃燃气的温度. - Many are Hot Enough to Ignite Oil, Lint, Rags, Paper and even Wood. 很多足以引燃 油,抹布,纸甚至木材. - Exposed surfaces in excess of 60C shall be insulated. 有可能接触到液体/固体可燃物,表面温度超过 60 C的管线/设备应加隔热层.,13,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,

10、Pumps / Engines 泵 / 内燃机 - Frequently Inspect Seal, Gland, Gasket leakage and General Cleanliness of Pump. 日常检查泵的密封和清洁. - Annually Inspect and Ensure No Damage due Vibration. 年度检查确保无振动引起的损坏. - Check Motors for Overheating, Sparking, Switches, Overload Protection and Wiring. 马达应检查过热, 火花, 开关, 过载保护及接线.

11、- Exhaust on Combustible Engine No Contact by Lube Oil or other Combustible Materials. 内燃机尾气排放管不要接触润滑油或其它可燃物.,14,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Structures 结构 - Structures Containing Pumps / Piping etc. may possibly Leak Flammables should be well Ventilated. 有可能造成泄露的泵,管线等生产设备所在区域应 保持良好通

12、风. - Any Enclosed Spaces (Platform Legs, Potable Water Tanks, Water / Air Systems) may Contain Explosive Mixture, Gas Test must be Performed before Cutting / Welding on or next to Enclosed Spaces. 海上任何管线 / 罐内都有可能有燃气, 在任何管线 / 罐上热割或焊接都应先对内部进行燃气检测.,15,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Safety

13、 Devices 安全保护装置 All Very Important for Fire Prevention. Inspection / Maintenance shall be Performed no less than Once Per Year. 对防火举足轻重, 检查/保养至少一年一次.,PSV 压力 安全阀,Breather Valve,Regulators 减压阀,Over speed Trips 过速关断,ESD 紧急关断,16,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Safety Devices 安全保护装置,PSV 压力安全

14、阀,Lock or Seal 上锁或铅封,Open Position, 全开状态,17,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Flares 火炬,Be careful,air may get into the fare line and cause explosion!,不要让空气进 入火炬管线!,18,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Flares 火炬,Manual Lighting Flare is Prohibited 严禁人工点火炬,19,Fire Prevention Thr

15、ough Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Draining, Vapor Freeing, Purging Procedures 排空, 清汽, 惰性气体置换程序,Its Hard to Remember! 太复杂,记不住!,No Need to, Review when Perform the Work. 不必牢记,用着时再看.,20,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Control Room, Switchgear Room & L/Q 控制房, 配电房和生活区,GAS 燃气,Positive Pressure,正压,Kee

16、p the Doors Closed to Maintain Positive Pressure! 随手关门,保持室内正压!,21,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Battery Room 电池房,UPS,OXYGEN,电池释放的氢气,Battery Room 电池房,Oxygen is highly explosive, maintain well ventilation 氢气极易爆炸,确保电池房良好通风,22,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Oil Soaked Insula

17、tion 被油浸泡过的隔热层 Auto-ignition can occur if the pipe / vessel is over 200C and the insulation is oil-soaked. Replace oilsoaked insulation, apply water when conduct this work. 温度超过200 C的管线/容器会使沾了油的隔热层发生自燃. 应及时更换沾了油的隔热层. 更换时应洒水防火.,23,Fire Prevention Through Operations 生产作业中如何防火,Heating Coils 加热丝 Submerg

18、ed to Prevent Ignition,为防点火,加热丝不得露出液面,24,Fire Prevention Through Maintenance 维修作业中如何防火,Portable Tools 手动工具 Hot work permit required when use at hazardous areas,如在有防爆等级要求的区域使用须申请热工作业许可证,25,Fire Prevention Through Maintenance 维修作业中如何防火,Fuse 保险丝,DO NOT: Replace when circuit is live Oversize Fuses Short

19、ing out a Fuse,不 要: 带电换保险丝 用大规格的保险丝 将烧坏的保险丝裁 短使用,26,Fire Prevention Through Maintenance 维修作业中如何防火,Repair to Fire Protection/Fire Fighting Equipment 消防设备的修理 - When repair alarm systems, alternative back up protection shall be provided. 在修理报警系统期间要派人监测. - Without the Supervisors approval, fire water sy

20、stem shall not be taken out of service.没有监督批准, 不得 停掉消防水系统.,27,Fire Prevention Through Maintenance 维修作业中如何防火,Repair to Fire Protection / Fire Fighting Equipment 消防设备的修理 - Repair to fire water system shall be tracked daily and given the highest priority. 对消防水系统的修理应当做首要工作并每日 跟踪其进展. - Personnel (Fire Te

21、am) shall be notified when fire protection / fire fighting equipment is taken out of service / return service. 消防设备暂停使用/ 恢复使用应通知消防队.,28,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,The following pages are the pictures of fire detectors, see if you know: What they are Where they are installed How they are operated A

22、sk Instrument Tech. if you have questions. 后面几页是一些探测器的照片, 您是否知道它们: 是什么 安装在哪里 怎样动作 如有疑问请向仪表师请教,29,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,30,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,31,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,32,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,33,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,34,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,35,Fire Detection System 火灾探测系统,Maintenance / Calibration 定期


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