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6、天早上六点,冬季早睡晚起也只是在此基础上微调而已。早晚温差悬殊,老年人要谨慎起居,适当运动,增强对气候变化的适应能力。冬季运动要充分做好热身活动,选择慢跑、快走最适宜。晨练不宜过早。冬季户外运动时,最好选择早上太阳出来之后的8点至9点,或者下午4点到5点之间进行。遇到空气混浊、浓雾遮天的天气,最好不要到户外锻炼,可改在室内进行。此外,锻炼时运动量应由小到大,逐渐增加。此外,锻炼时运动量应由小到大,逐渐增加,尤其是跑步。不宜骤然间剧烈长跑,必须有一段时间小跑,活动肢体和关节,待机体适应后再加大运动量。4、住注重通风保湿室内要经常通风 除了白天要开启门窗,让空气对流外,晚上应开小气窗通风。人体细胞

7、白天分泌高浓度的环磷酸腺苷,可以增强细胞功能;晚上则分泌高浓度的环磷酸鸟苷,具有减弱、抑制细胞功能的作用,所以深夜时人体抵抗力下降,虚弱、患病的人夜晚要特别注意。室内要保湿 房间温度太高而湿度太低,会引起身体不适,极易发生疾病。冬季室内保湿除每日向地上洒些水,或用湿拖把拖地板以增加湿度,也可在散热设施附近放一盆水,让水慢慢蒸发,以保持室内空气湿润。此外,在居室内养几盆花草或是使用加湿器,也可调节室内湿度,使居室内充满清新空气。North snow snow, cooking and endless proverbs, namely due to short day and long night

8、s sake, housewives do three meals a day time almost connected. Old Nanjing is saying called snow pickles, snow bacon, snow to throttle a, every family is busy pickled salted goods, to welcome the new year. So what do you eat?1, lambWinter tonic, the spring tiger, snow remind people to start the toni

9、c, tonic function is to improve the immune function of human body, promote metabolism, improve the chills phenomenon, a healthy winter. The old Nanjing snow cold mutton tonic, tonic, Qi tonic, promote blood circulation, enhance the ability to keep out the cold. Lamb can also increase digestive enzym

10、es to help digest. Experts recommend eating mutton and winter tonic, yam, medlar, more nutritious mix.As for the peoples of the north, this time has been quite cold, like in Baotou area a sentence proverb says snow pig, snow to slaughter a sheep, snow season is pig to prepare special purchases for t

11、he Spring Festival of the moment. This time, no matter who slaughtered livestock, relatives and friends will help, club prepare food, the small wine dinner, dishes, so snow, snow season are family relatives and friends reminisced contact the feelings of the moment.2, red sticky porridgeAfter the sno

12、w temperature gradually turns cool, people outside the house are very pay attention to keep warm, have to wear winter clothes, prevent cold, appear chilblains. Lubei folk Luzhou the top of the door, light drinking red sticky congee argument, meaning cold not stopping, only at home to drink warm Huhu

13、 sweet potato porridge to survive.Porridge can and stomach spleen, run the lung dry, is a good choice for health. Millet gruel there is nourishing yin and stomach, sleep and other effects, the sweet potato is also known as the lack of tonic, Qi, spleen and stomach, strong Yin, less disease and longe

14、vity.3, dog meatAs the saying goes trickery, in fact, the people of Wenzhou have been winter meat Nuanwei, this is dog meat. Winter is the best time to eat dog meat tonic, Daming Materia Medica is yellow dog nourishing benefits to the people, color micro complement records. It is said

15、that the frail drowning child bed, eat one or two times to see the dog. In the past, many people in Wenzhou will serve as a complement to each other in the dog meat.4, against sugarSugar son guest, slowly Tam, small infants with a large class. Whenever the Snow before and after the solar term, Wenzh

16、ou Street will appear a kind of sugar, the scene. Around the workshop will be made of caramel Caramel offered in a full page Tiaodan street vendors, commonly known as sugar son guest.Sugar son off side beat sugar knife, while crying sell sugar. Children are often attracted, parents will be home of c

17、opper scrap, copper copper items such as brought with sugar off exchange caramel. Because winter food is Caramel nourishing the body good, so now this sugar against children is also developed as a way of doing business.Four principles of heavy snow health1, pay attention to food - suitable tonicThe

18、snow season temperatures are lower, but the day the more cold water to drink. Drink plenty of water is conducive to the supply of oxygen, breathing smoothly, to maintain a good physical condition. The winter to drink warm water is appropriate, to drink a glass of water after waking up and before goi

19、ng to bed. In addition to eat green peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables and dark jujube, kiwi, citrus, lemon and other foods rich in vitamin C. Advocate early morning service hot porridge, dinner to go on a diet, in order to raise the stomach. Avoid sticky hard cold winter diet. The

20、 snow season is a good tonic tonic season, mainly divided into food and medicine. Sibu: eat some nourishing food, such as mutton, beef and other meat, but also eat some kidney foods, such as cashew, Gorgon fruit, Chinese yam, ginkgo seed, walnut and so on. In addition, black food such as black fungu

21、s, black sesame, black beans to eat some, they can not only nourishing the kidney can also be resistant to cold and can lungs Sheng Jin. Snow Sibu with tonifying yang, but not too mechanical, should according to its Yin and Yang Qi piansheng partial failure, combined with food to choose. Medicine, e

22、specially the elderly or frail people, the food at the same time, also can use some tonic drugs. Heavy snow solar term commonly used tonic, ginseng, astragalus, donkey hide gelatin, Cordyceps sinensis, Lycium chinense, and meat made with medicated food. Medicine should pay attention to people, becau

23、se, in order to truly achieve the purpose of health. 2, clothing - the focus of attention to joint heatThe heavy snow season focuses on joint warmth. Mostly due to near the joint and tendon, ligament and blood vessel distribution is less tissue and limb is often exposed to the outside,

24、more easily lost temperature, make joint stiffness, poor blood circulation, so more than pain. Therefore, arthritis patients in the winter must strengthen the warmth. If in the winter warm water before going to sleep, not only can Huoxue Tongluo beneficial joint, and Ning Anshen, promote sleep.3, th

25、e line - back to the early morning exercise moderateThe heavy snow season is advised early to bed late. Go to bed early in order to raise the Yang, up late to solid yin. People the best time to rest should be ten oclock at night until the next day at six in the morning and go to bed early evening wi

26、nter is just based on the fine-tuning. Morning and evening temperature difference, the elderly should be careful living, appropriate exercise, to enhance the ability to adapt to climate change.Winter sports should be fully prepared to warm up, choose jogging, brisk walking is the most appropriate. I

27、t is premature to morning exercises. Winter outdoor sports, the best choice in the morning sunPoints to do warm-up activities, choose jogging, brisk walking is the most appropriate. It is premature to morning exercises. Winter outdoor sports, the best choice in the morning when the sun comes to 8 po

28、ints, or 4 pm to 5 points between the 9 points. Encountered in the air, thick fog cover the weather, it is best not to go out to exercise, can be changed in the interior. In addition, the exercise exercise should be gradually increased from. In addition, exercise, exercise should be from small to la

29、rge, gradually increased, especially in the running. Not all of a sudden violent run must trot for a period of time, physical activity and joint, standby after adaptation to increase amount of exercise.4, live - pay attention to ventilation and moistureIndoor ventilation in addition to the day to open


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