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1、Translation评分标准,翻译:解题步骤,例如:_(她目不转睛地看着窗外),she told us that our friend Tom had died in the air crash. 【解析】划线部分不是一个句子,而是一个状语成分,必须使用非谓语结构或独立主格结构。 Staring out of the window;,step1: 通读全句,step 2. 审查时态,例如:Since were here _(我们不如四处看看). 【解析】 前半句一个条件状语从句,因此划线部分应该是主句,有完整的主谓结构,而且全句使用的是一般现在时态 。 we may as well look

2、 around.,step3. 组织语言,例如:By contrast,American parents were more likely _(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent. 【解析】本题考查be likely to do sth.“很可能做”和attribute sth. to sb. “将归因于”的用法 to attribute their childrens success to,step 4. 重新审视,确认自己翻译的部分与题目给出的英文部分已构成了一个语法正确、达意清晰的句子。还应该重点检查句首字母的大写、冠词和代词的使用以及主谓一致的问题。,翻译 评分标准,1.

3、整体内容和语言均正确,得1分。 2.结构正确,但整体意思不确切、信息不全或用词不当,得0.5分。 3.整体意思正确但语言有错误,得0.5分。 4.整体意思完全错误,即使结构正确也不得分。 5.大小写错误及标点符号忽略不计。,87. Only when you have passed the tests required _(你才能申请驾照),88. Working mother today feel it is difficult to _(保持事业和家庭之间的平衡),89. We _(本来可以避免犯这个愚蠢的错误),but we didnt follow his advice.,90. He

4、 is well into his thirties. Its about time he_(安顿下来,开始创业),91. If you _(发现自己在排长队等候) at a supermarket checkout counter, are you likely to get impatient?,87. Only when you have passed the tests required _(你才能申请驾照),0分 1.you can apply for your license (语言错误,信息不全) 2.you can apply to the diver passport car

5、efully(语言错误,局部信息有误) 3. then you can get your/apply the drive license(语言错误,局部信息有误) 4.you just can bring the driving card(信息错误) 5.can you reply a license card(信息错误),87. Only when you have passed the tests required _(你才能申请驾照),0.5分 1.can you apply for a drivers card/diploma/passport. (意思不确切) 2.can you a

6、pply for a divers password/post(局部信息有误) 3.you can apply for the divers license(语言错误) 4.can you apply for a license (信息不全) 5.can you apply for divers license (语言错误) 6.can you apply for a drive/driver license(语言错误) 7.can you apply to the driving license(语言错误) 8.that/if you could apply for a drive lice

7、nse(语言错误) 9.can you apply a drivers license (局部信息有误),87. Only when you have passed the tests required _(你才能申请驾照),1分 1.can you apply for the driving license/ a driving license 2. could you ask for a driving certificate 3.can you make a drivers license application 4. can you have the qualification to

8、apply for a driving licence 5. will you be allowed to apply for a drivers license.,88. Working mother today feel it is difficult to _(保持事业和家庭之间的平衡),0分 1. keep benifit with work and family(信息错误) 2.be benefit of job and family(信息错误),88. Working mother today feel it is difficult to _(保持事业和家庭之间的平衡),0.5分

9、 1. keep balance between business/working and family(语言错误) 2. keep the balance between a career and a family(语言错误) 3.make a balance between the work and the family(语言错误) 4. have a balance between your work and your family(语言错误) 5.remain the job and home balanced(语言错误) 6.keep the balance between caus

10、e and family(意思不确切) 7.cope with the balance of family and job(意思不确切),88. Working mother today feel it is difficult to _(保持事业和家庭之间的平衡),1分 1.keep/maintain/strike the balance between career and family. 2. keep (the) balance between/of family and career 3.balance (between) their careers and families 4.

11、balance the relationship between work and home 5. keep the job and family balanced/in balance 6. coordinate the work and family,89. We _(本来可以避免犯这个愚蠢的错误),but we didnt follow his advice.,0 1. could avoid this error(信息不全,语言错误) 2.could avoided the wrong of very foolish at first(信息错误) 3. should hadnt tak

12、e the mistake(信息错误) 4. would havent avoided to make that silly mistake(意思相反),89. We _(本来可以避免犯这个愚蠢的错误),but we didnt follow his advice.,0.5分 1.could have avoided this stupid fault(意思不确切) 2.should have avoided this foolish mistake(意思不确切) 3.could have prevented /escaped the foolish mistake(意思不确切) 4.coul

13、d have avoided taking the mistake(局部信息错误) 5.could have avoided to make this foolish mistake (语言错误) 6.can have avoided this fool mistake(语言错误) 7. could have avoided making suchsilly mistake 8. may be avoid of making this fool mistake(语言错误),89. We _(本来可以避免犯这个愚蠢的错误),but we didnt follow his advice.,1分 1

14、. could have avoided making/commiting the stupid mistake 2. would have avoided the stupid mistake 3. could have avoided this foolish error 4. could have avoided making such a stupid mistake,90. He is well into his thirties. Its about time he_(安顿下来,开始创业),0分 1.start his business 2. settles down and st

15、arts working (语言错误,信息不确切) 3.settles down and begins to make big business (信息错误) 4. stay her and for begain work(信息错误) 5. keep quiet to start work/creation(信息错误) 6.sets himself to start his own job(信息错误),90. He is well into his thirties. Its about time he_(安顿下来,开始创业),0.5分 1.settling down and starting

16、 his career(语言错误) 2.settle down and start a career(语言错误) 3. settles down and begins his career(语言错误) 4. begin to settle down and found his own business(语言错误) 5. should settle down and start his business.(语言错误),90. He is well into his thirties. Its about time he_(安顿下来,开始创业),1分 1. settled down and sta

17、rted his business 2.settled down and started his career/company 3. settled down and founded/established/set up/began his own business,91. If you _(发现自己在排长队等候) at a supermarket checkout counter, are you likely to get impatient?,0分 1.found you are waiting for a long team (语言错误、局部信息有误) 2. find yourself

18、 to stand in the line(语言错误、信息不全) 3.find to yourself waitting for the long qude (语言错误、局部信息有误) 4.noticed yourself waiting too long (语言错误、局部信息有误) 5.find himeself waiting by turns/in line(信息错误) 6.find you will wait and some many people in your front(信息错误) 7.found yourself had waited for a long turn(信息错误

19、),91. If you _(发现自己在排长队等候) at a supermarket checkout counter, are you likely to get impatient?,0.5分 1.find yourself waiting in long queue(语言错误) 2.find you were waiting in a long queue(语言错误) 3. find yourself waited/is waiting in a long line(语言错误) 4.find yourself after a long queue(局部信息不确切) 5.find you

20、 are waiting in a long team(局部信息有误) 6.find the line is long(意思不确切) 7. find you are (standing) in a long line to wait(语言错误) 8.found you waiting the lone line(语言错误) 9.find yourself taking a lone line to wait(语言错误) 10.find you are waiting in queue/line(语言错误),91. If you _(发现自己在排长队等候) at a supermarket ch

21、eckout counter, are you likely to get impatient?,1分 1.find/find out/realize you are waiting in a long queue 2. find out you are waiting in a/the long line 3.find yourself queuing up 4.find yourself (standing ) in a long line,82. _(不管中国变得多么强大), it will constitute no threat to any other country.,83. S

22、uccess in life does not depend so much on ones school records_(而是靠其勤奋和坚持),84. _(他们要是此刻在这就好了),we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary,85. In recent years, with his business booming, he _(给慈善事业捐来 大笔的钱),86. Without the atmosphere, we _(将被迫寻找躲避太阳的藏身之处),as there would be nothing to protec

23、t us from its deadly rays?,82. _(不管中国变得多么强大), it will constitute no threat to any other country.,0分 1. Even China becomes very strong 2. Nevertheless China becomes how strong 3. However China poverty becomes 4. No matter how strange China become 5. Nevertheless strong of China become,(信息错误),(信息错误),(

24、信息错误),(信息错误),(信息错误),82. _(不管中国变得多么强大), it will constitute no threat to any other country.,0.5 1.No matter how strong China is /has become/could be/would be 2. No matter how stronger China becomes 3.No matter how strong as China being 4.No matter how strong has China been/will China become 5.Whatever

25、 strong China would be 6. No matter how strength China would be 7.No matter How strong china turn into 8. In spite of /Despite how strong China becomes,(意思不确切),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),82. _(不管中国变得多么强大), it will constitute no threat to any other country.,1分 1. No matter how s

26、trong China becomes 2. However strong China gets/is becoming 3. No matter how strong China is going to be/will be/may be 4. No matter how powerful China turns (to be) 5. No matter how strong and powerful China gets,83. Success in life does not depend so much on ones school records_(而是靠其勤奋和坚持),0分 1.

27、but on ones working hard and resisting on one thing 2.but on ones hard word and resistance /maintaining it 3.but depend on ones hard word and insistance /resis/always heart 4. while it deply on deligence and insistence 5. but depends on ones intelligence and insistance,(语言错误,局部信息有误),(语言错误,局部信息有误),(语

28、言错误,局部信息有误),(语言错误,局部信息有误),(语言错误,局部信息有误),83. Success in life does not depend so much on ones school records_(而是靠其勤奋和坚持),0.5分 1.but depend s/relies on ones deligence and persistence 2. but ondiligence adn perserverance 3. but it depend on ones hard work and persistent,(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),83. Success

29、in life does not depend so much on ones school records_(而是靠其勤奋和坚持),1分 1. as on ones diligence and persistence 2. as on ones hard work and persistence 3. as on working hard and not giving up,84. _(他们要是此刻在这就好了),we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary,0分 1.If they are right now here 2.I

30、f they had been here at this momet 3. How well were they here now,(信息错误),(信息错误),(信息错误),84. _(他们要是此刻在这就好了),we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary,0.5 分 1.It is good/nice/if they were here at this moment 2. It will/would/should be great if they are here for this moment 3.If only they

31、are here now/this moment 4. Only if they were here 5.If only they were here at present 6.If they were here 7.If only they arrived at that time,(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(语言错误),(意思不确切),(意思不确切),(意思不确切),84. _(他们要是此刻在这就好了),we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary,1分 1.If only they were here no

32、w 2.If only they were here at the moment/right now 3. If only they were here,85. In recent years, with his business booming, he _(给慈善事业捐来 大笔的钱),o分 1.has contribute many meney to the business which is help somebody without faceback. 2.has given a huge mount of money to 3. donates a lot to charity 4.

33、lend lots of money to contribute the goodness,(局部信息有误、语言错误),(语言错误,信息不全),(语言错误,意思不确切),(信息错误),85. In recent years, with his business booming, he _(给慈善事业捐来 大笔的钱),0.5分 1.has donated many/a large quantity of /a large number of /a host of money to the charity 2.has donated a large sum of money to charity

34、career/the charity industry/ the charity enterprise/mercy industry/the society/public caring/the welfare/social helping project/the federal fund/the cherished business 3.has denated /allocated/distributed/raised/delivered lots of money to charity 4.has donated a sum of money to the charity 5.has bee

35、n donating much of money to the charity 6.gives lots of money away to charity 7.had denoated mucy of money to the charistic,85. In recent years, with his business booming, he _(给慈善事业捐来 大笔的钱),1分 1.has donated large sums of money to charity 2. has donated much/a lot of/ a large sum of /a large amount

36、of /plenty of/big money to charity 3. has donated lots of money to the charity/charity organizations/charity work/charity business 4.donated a condierable amount of money for charity 5 has made a donation to a great/big deal of money for charities. 6.has contributed /given away a lot of money to cha

37、rity,Without the atmosphere, we _(将被迫寻找躲避太阳的藏身之处),as there would be nothing to protect us from its deadly rays.,0分 1. have to look for shelters not accessible to the sun 2.have to find the place to prevent the sun 3.are pushed to find somewhere to hide the sun 4.would had been forced to look for a shield to escape the sun 5. are forced to find shuttle whe


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