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1、,第七章 旅游文本的翻译,第一节 英汉旅游文本的 语篇特点,(一)谋篇布局策略不同,(二)遣词造句各有特色,(三)文化信息共性程度不大,第一节 英汉旅游文本的语篇特点,A:,原文: 在四川阿坝藏族自治州的南坪、松潘等县的交界处,有一片纵深30余公里的风景区,那就是举世闻名的大熊猫的故乡九寨沟自然保护区。,译文: Jiuzhaigou, a 30-odd-kilometre-long scenic gully, lies on the border between Nanping and Songpan counties in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefect

2、ure, Sichuan Province. It is the natural range of the world-known great panda, as well as anature reserve designated by the state.,第一节 英汉旅游文本的语篇特点,A:,A:,中华大地,江河纵横;华夏文化,源远流长轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼,连成一片的水晶宫,是仙境?是梦境?仰视彩鸽翻飞,低眸漂灯留霓,焰火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋,千姿百态,气垫船腾起一江春湖,射击手点破满天彩球,跳伞健儿绽空中花蕾,抢鸭勇士谱水上凯歌啊,城是不

3、夜城,龙舟会是群英会!,It would be foolish to deny that New York city is without some negative elements. However for the average visitor to this magnificent place, with a little advance planning and some common sense, only the positive elements need to be experienced. As far as the negative images are concerne

4、d, it should be said that New York city has been very much cleaned up since the well publicized urban decay that reached its culmination in the 70s.,原文: 在中国一提到孔子,上至白发苍苍的老人,下至天真幼稚的顽童,无人不知,无人不晓,人们为了纪念他,在许多地方都建有祭祀他的寺庙,天津也不例外。,译文: Confucius is a house-hold name in China. Temples in memory of him could b

5、e found everywhere in China and Tianjin is no exception.,原文: 姑苏城外,湖泊河流,星罗棋布,河巷纵横,各具特色的桥梁鳞次栉比,举目入画。建筑傍水而立,幽静雅逸,形成了水乡城市的独特风貌。,译文: Outside Suzhou Rivers, lakes and artificial waterways spread all over the place. The canals are spanned with small bridges with distinct features. If you look round, you wi

6、ll enjoy the view of picturesque beauty. The quiet, elegant waterside buildings have assumed the unique feature of a water city.,原文: 黄山自古云成海,流动在千峰万壑之中,浩瀚天际,壮丽非凡。峰尖浮海,犹如孤屿,时隐时现,似见非见,瞬息万变,气象万千。变幻莫测的石海与朝霞、落日相映,色彩斑斓,壮美瑰丽。,译文: The clouds float over the mountain and among its peaks and gullies like a sea

7、in which the peaks from time to time appear and disappear,often in the twinkling of a moment,like isolated small island. The cloud sea is even more splendid at sunrise and sunset.,A:,原文: 西湖犹如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。,译文: The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves

8、 of enchanting beauty.,原文: “人间仙境”桃花源,位于湖南省常德市西南40公里处,南倚武陵,中贯国道,北临沅水,要居湖南省诸风景名胜区之枢纽,系湖南省十大风景名胜区之一。,译文: Taohuayuan(the land of Peach Blossoms) located about 40kilometers to the southwest of Changde City, is among the ten well-known scenic spots in Hunan Province. It is a thoroughfare to the other plac

9、es, with Mount Wuling on the south, the Yuan River on the north, and the national roads through its area.,原文: 海南椰雕产生于唐代,流行于海南岛的手工艺品,将椰壳雕刻成日用品,如茶壶、套盒等。古代,人们用椰壳做成简单的容器。到了明清时期,其工艺日渐精细,有了装饰线条、浮雕、镶嵌、做片与彩画。,原文: 海南椰雕产生于唐代,流行于海南岛的手工艺品,将椰壳雕刻成日用品,如茶壶、套盒等。古代,人们用椰壳做成简单的容器。到了明清时期,其工艺日渐精细,有了装饰线条、浮雕、镶嵌、做片与彩画。,译文:

10、Originating from the Tang Dynasty, coconut carving features a handicraft of rich varity popular in Hainan Island. It referred to utensils of daily use, like a teapot and casket carved out of the coconut shell. In ancient times, coconut shells were used to make just simple containers. It was not unti

11、l the late Ming and the early Qing dynasties that coconut carving gradually became both professional and artistic enough to illustrate more exquisite articles with decorative lines, relief, inlaying, segmenting, and colored drawing.,第一节 英汉旅游文本的语篇特点,A:,A:,A:,第二节 英汉旅游文本互译的 翻译策略,(一)重新调整句式结构, 兼顾视点转换,(二)

12、增、删、变通文化信息, 服务于跨文化传播目的,(三)潜心探究文化底蕴, 注重本土文化传播,第二节 英汉旅游文本互译的翻译策略,A:,原文: Here in New Hampshire there are many opportunities to find a peaceful spot hidden among the lush forests of tall evergreens and hare-woods or next to a rambling brook or pictorial lake.,译文: 新罕布尔什州森林茂密,绿树常青,小溪蜿蜒曲折,湖边风景如画,到处都是宁静的好去处

13、。,原文: The sky reflected in the water turned the Seine into a lovely shade of blue which trembled in the hazy sunshine filtering through leafy branches of the trees lining the rivers edge.,译文: 天空映照在水而上,给塞纳河染上了一层怡人的蓝色;朦胧的阳光透过两岸枝繁叶茂的树木,照得河水碧波荡漾。,A:,原文: 满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花朵味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的

14、四季桂;竞相开放,争艳媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。,译文: The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.,原文: 上海博物馆有馆藏珍贵文物12万件,包括青铜器、陶瓷器了、书法、绘画、雕塑、家具、玉牙器、竹木漆器、甲骨、玺印

15、、钱币、少数民族工艺等21个门类,其中青铜器、陶瓷器和书画为馆藏二大特色。,译文: With bronze ware, ceramics and paintings and works of calligraphy as its distinctive collections, Shanghai Museum boasts 120,000 pieces of rare and precious cultural relics in 21 categories,including bronze ware,ceramics,calligraphy, paintings, sculpture, fu

16、rniture, jade and ivory carvings, bamboo and wood carvings, lacquer ware, oracle bones, seals, coins, and handicrafts of ethnic art.,原文: 五供 古代象征石雕祭器。中间是香炉,三足圆鼎形式,炉盖雕云龙。两侧是烛台和花瓶。,译文: Wu Gong (Five Offerings) These are the ancient symbolic sacrificial utensils carved out of stone: in the middle is a i

17、ncense burner, a round tripod with dragon and cloud carved on the cover; on the two sides are candlesticks and vases.,第二节 英汉旅游文本互译的翻译策略,A:,第二节 英汉旅游文本互译的翻译策略,A:,原文: The harbor looked most beautiful in its semi-circle hills and half-lights. The color of a pearl gray and a fairy textureThis Arctic scenery has a beauty which is the exact antithesis of the Christmas card of tradition. Soft, melting halftones. Nothing brittle of garish.,译文: 只见海港怀抱于半圆形小山丛中,煞是好看,朦朦胧胧,一片


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