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3、专科学校录取后,与2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试录取的考生享受同等待遇。一经录取,不得参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试。内容声明:本河北承德石油高等专科学校单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学!2016年承德石油高等专科学校单招模拟题(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)选择题(每题4分,共100分):第1题: Passage D Housing price in China has always aroused heated di

4、scussions among housing developers and ordinary Chinese. To many developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 9,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is e

5、ven higher than that in the United States. This shows that there are some bubble(泡沫) in Chinese real estate (房地产) market, the International Finance News reported.Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted to Renmenbi, is about 9.000 yuan per square meter,

6、the houses in the US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 9,000yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese

7、cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, houses are sold at a price even higher than those in the US. The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in the US in term

8、s of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American peoples average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese people afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that of sold in the US?At t

9、he beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. In 2011, in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans(贷款)and lands to propert

10、y developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fundraising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple ways, it is expected that the high housing prices per square meter can be lower.Acc

11、ording to the passage , what is the average housing price per square meter in China?A. 9,000 yuanB. 10,000yuanC. 8,000yuanD. Its not mentioned here.【正确答案】D讲解:【解析】文章提到了美国平均每平方米的房价,也说到了中国的房价比美国的还要高,但并没说中国的平均房价是多少。第2题:下列各组句子中加横线词的解释有误的一项是( )A.六艺经传皆通习之(传记) B.至丹以荆卿为计,始速祸焉(加速) C.微夫人之力不及此 (如果没有) D.与赢而不助五国也

12、(亲附)【正确答案】B讲解:速:招致第3题:下列词语没有错别字的一项是( )A.毕躬毕敬 按部就班 防患未然 雷霆万钧B.不记其数 发奋图强 和盘托出 恍然大悟C.荒谬绝伦 琅琅上口 滥竽充数 死心塌地D.故弄悬虚 东拼西凑 哄堂大笑 破釜沉舟【正确答案】C讲解:A项“躬”应为“恭”B项“记”应为“计”D项“悬”应为“玄”第4题:A. recognize B. answer C. believe D. expect【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】 recognize 之前见过,现在认不出来。第5题:Qin Shihuang thought the Great Wall could_.A. keep

13、 the enemy out of his country B. keep his body in itC. be visited by all the people D. make his country beautiful【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】第三段最后一句可知选A第6题:下列表述中,不符合文意的一项是()A.我们所说的地震前动物异常行为事件与地震有关,是指相当数量异常事件的统计概念,也即从大量的偶然事件中总结出的一般规律,并非指某一起B.地震的短临前兆现象,指的是动物异常行为事件在前兆时间里主要或集中出现在地震前一天之内,也有短至几分钟的,长至数天或十几天的。C.1976年7月28

14、日唐山大地震前一些动物出现的异常行为现象完全与地震有关,不是巧合,不需要进一步观察研究。D.发现动物异常现象后,不是积极采取一定的防震措施,而是感到疑惑不解,在观望或在追赶动物的过程中消极等待地震发生,是由于缺乏动物震前预兆知识造成的。【正确答案】C讲解:见原文第二段首句:“当然有一些特殊现象是否与地震有关,还是巧合,尚待进一步观察研究。”第7题: Passage B It hurts me more than you and This is for your own good are what my mother used to say years ago when I had to lea

15、rn French, clean my room, stay at home and do homework. However, today the story is quite different. Most parents take a let-alone policy. We parents stopped making our children do homework. We gave them computers, turned on the TV for them, left the teaching to the teachers and took them to go on h

16、e to know that weve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher says of her students-so passive(被动的) and believes their passivity has something to do with TV. We are talking about a generation of children who have never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will do it for them. In

17、stead of saying go and do it yourself you tell them the answer. It takes great courage to say no to child. Yes, its time for parents to end their holidays and come back to work. Its time to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts me more than you and its for your own good. Its time to start telling t

18、hem no again.When the writer was a child, his mother _.A. was very strict with himB. took a let-alone policyC. offered him enough time for playD. didnt take good care of him【正确答案】A讲解:从第一段妈妈让作者学法语,打扫房间,待在家里做作业可知妈妈很严格。第二段作者通过对比现在的家长和自己的妈妈,可以看出以前妈妈要求严格。选A第8题:We can read such a passage in .A. a newspape

19、r B. a textbook C. a storybook D. a novel【正确答案】A讲解:试题分析:这篇文章是网站招聘自愿者的广告,包括要求,工作性质等。选A第9题:_ taken my advice, you _ now.A. If you have; wouldnt regret B.If you had; wouldnt have regrettedC. If you had ; wouldnt regret D. You had; wouldnt regret【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】句义:如果你当时听从我的建议,现在就不会后悔了。虚拟语气,从句与过去事实相反,用过去完成

20、时。主句与现在事实相反,用情态动词would,should,could等加一个与从句一致的动词形式,本句用完成时。第10题:下列有关文学常识表述有误的一项是( )A.初唐四杰是指杜牧、王勃、骆宾王、王维。 B.普希金,俄国诗人,俄罗斯近代文学的奠基者。 C.茅盾,现代著名作家,其代表作有长篇小说子夜、中篇小说林家铺子。 D.蒲松龄,清代小说家。他的代表作聊斋志异是我国古代优秀的文言短篇小说集。【正确答案】A讲解:A选项为王勃、杨炯、骆宾王、卢照邻第11题:A. turn up B. show off C. come on D. go away【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】turn up 词组,表

21、示出现的意思。这里要注意破折号表示解释说明,我不是很忙,因为我的病人在appointed hour 里面没有出现。appoint 这个词除了任命的意思,还有约时间的意思。B. show off 是炫耀的意思。第12题:Everyone _ a good time now.A. has B. are having C. is having D.have【正确答案】C讲解:now 是现在进行时标志。Everyone是不定代词,当三单对待。选C第13题:The Winners Club offers some convenient services EXCEPT _.Amanaging your a

22、ccount at home Busing handy tellersCusing the phone and the Internet Dborrowing money from the bank【正确答案】D讲解:【解析】在convenient一段中我们可以知道ABC正确,D未提及。第14题:A. showed B. writes C. shows D. show【正确答案】C讲解:她给学生看了一块白板上面用汉语写了一首诗。主语三单且通篇时态为一般现在时。选C第15题:You_ be late for school again.A. dont have to B. neednt C. mu

23、stnt D. dont need to【正确答案】C讲解:学生上学不能迟到。这是强制要求。Mustnt表禁止,千万不要。选C第16题:A. knew B. opened C. had D. passed【正确答案】B讲解:这所学校是三年前成立的。选B第17题:下列各句中的成语使用恰当的一项是( )A世界卫生组织的官员说,非典疫苗在最近几个月内问世是不言而喻的。B6月1日,三峡工程下闸蓄水了,人们通过电视转播目睹了这一前所未有的壮观。C他无论在什么场合说话都咬文嚼字,这种认真的态度是值得提倡的。D走进书店,各种各样的中考辅导资料令考生和家长应接不暇。【正确答案】B讲解:A不言而喻意为不用说就明

24、白,在这里不恰当;C咬文嚼字为贬义;D应接不暇的对象是事务。第18题:A.narrowly B.hardly C.always D.therefore【正确答案】C讲解:【解析】比赛中你并不是总是赢,从输中也可以学到一些东西。C第19题: Passage A Are you interested in country music? I like it very much !It will take me away for a while after I am tired .The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields. C

25、ountry music usually talks of everyday life and feelings. Its the spirit of America ,easy to understand ,slow and simple. Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of American countryside. Many of songs tell about the lives of farmers .They talk about love, crops or death. The life of the countryside can be hard, so the words in country music are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. B


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