高中英语 Unit1 Building the future Project 牛津译林版选修10_第1页
高中英语 Unit1 Building the future Project 牛津译林版选修10_第2页
高中英语 Unit1 Building the future Project 牛津译林版选修10_第3页
高中英语 Unit1 Building the future Project 牛津译林版选修10_第4页
高中英语 Unit1 Building the future Project 牛津译林版选修10_第5页
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1、整理课件,A gift for the future,Unit,1,Project,整理课件,Unit 1,课件描述,Help students know the importance of sustainable development and some particular forms of renewable energy. 2. Learn some important words and expressions. 3. Get ready for the classroom display about the report of what your city/town is doin

2、g to support sustainable development,整理课件,Introduction,整理课件,How can we live in the future,整理课件,What do these areas need badly,development,In order to improve peoples lives and to reduce poverty, it is important for countries to develop,整理课件,Do you know some particular forms of renewable energy,整理课件,

3、整理课件,整理课件,中海油内蒙古天野化工(集团)有限责任公司以气代油改变合成氨原料路线,脚踏、手摇两用发电机,整理课件,Pair work Focus on the title first and discuss the questions. What is the gift for the future? What do you think we can give for the future,整理课件,Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of this article and how it is organized,title,imp

4、ortance of sustainable development,Para 13,sources of energy including fossil fuels and renewable energy,Para 410,A gift for the future,Listening,整理课件,Answer the following questions. What do you think of development in the past? It polluted the environment and wasted natural resources,Silent reading

5、,Read the article carefully and finish the exercises below,整理课件,2) Compared to development in the past, what are the advantages of sustainable development? It is long-term planning which focus on the environment and preserving natural resources. It is all about creating better health care, education

6、, housing and improved standards of living for everyone,整理课件,Sustainable development is defined as balancing the fulfillment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. This linkage between enviro

7、nment and development was first set rolling in a major way only in 1980, when the International Union for the Conservation of Nature published the World Conservation Strategy and used the term sustainable development,整理课件,The concept went on to find its most august expression in the 1987 report of t

8、he Brundtland Commissionformally, the World Commission on Environment and Development. Set up by the United Nations General Assembly, Brundtland coined what has bee the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without promising the ab

9、ility of future generations to meet their own needs.1The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into four constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability and political sustainability,整理课件,3) What might happen in the future to the c

10、urrent sources of energy? Our future and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be in danger. There will be an increase in pollution, global warning and acid rain,整理课件,use the suns natural energy to provide heat, light, hot water and electricity,solar energy,renewable; never run out; help

11、the environment,整理课件,wind energy,hydroelectricity,pump water and grind wheat; generate electricity,renewable; never run out; help the environment,use the force of the water flow to produce electricity,整理课件,Useful Expressionsput into practice,Weve made our plans, and now we must put them into practic

12、e. 我们已订好计划,现在应付诸实施了。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice. 他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现,整理课件,put into put into action使行动起来 put into execution实现,实行 put into words用语言表达 put into shape使成形,整理课件,on top of=in addition; besides,这个星期他过得很糟糕。他丢了工作,不但如此,自行车也被偷了,He had a bad week. He lost his

13、 job, and on top of that, his bicycle was stolen,整理课件,on top of the world = extremely happy,When I heard that she had been released, I felt on top of the world,听说他被释放的消息,我感觉非常高兴,整理课件,Discussion,Planning,Preparing,1. Form a group of 4 members. 2. Every member should get involved in the research,1. Discuss the information from various sources on the topic. 2. Decide what to include and what to leave out,整理课件,Discussion,Producing,Presenting,1. Draw an outline of your display. 2. Use some examples or statistics to help you. 3. Use some illustr


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