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1、My Favourite Wonder,How long is the Great Wall? How wide is the Great Wall? How high is the Great Wall,Its 6000 kilometres long,Its between 4 and 5 meters wide,Its between 6 and 7 meters high,the Changjiang River 6300千米,the Huangguoshu Waterfalls 78米,101米,the Grand Canyon,the Yellow Mountain 1864米,M

2、odule 1 Wonders of the world Unit 2 the Grand Canyon was not just big,Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions: 1. Which country is the Grand Canyon in? How do you know? 2. What is the writers opinion of the Grand Canyon,The Colorado River,It is in America,Its the greatest wonder

3、of the natural world,klr:du,科罗拉多河,Part 3Choose the correct answer. 1) Where does the passage possibly come from? a) A magazine. b) A grammar book. c) A dictionary. d) A storybook. 2) Why was there nothing to see? a) Because there was nothing to see? b) Because it was too dark. c) Because it was rain

4、ing. d) Because it was in the moring,3) Which direction was the writer facing while he was looking over the Grand Canyon? a) South. b) North. c) East. d) West . 4) What is the writers purpose in writing this passage? a) To give facts about the natural world. b) To say how he feels about the natural

5、world. c) To tell an interesting story about the Grand Canyon. d) To attract people to visit the Grand Canyon,4. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Below mile remain reply sign silent sky stream through In the dark, there is no (1) _ of the Grand Canyon, and it is (2) _. But if you (3)

6、_by the Grand Canyon as the (4) _ gets brighter and look down about one (5)_, you can see the Colorado River (6) _ you. It looks like a silver (7) _ as it passes (8) _ the rocks at the bottom of the canyon. If someone asks you whether the Grand Canyon is the greatest wonder of the natural world, it

7、may be easy to (9) _,sign,silent,remain,sky,mile,below,stream,through,reply,look down to,look across to,look to my left,look to my right,look over,Read the first part carefully and finish the following,When I _, it was early morning and it _. I looked to the east the sky was _. I _ the car, _ a gate

8、 and walked along a dark path. There was _, but I knew it was there,arrived,was raining,becoming grey,got out of,went through,nothing to see,Read the second part carefully and answer the following: 1 Who did I meet? 2 What does “replied” mean? 3 How soon will I get there? 4 Could I see the Grand Can

9、yon when I came to some rocks,I met a stranger beside the path,It means ”answered,I will get there in five minutes,No, I couldnt,Read the third part carefully and finish the form,the clouds,the rain,the sun,the ground,I,cleared,stopped,rose behind me and shone on the rocks,fell away and down to a ri

10、ver,Looking across the Grand Canyon,Read the fourth and the fifth part carefully and answer the following,How deep is it? How wide is it? How long is it? 4 .What does the writer think of the Grand Canyon,Its about one mile deep,Its fifteen miles wide, maybe more,Its over 200 miles long,The Grand Can

11、yon is the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world,Recite the test,I arrived.early morning/ raining looked to the got out of.went through.walked along. I (go on walking) after a mile.a stranger appeared. .?I asked, He knew. yes, he replied .in five minutes finally, I .came to/ stoppe

12、d.looked over.silent,nothing,no sign,suddenly.stopped/ .cleared .rose ./ shone. Far below me.fell away/down. I was looking across,Step 3 Important phrases,从里面出来 穿越 3. 五分钟后 4.从上面看过去 5. 突然向下倾斜 6. 向下看 7. 在的上面 8. 在的底部 9. 向某人左侧看 10. 自然界最伟大的奇迹,get out of go through in five minutes look over fall away look

13、 down to on top of at the bottom of look to my left the greatest wonder of the natural world,1. 到达 arrive at (相对较小的)地方 arrive in (相对较大的)地方 get to reach * 没有地方名时只能用 arrive,Step 2 Important Points,他们将在明天早上10点到达广州. 我昨晚9点到家的. Do you know when he _ last night,They _ Guangzhou at ten tomorrow morning,will

14、 arrive in / get to / reach,I _ home at nine last night,arrived / got / reached,A. arrive at B. reach C. arrived,Important Points,2. through (从里面)穿过 across (从表面)跨过, 越过 go across = cross,The light _ the windows and made the room bright. The old man _ the road slowly,A. went across B. went through C.

15、go through,A. crossed B. go across C. across,Important Points,in + 时间段 (从现在起的时间之内 常用将来时,He left London _ two days. He will come here _ a week. I _ my homework in two hours,A. in; after B. after; in C. before; in,A. finished doing B. will finish do C. will finish doing,Important Points,4. “Yes,” he r

16、eplied, “youll get there in five minutes,reply to sb/sth =answer sb/sth 回答某人/某事,Who can reply to my question? = Who can answer my question? 谁能回答我的问题? 2) Why dont you reply to me? =Why dont you answer me? 你为什么不回答我呀? reply + that从句 回答到 1) I replied that I couldnt help them. 我回答说我帮不到他们的忙,5. I looked ca

17、refully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything. look over 从上面看过去 1 She looked over the top of the mountain, and saw different trees. 从山顶上看过去,她看见了不同的树。 补充:look over 检查 1 Can you look over my composition for me? 你能帮我检查一下我的作文吗? 2 The doctor is looking over him. 医生正在为他检查,6.There was nothing to see. 没有什么可以看到。 to see 为动词see 的不定式,作定语修饰nothing e.g. 1.我没有什么事情可以做。 I have nothing _. 2. 这里没有什么可以吃。 There is nothing to eat. 3.这个问题很难解决。 This problem is difficult to solve,to do,


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